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.search.Legacy.the Consortium.Morality.This Song
July 24, 1999

On July 22 1999, Chris Matthews claimed that John F. Kennedy Jr. was just an editor and he strongly suggested that John F. Kennedy Jr. was never going to get into politics. He had a rather combative, “how do you know” approach, to dismiss the suggestion that politics was anywhere in JFK Jr.’s future, had he been allowed to live. What an about face! Just days earlier, he used his show “Hardball” to promote the claim that Hillary Clinton had thwarted JFK’s desire to become the Senator from New York. Looks like that rumor ran out of gas fast. Chris Matthews, a rumor monger who uses his show “Hardball” to find new and different ways to beat up Democrats, is a nauseating propagandist. In particular, he thrives on the opportunity to call Clinton a liar, and while most people mourned the tragic loss of John and Caroline, he used himself and two compliant “talking heads” to berate Clinton’s claim that he was the first one to entertain JFK Jr. at the White House, since JFK Jr. was a child. According to Matthews, that was a lie, and the reason it was a lie is that when John Jr. was ten or eleven, Nixon had secretely invited Jackie and the kids to the White House? Wow, and that was supposed to occupy Clinton’s mind? Chris Matthews is so desperate to catch Clinton in a lie, that his pettiness is absolutely astounding. Not surprisingly, Monica Lewinsky is the springboard of the liar assault, but even that “lie” has nauseated the entire world. At worst, President Clinton lied about sex. At best, he took advantage of a tortured definition about sex. In particular, most people don’t even care about President Clinton’s sex life. While the Matthews mantra that “Clinton is a liar” is exhaustively nauseating, if you are politically sophisticated, the nausea is compounded by the fact that Matthews has the tendency to sound more like Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, and less like a journalist. In essence, people have been getting away with politically motivated murders since the Hoover heyday, and it is propagandists like Chris Matthews who pave the way. In particular, while the Nation mourned a tragic loss, Chris Matthews used his program “Hardball” to enthusiastically promote the fraud that Kennedy wanted to be the Senator from New York. Does Chris Matthews do anything beyond seek to exploit, manipulalate and pervert the truth? When he promoted the nonsence about a Hillary/Kennedy Senate rivalry, he bubbled with enthusiasm because he reveled in the claim that JFK Jr. would have destroyed Hillary’s prospect of becoming the Senator from New York. On July 22nd however, he claimed that Kennedy was “just an editor” and suggested that he always would have been nothing more and nothing less. At the same time, he looked all drained and listless, as if one fraudulent rumor had backfired, and having shopped for another, the best that he could find is that JFK Jr. was “just an editor”. Good luck trying to pawn that one off. To be sure, Matthews is the sort who will change his story daily, and if that is not simply the tactic which grants him the opportunity to lie with a straight face, it is difficult to think of another explanation.

Is Chris Matthews mainstream media? If he is, it doesn’t say much about the condition of journalism. But is the rest of the media really that far behind? The common refrain of the rest of the media is that JFK Jr. crashed because weather conditions and a lack of experience conspired against him. And you all heard that over and over and over again. Wow, how did they come up with all that, with such lockstep consistency? Given the fact that it doesn’t make any sense at all, it is truly amazing. In motor vehicle terms, Kennedy pulled the equivalent of driving off a cliff. The only real question is, what causes a cautious driver to lose control, to reach the point of a nosedive? Under the circumstances as they existed, there is one plausible explanation. Planes do not do not simulate the equivalent of “jumping off a cliff” unless they are disabled through means like tampering with the fuel line to make them crash before they reach their destination. Surely the media, with the vast amount of resources in it’s command, is smart enough to figure that one out. Instead, the media drums up conspiracy theories about JFK Jr.’s pilot skills and about difficult weather conditions. They simply ignore the fact that Kennedy was a competent, cautious pilot who had earned the right to fly because he attended a world renowned training facility for professional pilots. Moreover, there is no need to speculate about the effect of weather conditions, the weather was clearly good enough to permit other pilots who did not have the benefit of superior training, to land their planes without incident. Routine traffic departed and landed without incident. Only JFK Jr.’s plane “jumped off the cliff”. And so, if we dismiss all the bizarre conspiracy theories which essentially claim that Kennedy was a reckless, incompetent pilot, JFK Jr., his wife and his sister-in-law were evidently murder victims. If the media performs as it should, it will get to the bottom of these murders. If the media acts like Chris Matthews, forget it.