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Kavitha's April Entries

April 1st, 2000
1:54 P.M.

Wow.. let's see there has been quite a bit going on lately.. Nothing I care to write here though. I can tell you that if you ever want someone to be your partner in crime, like in a murder or something, I am definitely NOT the person to work with. I'm too panicky. I'm the one who would be screaming "THEY ARE GOING TO CATCH US!!" Anyway there's not really much else to say so I guess I'll check ya'll lata.

April 4th, 2000
7:40 A.M.

In the great words of Harvey Keyster, can I get a "Halgelula Praise Jesus" lol.. Ok so it's rather hard to spell, but it's another one of those fun to say things.. Anyway we are out of school today. Why? Because Aaron did his rain dance. Haha.. There was like flooding and stuff so we get out. Bad thing is I didn't find out till like 6:50 or so.. I'm not complaining though. While I'm thinking of it, I'm going to have to tell you about this little incident I witnessed yesterday. I won't name names so this person won't be terribly embarrassed. Anyway As I was walking to 1st period yesterday this senior came in the door.. Since it had been raining his feet were all wet and stuff. He thought it'd be really cute if he did the twist.. Well He almost completely lost his balance and fell on his butt. ALMOST! There was something wrong with the gravity, anyone else would have fallen.. It was still funny though. Another thing. Megan is getting married! Yup that's right. To who? Well she's gonna marry Jonathan Anderson. He doesn't know that though. I'll give you more details as they become available. If anything else happens, I'll let you know.. Right now I'm going to go find something to eat... Bye!

April 6th, 2000
8:01 P.M.

I'm offering you the chance of a lifetime. I know you've all dreamed of having one, now痴 your chance. Supplies are limited so you better act now. Call, Stop by or e-mail me to receive your very own little brother. Guaranteed to drive you crazy upon receipt. I know you're thinking, what's so special about this little brother. Well this little brother, throws potatoes at you, squirts water guns into open windows where there are electrical appliances such as computers around, takes all your parental attention, never does his own homework, course why should he have to when your parents do it for him. This little brother also gets away with EVERYTHING. It should also get you in trouble for everything he does. If there is a malfunction in your little brother that is along the lines of it behaving, we will be happy to take it back. If it acts just as it is supposed to we cannot refund it. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. Act NOW!!!!

April 10th, 2000
7:16 P.M.

Let's see.. What has been goin on? Well Tomorrow I have to go to this competition for keyboarding. And guess what Kavitha doesn't want to go. I'll tell you about it tomorrow when we get back. In other news I found out that I can't talk to my friend Natalie without her suspecting I like someone. It's terrible b/c if I so much as mention a guy's name, she automatically thinks I like them. As of now the list reads as Chandler (umm that was Egs), Jonathan (umm guess who doesn't like him! That's me.. don't know him, not particularly fond of him.. he's too moody), Luke (uh yea.. That's it), Johnny (hmm.. yea I forgot.. I'm in love with Johnny.)& Josh Evans ( that's a huge NEGATIVE!) anyway... I guess I'm done venting for now.

April 11th, 2000
4:55 P.M.

Ok let me tell you about the AMAZING time I had at the competition. Yea Yea I was the one who didn't want to go earlier, but I had a blast. Majorly MAJORLY happy I did... Ok my day started good when I went into the school and saw Benji come RUNNING through the hall in a pair of shorts. I was like umm ok... Well anyway a few minutes later Egs and I went to the art hall to wait to leave for Roane State. Benji came out of a door and ended up standing across the hall from me. I was staring and it kept lookin our way. I know he wasn't lookin at me or anything, but I was paranoid All the same. I didn't realize at the time, that he was going. The thought never crossed my mind, then I noticed he had the Roane State shirt in his hand. I was like not happy.. "OH NO!! I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S GOING." It was awful.. Well it gets worse. The chaperones told 25 of us to go load a bus, and the rest to wait. I thought he went to the other bus. Well as we were loading our bus.. I saw him. I knew he thought we were stalking him. Once we got off the bus, we had to go to our testing areas. My test wasn't until 10:15 so I went with a couple friends to go watch the dance competitions. Then went to take the keyboarding thing I had to do.. It's a speed thing. Anyway I didn't go to win, and wasn't expecting to b/c my score was like 63 or something. Well I met back up with Megan and we walked around, and back to the gym. After a few more dances we decided to go eat. As we were walking on the sidewalk Benji came, and I brushed by him. It was weird lol. That was the second encounter. After we went to the cafeteria and didn't eat (line was WAY long) we went back into the gym. At first we were standing along this ledge and then we saw Benji. He sat on one side of the gym so we went to the other and sat so we could look at him. They started the awards. I won 3rd and Megan got 1st. Then Benji came to our side of the gym and sat diagonally behind us. Egs offered him a piece of MY gum, which he took. hehe. Once the people behind me left, I leaned back and was just sittin there. And for SOME WEIRD reason.. I talked to him. Well kinda.. I asked him what he competed in. He told me physics. I asked him how he did, and he said they did pretty bad. He probably would have talked more, seeing as he was sitting by himself and looked rather lonely, But I didn't really want to talk to him, and had no reason to. Once back on the bus Things got nasty. I took Megan's notebook thing and wrote out this entry, then I started doodling around. I wrote "Benji is a total Hottie." (yes I put Benji) and I was holding it up (since he was a couple seats behind us) so that he could see if he wanted to. The guys in the seat in front of him were lookin at me rather funny. It was awful.. But gets worse. Then Megan took the notebook back from me. I complained and she handed it back to me. Well she had added something.. Above the word Benji, she wrote his real name. I didn't even look at the page and stuck it back in the air. The guys were really crackin up. I don't know if Benji saw it though b/c I refused to look back there after I found out what was written on it. See Megan asked me if I knew what was written so I looked and saw his name.. Dear sweet mother Mary, I thought I was gonna die. It was so mortifying. Terrible! I don't know if he saw it though. Well that's all I have to say.. Sorry for any and all typos there might be. Btw I know it looks like we spent the whole day stalking, and talking, and stuff like that to Benji, but that was the only productive stuff. Everything else was just boring. LaTa!

April 12th, 2000
4:54 P.M.

Hey! Not much happened today, but I figured I would update and give you something to read. You obviously are bored out of your mind to come here. Let's see what can I talk about? Oh I know. Ok I know some of you have had encounters with certain people that just brighten your day, and people you can just trust without really knowing? I know a couple of those. One of them, you would never think you could trust. He just doesn't seem like he'd be that great of a friend or whatever. I have discovered this year, that he's one of the most trustworthy and amazing people I have ever met. I find myself telling him stuff, that I barely even tell Megan. He's been there for me several times this year, and love him to death. I'm not going to put his name here (cuz it just wouldn't be good.) But just want you people to know that there are people out there, you might never expect to be such great friends. So don't overlook someone.. They could end up being your best friend. LOL how's that for a Chicken Soup story. Oh well I guess I wasted enough of your time with this pointless entry. See ya later.

April 13th, 2000
7:16 P.M.

Wouldn't you just love to be me? Right now I'm listening to a lecture about how I shouldn't say I don't like my brother. It hurts his feelings etc etc. *rolls eyes* My parents seriously need to get a hobby or something. B/c this whole taking up for my brother crap is getting old fast. Anyway.. You will never guess what showed up at school today. Remember those signs from Tuesday's update? Well they came back. Megan has 2 of them. Chandler has the other. How unsafe can that be?! Might as well have just marched right up to Mr. Benji and given him the signs myself. haha. Anyway, Speaking of Chandler, I mean Petunia, if any of you know him, you can call him Petunia. Why? Well he found out that my friends and I have a code of names so we can talk about people without their ever knowing. Well he was about to have a fit when he found out he had a name, and we wouldn't tell him what it was. Today we told him that his code names were Petunia, Peanut, and Huckleberry (all fake. Like we would tell him the real things, that's stupid!). I think it's funny. And that goes to teach you a very important lesson, if you question our code, you end up with a name like Petunia. hehe

April 14th, 2000
5:26 P.M.

If you ever want to play truth or dare with someone, Megan is not the person to do it with. why? because she changes the dares. Let me explain what happened today. Last night I dared Megan to go up to semi-random guy, and ask to see his arms (see I had 3 guys names written on 3 pieces of paper she had to choose one) She chose Chandler. Well I told her when to do it and decided 3rd (bio) would be the best time. He walked into class and sat down. I yelled at him and told him I loved him (I KNEW he would kill me when he found out what I did, so I knew I had to start suckin up then) He said "That's messed up." Don't ask me why, I don't even try to figure him out anymore. Anyway Megan went back to her desk and I told Mary Ann and a few other people that knew of the dare to watch. I couldn't wait to see his face. Well she got his attention and looked at him and said "Chandler, Kavitha wants to see your arms." I was like "WHAT?!" Chandler looked up and looked at me all funny (as do most people when they hear about my arm fetish.) then he held out his arms. It was funny despite the whole point of the blown dare. I wanted to see his face when she asked to see his arms. I would have asked him myself if I wanted to see his arms. Now he's not talking to me, so I can only imagine what he's thinking now. Kavitha is wonderful at screwing things up. Guess I値l go see what else there is to mess up.

April 15th, 2000
9:46 P.M.

The term Hottie is used very often among teenagers, usually by girls to describe those finer specimen of guys. Well In my opinion there needs to be a new word to describe those people who are beyond hottie status. So I知 going to create one. The term 'Snatchy' will now be used to describe those individuals. The catch is these people will also have a great personality as well as AMAZING DROP DEAD LOOKS. I am going to induct the first person into the 'snatchy' category. I'm not extremely sure about his personality yet, I've had encounters with several conflicting reports, so I'll have to get back to you on that part, but usually my run ins with this guy are pretty ok. Let me explain the events that caused the need for this new category. Today the student council had to 'car hop' (serve the people) at the Sonic. My shift was from 5-8:30. Sarah and Megan were working then too. Anyway at abou7 7:35 Skipper and I went to sit outside with Bill on the picnic tables. Some guys drove by and waved at me. Bill told me I should have motioned for them to come over there and then make them leave a big tip. I asked him what would happen if they tried to kid nap us. He said "As long as they leave a huge tip it's ok." Gee thanks Bill, glad I mean so much to you. LOL. Anyway Skipper and I were watching the cars go by, looking for a guy or something. Well this white car pulls in and the guy in the car has the window down and nods at us. He looked pretty good at first glance, so I yelled for Skipper to come on, so that we could wait on him and get a tip. We went inside and told Mrs. Jones (our supervisor) what happened. She was like "Well we can't have any of that. We need to tell him to be on his way. So she heads out the door to go to the guy. I was thinking how ungood that was gonna be. Well it got worse when I saw Pacey Jackson get out of the car. Pacey is this completely and totally amazingly HOTT guy that is on Student council (he's also the guy that I think is conceited and stuck up.. Remember the one Egs danced with?.) Mrs. Jones went outside and was talking to him. I watched as they laughed for a few seconds then went out and put my arm around his shoulders and said "I'm so glad you're you." His shoulders are completely amazing. I can't even describe how well built this guy is. As you probably know, I have this arm thing anyway, so I wasn't in good health then. I explained to him what happened and then went back inside. We all had name tags and tags that said "Tips go directly to student council." and stuff like that. He wanted to 'join our club" and have a tag so we went to look for him one. There were two left and I wanted to make his tip one (devil horns pop up) so he said I could do it for him. I wrote "Tip me, I'm cute" on it and stuck it on his chest (which by the way deserves the same freak out attack as his arms, and shoulders) and then he told me to underline the cute part. Then he changed it to make it a squiggly thing and so I put as much of my hand as I could on his chest while making the thing. hehe. He wore it around and didn't seem to mind. Then he and Bill got into this quick draw with the money dispensers. I was the 'go' person.. I told them when to go. That was funny. So my friends, that is what happened. The points that make him snatchy material are his body, it's way too amazing.. I want to say more, but there's no telling who might read this thing hehe, and his personality, from what I致e seen he's ok sometimes, like I said I don't know him really well, actually I barely know him, my guess is that he doesn't even know my name, but that's ok. Anyway, I guess I'm done telling you this story that I'm sure none of you wanted to read. (and by the way, if the actual 'Pacey Jackson' reads this, don't know why he would but if he does, forgive me for all that has been said.) So now you have a new word to add to your vocabulary. Keep your eyes peeled for snatchy guys, and if you see on, lemme know. lol.

April 18th, 2000
4:00 P.M.

What's up with all this violence? Today our little school had a bomb threat! The day started out normal. We had classroom work in wellness, tests in both 2nd and 3rd. We went to homeroom for 20 minutes during 3rd. During lunch Luke took everything out of the small pocket of my backpack and began to distribute it all through the group. My stuff was everywhere. Luke is such a mean person! Then in 5th period we all went to a jazz band concert. It was supposed to be from 1:15 till 2:10. During that time I was being hit (Luke!) tickled, (Matti! Joe!) and annoyed. (Side note.. I hate this little flaw in my character, but I always feel that I have to explain everything that happens. Like Luke wanted me to go up and sit by him [he was 2 rows behind me] and so I did. A friend of mine, and his ex just kept lookin at me and stuff.. I just always feel that I have to say "oh it's nothing.." etc.)Anyway at 2:05 Mr. Trent came into the gym and told us that we needed to exit the building through the front. We all walked outside, and we were told to get back against the fence. At 2:30 if the students had cars, they could leave. The rest of us were sent back to class at about 2:40. Pretty messed up huh? Anyway that's all I have to say about that now. I'm sure the other 2 will elaborate some!

April 20th, 2000
7:39 P.M.

There are a few things I need to clear up. First I Do Not Like Chandler. He's a friend and that's it! I don't know why everyone thinks that there's more there. There isn't. He does not make my heart "pitter patter" and I知 not "in love" with him. As for his code name.. You might have better luck finding it out in Megan's diary, than here. When I do talk about him, I use his real name. Besides that, even if I did like him, it's not like he would ever go out with me, so I really don't see what the big deal is. In other things, umm today was the one-year anniversary to the Columbine school shooting. You wouldn't believe how many people were absent today. (Some b/c of the shooting others because of the weed day thing.) Oh yea.. Guess who Kavitha gets to do her recital piece with. Brent. Yea. He's the teachers' son that is just a WEE TINY LITTLE BIT MEAN to me. He's probably gonna end up playing his tuba with one of my songs. Joy. What I致e always wanted. This should be great. (in case you can't tell this is TOTAL sarcasm.) I can't think of much else to say.. Oh yea I can. We had another one of those lock down drug searches today. We were on the bus waiting to go bowling and there were these police cars pulling in. We sat for a few minutes on the bus, then were ordered to leave our backpacks by the concession stand and go into the gym with the rest of the school. We sat there watching some of the coaches dress up in women's swimwear and dresses. I don't know what they found. Now I guess that's it.

April 24th, 2000
5:30 P.M.

I have been having way too much fun lately. As you are aware, my friends and I have this totally whacked up code of names that we use to talk about people. Mainly the only people with code names are guys. Well one guy in particular found out about our code, and it's absolutely killing him that he doesn't know his name. It's really just too much fun. That was totally pointless but that's ok. Anyway I went over to Egz' yesterday. And I found out a lot of stuff that I didn't know. Maybe if you're lucky she will tell you. That was pointless too. Gee I guess I have nothing to say, so I知 gonna stop writing.

April 30th, 2000
9:32 A.M.

I've been a slacker lately. I've been meaning to update, but I haven't. Let's see what do I need to tell you? Oh yea, watch who you tell things to. I found out earlier this week, that I can't trust one of my friends. Well if you read my previous entry, you know that one of my friends has been dying to know his code name. Well to teach him a lesson, Skipper and I made up a fake code name. In biology Megan and I were talking about this 'really hott new guy.' Of course we were using the fake name, right in front of him. Well we were to our tables and Beth and a couple other people knew what we were doing, so we said a few things, then after class I RUSHED outside to catch Matterz and tell her to tell the guy what his 'code name' was. The fake one of course. Well she did, and he totally believed it, although he says otherwise. The next day, Sarah (Skipper) and I were sitting in 1st period talking about the guy. She had written me a 'letter' talking about him. It was all about how good he looked, and how well he was built, stuff like that. We were going to make sure he read it. We had a whole plan worked out and everything. Innocently enough one of our friends was sitting with us listening. Anyway that same day in bio, this friend told the guy what we were doing. He won't admit that anyone told me, but I'm almost 100 percent sure that she did. Anyway if that made any sense at all, I'm glad, if not, I知 sorry.

What else has been happening? Oh yea Egs came over on Friday. We tried to make a cake. Although we did nothing wrong, the cake tasted horrible. It was supposed to be a peanut butter marble cake. It was like eating peanut butter mixed with sugar. and the icing. Omg the icing. It was like those candy things you get at Halloween the orange and black wrapped ones. Oh I hate those, so this cake almost made me sick! Oh well, we did make cheese biscuits and they came out though. I don't think I have anything else to say to you, so I値l quit typing now.

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