"For the soul walks upon all paths.
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals."
From "The Prophet"
by Kahlil Gibran
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How is it that children know what we've forgotten?
Click here to see what I mean.
This feature will change on a regular basis. Please check back soon.
Updated August 28, 1999
Has a work of art, or poem, ever made you cry?
Read how a painting renewed one woman's faith by clicking
Mother Teresa had this poem framed and in the entrance of her Mission in Calcutta.
You may read it if you'd like.
If you sometimes think life is too difficult to face, or find yourself sighing about all the responsibilties you have, you might want to take a few minutes to read
The Burden
There is a page on the web that depicts a powerful re-creation of the Crucifixition.
Be warned though...
the content might be considered strong by some.
If your browser has the Shockwave plugin you can view it by clicking the cross below.
You'll need to use your Back button to return to the Meditation room.
A very good friend of ours has this small poem in her heart for her beautiful adopted daughter. Perhaps you can feel what she does when you read it...
Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone
But never the less
Still my own.
Never forget for a single minute
You werern't born under my heart
But in it.
From here you can go back to the
The links below are for those who were meant to find them.
Click Back to return after visiting them.
Have you ever seen Guideposts magazine? It's a wonderful publication,
and the most subscribed to religious periodical in America.
My browser loads Guideposts' Daily Devotional as my startup page.
This icon will let you see it too.
Here is the complete King James Version of The Holy Bible.
The site took a bit longer than others to load for me, it might load faster for you.
If you have Real Player you can
listen to the Bible at your computer. Instructions and a link to download Real Player are there as well.
You can listen to The New International Version Bible as well...
Talking Bible
A great Bible search engine is at
The site also includes full versions of many translations of the Bible.
Search engine provided by
Gospel Communications
An incredible scripture resource page.
Additional links you might enjoy.
Note: I have removed two links here. One became invalid, and one was so full of mis-spellings and typos that I felt it should not be included.