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Cheatham County Jail Substance Abuse Treatment Program

July 01, 1999, the Cheatham County Probation Department was awarded the Edward Byrne Memorial Grant. This grant will allow for the implementation of the new program for treating and directing offenders who are dually diagnosed into proper treatment placements. This program will be overseen by the Cheatham County Probation Department, in conjunction with Buffalo Valley, Inc. Offenders will be assessed by a case worker who will determine which offenders are proper for the program.

Offenders who are deemed to be dually diagnosed, that is who have a mental illness as well as an alcohol and/or drug dependency will be accepted for this program. This will allow for the court system, the mental health providers and the A&D treatment centers to coordinate in a systematic way to deal with dual diagnosed people who enter the judicial system. This coordination has been devised to attempt to reduce recidivism rates by bringing together all options to work in unison with the proper treatment and placement of offenders.

This program is under a four year grant and will be evaluated for effectiveness and the reduction of recidivism. The ultimate goal and plan of this program is to take those who enter the justice system due to the lack of mental health services and direct them to the proper treatment plan instead of incarcerating those who are mentally ill and not appropriate for the judicial system.

This program is ran by Paul Turner. He is the caseworker in charge of assessing those who are determined to be suitable for this program.

To contact Mr Truner: (615) 792-2080.