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See our Online Store - Full of Bull Shit You Don't Need!! This Site is a Hoax!! Do you really think we'd go get drunk in the Bell Cave? What do you think my name is? Heather?

About the Site Idiot

JC Johnson

Hey, I'm very much alive and well, but of course, you already guessed that. I wrote this site in response to the dismay by the American public to the "fakeness" of the Blair Witch Project. To avoid a lawsuit, I didn't use anything from their site, or their related sites.

I own my own company and I work in the Nashville music business. I was out at the real Bell Witch Cave while taking photos for the site. While there I met the Cave Guide, Lisa. Lisa said something that summed up my whole trip for me. I asked Lisa if she was ever scared of the Cave, with the Bell Witch in it, here is her response, which I find fitting for this Spoof Site:

"It's not the Thing (Bell Witch) in the Cave that scares me, It's the Things on the Outside (People)" Lisa, Guide, The Bell Witch Cave.

I guess that pretty much sums it up, enjoy the site!