The backbone of this bike is an early Arlen Ness hardtail frame,made around 1975 best I can tell.I've researched the frame through my early Easyrider collection and only found two other examples of this frame,both of which are credited to Ness.I found several similar frames but most were setup for the sportster motor,had a swingarm or both.These too were credited to Ness and were much more common.This frame generally had the long angular tank common in the 70's.The unusual top motor mount was known as the "Thunder head" type mount and the frame was called a "Digger" style or "Streetfighter" style frame.If any one has more info or can correct my info,please email me.(that includes you Arlen,since you won't answer my emails!) It's got STD cases and Dual plug heads with S&S stroker crank,carb,and oil pump.The bore is 3 and 5/8 and a Sifton 117 Python cam.The transmission is from a 76 FLH and the front end is off a 74 sportster with custom trees.The back wheel is off a 92 suzuki katana.It's 3.5 inches wide with a 150 series Dunlop.The gas tanks are 3 and 1/2 gallon fatbobs that have been stretched 10 inches.The seat is handmade and leather and the rear fender is 9" wide and was meant to be for a boat trailer.We are going to use a CRANE HI-4 ignition with single fire and dual plugs.