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Kavitha's April 2001 Entries

10:32 P.M.

Ahhhhhh Guess what. I got a car!!!!! It's a red toyota celica. I love it. So cool. lol. I drove it to megan's yesterday, and took her and her brother for a ride. I was being all stupid and drove off their driveway into the grass.. "I'm a good driver, I promise!!! Oh.. well nobody saw that." And i got back on the driveway, and did it again. It was HILARIOUS. They didn't know i was kiddin. Joe had this look of pure horror on his face lol. well not quite, but oh well. haha.. well I have to go now.

8:08 P.M.

I'm so excited. I get to drive to school tomorrow. Megan is coming with me. I Am SO happy now. I just got this cd working. YAY. lol.. well i gotta go now..

9:48 P.M.

My beautful new car is totally scratched. There is this really deep, big scratch on the passenger side of the car. It's horrible, very noticable, and just plain bad. I don't know how it got there. If someone hit me, or if I did it. I drove wednesday, thursday, and today. I went to the dairy barn after school today. Mom and I went to see Scott's Magic show. It was really good. Scott was awesome, and Bart was hilarious. I am SO tired right now...

5:05 P.M.

Natalie and I had SOOOO much fun last night. Her mom brought her over here around 6. And we went out to eat. Well we wanted to take my pics and get them developed, so we went to the 1 hour place. They said it would take less than 30 minutes, so we decided to go up to Sonic and get a milk shake. Student Council was car-hopping, so we wanted to see who all was there. Well Justin drove by, and so we followed him to the video store, and pulled up beside him. (it's in the same little plaza thing) He and Brandon got out of the car and came to mine. They got in backseat of my car and we went to the sonic. I got us all milkshakes. They were driving me crazy. They kept throwing our(mine and nat's) stuff out the window, tied our seatbelts together, etc. I was about to make them walk back. Well after we dropped them off, we decided to go buy some toilet paper, and roll his car. We drove over there, bought 2 rolls and figured that if we ran, it would be quicker. We got almost there. Like 2 rows away and they walked out of the video store! It was so funny tho. Megan and I car-hopped from 2-4 yesterday. And then today we went to Cleveland and Georgia. I drove the whole way!

1:45 P.M.

April has certainly been a month of shocks. Natalie and Adam broke up. It's been a little weird, but things are ok. I didn't make student council. I was SOOOOOO completely upset yesterday about it. I can't help but think someone messed with the results. There's nothing I can do, and crying about it, isn't helping. I went to this youth revival with natalie last night. Mom would not let me go to Tiffany's last night! I took Tyler home after school yesterday and just drove around for like an hour b/c I was so mad. Megan made student council. Tonight the SADD committee is supposed to make this video at my house. I hope it works. I need to wash my car. Guess I'll go do that now.

4:55 P.M.

I just got back from Josh's. No further comment. Last night Ruthie, Egs, Natalie, and Daniel came over to make this SADD video. The concept was good, but the video isn't so great, in my opinion. Natalie didn't like it much either. Mom didn't seem impressed. Ruthie is coming over tonight to shoot the last scene. The battery wasn't cooperating last night. ANyway, i'm not thinking now, so i will ttyl..

6:05 P.M.

Blah! Even hundreds of miles away, Pond STILL gets to me. UGH!!!!!! lol.. Anyway, I was so hyper after school today. It was hilarious. I'm sleepy. and sick! well I'm going to go.

10:52 A.M.

Last night, Ruthie, Debbie, Christina, Chris, Sarah and Todd came over to make the video. I'm very happy with this one. Natalie is coming over later to get ready for our big night out, haha. I will give you updates on that later. Well I've gotta go for now, so ttyl.

7:25 P.M.

Guess what I did all of today. STAYED SILENT! Our SADD chapter sponsored a day of silence to memoralize the 38 people that were killed in drunk driving accidents last year in Tennessee. There were about 40 of us all dressed in black and silent the whole day. I only talked 3 times. I asked ms. jones a question, which was allowed. Accidentally said something in 2nd, and then spilt boiling water on my hand in 6th, so i talked then, but that's really all. Adam was being his butt head self today. He won't go away!!!!!!! Megan got mad at me last night, and Josh made her mad after school. Hmm well.. I think that's all for now. ttyl.

10:52 P.M.

April is almost over. I have everything and nothing to tell you about. I say that, b/c I'm sure there is something I haven't told you, but I don't remember what it is, or anything like that. Adam is a TOTAL JERK. He's being such a !@#$% !@#$%^& @!#$%#% @#$%#% %*$&#$ (*%&$# @!$%# @#!$%. (that's a lot of stuff, huh?) Well Multiply that times like 40000000000 trillion, and you'll get what he is. Yea.. it's That bad.. probably worse. He's the typical horrible horror story ex-boyfriend. Poor Natalie. If Josh ends up being like him, I will be so extrememly unhappy that it won't be good at all. I don't think he will though, Josh is an absolute sweetie. Hmmm.. I went to the mall joke thing today. Got a few things, not much at all. Monday we are going to the Space Camp thing in Huntsville alabama. It's like our 6 flags trip last year. Hopefully it will be fun, and hopefully natalie will get this guy she's been trying to get, and hopefully adam will get a life, and leave her a lone.. and stop interferring with this guy thing. Hmm well i think that's all for now.. ttyl..

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