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Kavitha's December Entries

December 3rd

Hey ya’ll! What's goin on? I'm sitting here enjoying a moment of free time. I've been so busy lately. Sunday was the BSB concert, and I have but one thing to say, it was Truly AMAZING. It was sooo good. They truly do appear to enjoy what they do. And while I am sure money plays some part in it, they do really have the time of their lives. In other news the semester is coming to a close, and I only have to take one test for it. That's biology, but she( the teacher) makes us take it. Speaking of teachers.. one of my teachers is trying to hook me up with her nephew. This guy is the funniest person I have met. He is honestly hilarious. I just don't really like him. Probably because I don't know him. But anyway there's a dance at school on Friday. My teacher stopped me today before class and asked if I was going. I told her I didn't know, and then she asked if I had a date. I told her no. She started talking about her nephew (see above entries, and look for 'J') and then we went into the class. I thought that was the end of it. Then at the end of class she called me to the front of the room and started talking about him again, and said he was going to ask me to the dance. I told her I didn't know what I would say, and thought I would have all day to think about it. Well that was my first wrong assumption. I walked out of geometry and there he was standing in the hall, waiting for me. He asked me if I was going and I told him the same thing I told his aunt (I didn't know) and he said well ok, I was just asking cause I wanted to know if you would go with me. I told him that if I went I would go with him. I seriously don't know if I am going because Friday is my birthday and I don't know what I’m doing. Umm let's see.. I think that's all. Oh yea.. today Mom ran over my dog Keylo. It killed him instantly. It's really sad. The dog was an airhead, but we still loved him. He was only like maybe a year old too. Now I guess that's all.. Talk to you later.

December 6th

Well I have some sad news.. a friend of mine's dad died. He wasn't like a close friend, but I’ve known him forever! He even helped me embarrass Megan one time, really badly. I'm not going to put details up here out of decency. I ask you to keep Brandon and his family in your prayers. I think that's all I have for now.

December 16

Hey everyone. There's so much going on that I don't know where to start. Let's see my birthday was so much fun. I didn't go to the dance so I had a few people over. It was Hip, Meganand Nat. We just goofed off for a while, then got ready and went to eat at Apple Bees. Since it was a Friday the place was packed, so we had to wait. We got our names on this little sheet and sat down to wait. Well we started to get bored so we started singing. There's this song we learned at student council camp, and it's really umm weird? It goes, Baby shark.. do do (hard to type here but it's a little do do do type song thing) and anyway we sang that for a while. 3 times actually. The guy who worked there gave us coloring sheets and stickers. And then before we got a table, this dude waiter type person was trying to put an ornament back on the tree that had fallen off. He couldn't get it on so eventually he just stuck it on there. Mom and all of us started clapping for him. (Note: by this time several people we know have come in the door. Most of which are on student council with us and know the baby shark song.) When we got our table we were in the VERY back corner away from all civilization.. wonder why. After we ordered we began to color on our sheets and Nat, out of the blue, said "Man! This is a crappy connect-the-dots!" Wondering what she meant, Megan and I did ours. It said OCEAN. Upon comparing ours to Nat's we found out she had done hers wrong. It's CONNECT THE DOTS, not brain surgery! Then to make it worse she looked up, "Well at least I got the O C and I right" What the heck?! There is no I in ocean!!! That's Nat for ya. When we got home, we made this videotape. It's so funny. Just of us being stupid and everything. It was really fun.

On to another day... umm ok Saturday.. I woke up and went upstairs. Mom stopped me and asked me if I knew where these 2 mysterious flowers had come from. There were 2 long stem roses that had been in our mailbox. I had no idea who had done it, and neither did anyone who was there. I later found out that J had done it. His aunt paid for the roses and sent them with a friend of mine to our mailbox. I also ended up getting a teddy bear from him later in the week.

Now we are out for Christmas break. Really we weren't supposed to get out till tomorrow, but I didn't have to take any semester exams (except for bio, b/c she made us and I took it on Wednesday, anyway) I'm going to my brothers' school tomorrow and see everyone. I guess that's all.


December 23

Hey you wonderful people. Hope you're holidays are going good. I've been sick, UGH! But anyways yesterday I went to Megan's to exchange gifts, and today I went to Georgia to see my papaw and exchange gifts there. It was fun. Well I guess that's all for now.


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