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~~~BG's Family~~~

HIYA my name is Beau, or ^BG to my friends ! I have been on-line for about three years now, and i have loved every second! Usualy i am using Mirc chatting with friends on Efnet at #30nup...friends or #beegee. I have met some great people on irc! Also you may find me on ICQ (11489313), feel free to look me up and chat sometime. I still feel fairly new to html, but i have come along way *s*. Feel free give me any hints about the page that you can -LOL. As you can see my page has little to do with space or the atmosphere, but i do tend to get lost on the web so I think the title fits. This page is just some about me and my family hope you enjoy.... Please sign the quest book before you leave and let me know what you think (c:

BRYANT My lil computer man hoggin the puter at grannys house !!

Jami Lee School pics



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