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Rules 2002

Bubba Football League
New Format

Each owner will draft the following:

I. A starting team of

1 quarterback
2 running backs
2 receivers
1 running back or receiver
1 tight end
1 kicker
1 defense
1 coach

2. a total of 4 reserves (QB,RB,WR + RB or WR)

Trades before the start of the first game do NOT count against your trade limit.
Trades before the start of the first game may be used to replace any player regardless of injury status.
Each coach will also be allowed 4 emergency trades/picks during the season.
An owner may only carry a total of 14 “players” on his/her roster at a time.
Emergency trades/picks may only be used to replace an INJURED player.
An emergency trade with another owner to replace an injured player must be made prior to Nov. 10.
After Nov. 10 emergency picks must be from free agent players (players not on another teams roster)

Each owner must post his/her starting lineup on the message board before noon on the day of the first game of the week.

Each owner will calculate their score and their opponent’s score after the games are complete and submit those scores to the commissioner. If an owner does not calculate the scores, they loose any and all rights to appeal the score for that week. Any differences in the scores for a game will be reviewed by the commissioner.

Scoring rules are as follows:
Quarterbacks, running backs, receivers, tight ends, and kickers:
1 points for each point scored (touchdown = 6, field goal = 3, etc.)

20 points for a shutout
15 points for 10 or less points given up
10 points for 11 – 20 points given up
5 points for 21 – 28 points given up
0 points for 29 or more points given up

10 points for a win
5 points for a tie
0 points for a loss