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No, this is not the "hole in the wall gang". This is a group picture of the cuzins attending this year.

From left to right; Cuz Andrea, Cuz Bob, Cuz Joy, Cuz Sandi, immediately behind Cuz Sandi is her brother Cuz Frank, Cuz Dorlis, Cuz Bud, Cuz Jerry, Cuz Hugh and knelling is a "standin" for Cuz Gigi who was absent this year.

The two Bobs, Bob Johnson "peering out the window and Cuz Bob Gray in the forefront. 2 Bobs
Cuz HughOur Cuz Hugh sneaking a few shots (Photos that is). He takes much better pictures than I. But why is he always just photographing the girls?

Hey Cuz Hugh! Haven't you heard? If you go to family reunions looking for a date, you might be a redneck!(aka Jeff Foxworthy)

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