Becky's gospel music site
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Becky's gospel music site

Music Quotes

As you can see I love gospel music. Having been raised in a christian home over the years I have pondered some interesting thoughts regarding music and its affects on the lives of people and the wonderful gift that God has blessed us with as a means to praise, worship, and to call out to him as well as touch lives of those that are hurting around us.

Some of the thoughts that come to mind is the way that God uses people and blesses them with the ability to convey his message through song, for instance have you ever really listened to the words of many of our gospel songs, and heard the depth of the message and not who the indivdual artist is or how famous they are. Just to know that God cares so much that he would use people, and give them the ability to write songs that can touch the very core of our souls and bring us back into the reality of realization that God is there, and that he cares.

For those that may never sing professionally one thought comes to mind. Imagine the massive choir that will be singing round the throne when we all get home, pretty amazing isn't it when you stop and ponder all of the wonderful talent and voices that will be present.

The greatest thing about music for those of us that use it as a ministry tool, is the way it enables us to reach in and touch hurting lives, and get to the very core of the soul. It's been said that some people will turn off a preacher because of the hardness of their heart, but with the right song and message conveyed those are the very lives that some of us are able to soften and lead to christ. May those of us in the ministry never forget what it's all about and why we do what we do. and for those that simply enjoy music, stop and really listen to the message and then share that message with someone else.

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Gospel music links and Christian sites

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Gaithers, great info and concert data
The Cathedrals
Singing News /Great magizine about christian artist
Mark Lowry- Warning this site is for the hyper active
Sogospel this is an excellent site with great chat room
The Stanleys/ Southern Gospel Group from Texas
Grahams Christian music Resource List
Grateful Ministries
