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Below is an older version of my site. Click the logo below to visit the new site.
Note: Some links may no longer work.

The Shamelessly Self-Absorbed Web Site of

New!!! Fresh out of the oven!!!
New Dec. 2003 Pics | Robyn at UTK | Photos of the New House | Austin's hair | Marc's poor car...

Happy Holidays!


Robyn at UTK 2003
December 2003 Family Pics
Photos of the New House
Austin's FRO
Marc's old car...poor thing...
MTSU dorm room pics 2002-2003
2002 Miscellaneous family pics
HILARIOUS picture of my lil bro Austin
Me and good ol' Al Gore
Robyn's page *Has NEW Prom Pix*
My family's trip to DisneyWorld
Angel...ordinary dog...or something more??
2000 Graduation Pics
My stories from the Urban Journal
JSP people in the CREW ONLY click here
For my college-bound friend Kelle Neal

My Dream Car

Shot Outs

Much love to Will N., Camilla H., Myke S., Antawyone O., Soulichith L., Heather G., Jennifer C., Eban W., Sarah B., Jessica M., Pam W., Ne-C T., Leigh T., Kelle N., Allison C., Loni C., Jamie R., Kat B., Nae R., David S., April M., Brittany M., Emily F., Georgia P., and anybody else I know...

My favorite sites

Anti-Bush Stuff...Gotta love it...
Ghetto Fab Hairdos!! Must See!!
BlackPeopleLoveUs.Com....funny site!
Free MP3 Player/Burner
Best .wav player out there
All kindsa free stuff
Cartoon Network!
Kazaa Support playing movies (avi, mpg, etc)
VCD burning movies for DVDs
Controversial Issues...

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