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The Aftermath:

There is a lesson to be learned from all this, or perhaps several:

One: Don't go into haunted places where really violent stuff has happened.

Two: Don't get fucked up in really haunted places where violent stuff has happened.

Three: Don't insult, moon and tuant the Supernatural.

Four: Don't get lost in Robertson County, TN.


The Adams Three were never found. Only a year later did Search Teams even find J. W.'s Truck, the now really dead deer in the back of the truck(who Robertson County officials first thought were JC and J. W.), the Journal, the Fuji - matic camera and Spud's pot pipe (that also disappeared later). Gaylord Ent. bought the rights to the "Bell Witch Project" and are going to make the theme into a amusement park next year at Opryland. Various rides will include a ride through "Kate's Hole", JC's upside down roller coaster, J. W. 's Whirlabout and Spud's Sideshow. How can people profit from such madness, who knows. But, in the end, the file will be known as...

The Bell Witch Project