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History and Information

I was born and raised in Strawberry Plains, TN. And I can honestly say that after living there all my life, I've yet to see a Strawberry patch anywhere. It's a quite little town, much like Mayberry, where everybody knows everybody else and their business.

My father was the Chairman of the Deacon Board (we're Baptist), my mother was the church clerk. I assumed that gave me a license to be the church BRAT! All my life I have been in church, whether I wanted to or not. I grew up listening to Southern Gospel Music. The Happy Goodmans, were and still are, of course my favorite group. I also grew up listening to two very funny comedians, the first was Flip Wilson, and the second was the Great, Wendy Bagwell. His famous snake story is what first comes to mind when I think of him. As an adult I found, in addition to Wendy, two more great and wonderful Comedians, Mark Lowry and Chonda Pierce. They are the greatest. And I guess watching Chonda and listening to the way she told her story, encouraged and made me want to tell mine as well.

I've known what it's like to loose someone. Seeing my father as the Greatest Christian Man I knew, fall to Alzhiemer's disease, shook the very foundation I was raised on. I watched as this terrible disease took over his life and pulled mine down with it. I stood and watch him take his last breath, seeing the struggle he endured. I know how depression can over take you in the months following a death, but I also know the one who is able to deliver. JESUS CHRIST!

I was Saved February 18, 1980 at the age of 13. Being raised in church as I was, afforded me the chance to meet some wonderful characters and to be able to share with you, some of those stories.

My story is no differnt from yours. I have a wife (that in itself could make any man a comedian), two kids (that remind me I'm saved) and a cat. I am the church pianist and a deacon at Walnut Hill Baptist Church. My stories are of everyday life. My goal is to point those hurting and alone to Jesus. For he is the only way we can make it!

Pretty good picture, huh? (Courtsey of my wife)