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Kavitha's December 2000 Entries

December 1st, 2000
4:33 P.M.

Wow.. It's been a while since I updated last! Let's see Lately, Natalie's boyfriend and I have been into it. I have moments where I really don't like him (as i'm sure he feels the same about me) and so that's kinda putting us at each other's throats. I had so much fun yesterday. In 1st period, I sat and talked to Justin. He's really great when he's not being a jerk (yes this is the same justin i've talked about not liking before... I love him to death when he's decent). In 2nd period I sat and talked to Josh. You can't say anything bad about him. In 3rd we watched a movie. Jobe and I have been getting along lately. (knock on wood) Over the summer I had him a bracelet made with his name on it.. (jobe.. not jon) anyway... he found it and wore it today.. that just made my day haha. Lunch was beyond FUNNY yesterday! Oh gosh! I laughed so hard for a long time. Natalie wasn't in there.. Marianne wasn't at school, so it was Mere, me, Justin, and on the other side Josh and Eric, jeremy and johnny were some where around. Today mari and Nat were back, but it was still funny. It always is. Right now, I have 2 projects I have to do. Plus my birthday party to plan. My party is the 9th. My birthday the 10th. Well I think that's all today. lata!

December 3rd, 2000
5:00 P.M.

Wow.. It's like yesterday didn't even happen. I put Saturday up in the little place where I put the day, and then realized it wasn't saturday. I have been doing stuff all weekend. We went to town yesterday with Tanja and Evan. I got my checking account, and got the stuff I need for projects that are due next monday. Speaking of which.. parts of those are due Tueday so I need to go get working. It snowed last night. We have like 3 inches!! Oh well.. ttyl.

December 7th, 2000
6:00 P.M.

Wow! This week has been hectic. I'm getting sick. My party is Saturday. I'm dreading it. But it'll be ok. I found out that Mere and I are on the same side of a situation, that I had originally thought we were on opposite sides of. Ahh! I'm too tired to think of anything else. Josh and I... aren't exactly getting along....

December 9th, 2000
11:15 A.M.

Today's my party! I'm sick! Well my head is stuffy! Which COMPLETELY sux! I have tons to do, and only a little time to do it.. Megan's coming over at 2. Mom went to get my cake. I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go get some food. I'll tell you about the party later!

December 10th, 2000
10:09 A.M.

I got through last night, and for a while there I was glad I was sick! Megan came over at 2. Natalie came first, then Adam, Laura & Sarah. Eric called, and Adam had to go get him. Josh came, and so did Haley and Jobe. Josh almost didn't get to come... His mom called and talked to my mom, so he got to. We just goofed off for a while. Mom got us pizza, and we had cake. It was so pretty.. Everyone was amazed by the cake cutter that mom had. Towards the end they decided to play Truth or Dare. (that's when I'm glad I was sick) I can't put anything up here about that, but I will say I'm sure Megan had a good time haha. As for gifts, I got a shirt, a back pack thing, phone, a digital camera, ummm.. I don't remember anything else haha.. Jobe and Haley stayed till like 10:30 or so.. I was on the phone with Josh till 11:45! Needless to say I'm losing my voice. lol. Ummmmm... I think that's all so ttyl.
The Birthday Girl!

December 11th, 2000
6:14 P.M.

Ahhh.. Life can be so freakin completely confusing! I don't even know what's goin on now! I have so many different things flyin at me. Don't know what to do. There's usually a simple way out. and natalie usually thinks of it, but I never listen to her.. I have to make things more complicated than they are. Ugh! anyway.. I gotta go.. Stuff to do.

December 13th, 2000
5:40 P.M.

2 days and counting left till Christmas vacation!! I have pep club tomorrow morning, and then I have to be at school at 7 on Friday, for student council. Know what? Things are so strange sometimes. I just don't know what to do! Natalie says I'm swimming in the ocean, and she's thrown me many life boats. Good thing I can swim. Everyone gets so mad at me about complaining about people liking me. it's such a pain! Ahh! ANyway, I don't know.. ummm.. let's see.. I don't think anything else is going on. I have to go to Megan's this weekend b/c there is going to be a christmas party here for my dad's people saturday. I guess that's all..
Tired, Sleepy, and Ready for a vacation

December 15th, 2000
3:17 P.M.

Two words for you.. Christmas Break!! YAY!! I got out at 1:45 today!!! I might go take my Spanish semester, but if I don't I'm out till January!! I'm trying to figure out what to do about some things, but i'm sure they will work out. Let's see.. I think that's all so TTYL
Tired, Sleepy, and on vacation

December 15th, 2000
5:47 P.M.

I completely hate my dad. I was on the phone with Megan, and he comes in, and picks up the phone, tells me he needs it hangs up, and immedieatly picks it back up. I asked him to wait a sec, while I got off, and he slammed my phone down. Which hung up on Megan. The I asked him to be a little more considerate, and he says if he needs the phone that I just have to hang up on whoever I'm talking to. I hate him! I can't do anything.. can't have friends over unsuspectedly, can't say bye to my friends, he's such a jerk, and I don't like him at all. Then he threatens me with all this "you can only spend 5 minutes on the phone" crap.. He's a control freak.. Thinks he is in control of everything!

December 21st, 2000
8:44 P.M.

Umm.. wow.. December is FLYING BY! Like you may have read in Megan's diary, I went to her house for christmas yesterday. She got me some undies! (Crack isn't so bad.. GP can kill!!)haha.. and she got me some play dough.. greatest stuff in the world.. bubbles!!! haha.. ummm let's see We also went to my pappaw's, mammaw's. and aunt's yesteday. They found out my pappaw's cancer is back. That's not good.
Today I did nothing! The same thing I have done basically since vacation started. I discussed hot guys with my best friend, kavitha (no I was not talking to myself), i haven't really talked to anybody lately. I talked to Josh Tuesday night, and Megan today.. other than that I haven't talked to anyone much at all. Well today I talked to some random people like cody's brother blake.. (megan and I are now discussing the odds that he is hott or not.. I think "miracles are possible" is winning)haha, I also talked to some guy from a town near mine.. He had met up with Robert, who moved from our school.. let's not get into why, but still.. I'm listening to this song I totally love, and talking to megan about why crack isn't so bad. (no neither of us do drugs, and don't encourage it here at fruit filled & fancy free...don't like drinking either.. no names mentioned...) Umm oh yea.. a quick note out to our friends that are starting a blink 182 type band.. uh.. have fun? good luck? and ummm yea.. anyway! I'm outtie! lata babes!!

December 22nd, 2000
6:02 P.M.

Raul said yes to Steph for the junior prom!! She's now screaming in my ear! She's really excited.. and I think that's all for now!!! Ok.. actually, I'll explain that to you.. steph is my pen pal, and raul is this guy she knows. haha that help any?

December 23rd, 2000
7:32 P.M.

I went to see The Grinch today. The little baby grinch was TOOO CUTE. Mom took me, but I sat between Shawn and Robert. joy. .fun.. umm sarcasm! haha Well That's basically all I did today, so I will talk to you later!!!

December 25th, 2000
8:14 P.M.

Merry Christmas!!!!! Hope you all had a wonderful one. I did.. I got a lot of stuff that I don't need! lol My brother got a playstation 2, so he's been busy with that all day. I'm in the mood to add some more stuff to the site, so if you want to see something here that isn't already, just let me or megan know.
I'm bored, but thought I would promote It's a bunch of online quizes. Megan and I took the "What's your flavor quiz. Megan is pink grapefruit, and I am dark chocolate. (eew!!) here's what it said about me "Mmm ... dark chocolate! Rich and luxurious, you're the flavor of pure decadence. (In fact, we think we feel our hips getting bigger just thinking about you.) Utterly indulgent and as smooth as silk, you're impossible to deny. Some might even call you addictive — and, truth be told, for those who love you, it's usually a life-long craving. Poor saps. It's not your fault you're so irresistible. But you're happy to let people worship at your altar — as long as they're willing to wrap you up in gold foil (24-karat, mind you), you're delighted to be adored. Sumptuous and intoxicating, you're a truly tasty treat." Crazy, huh? well I think that's all for now talk to you later!

December 27th, 2000
11:04 P.M.

You will NOT believe what just happened. I had a civil conversation with pond. I also found out why he had been calling. He liked me!!!!!!! Omg is that not crazy?! well I just thought I would tell you.. I'm going to Dollywood with megan tomorrow, so i'll ttyl.

December 29th, 2000
4:47 P.M.

That's how i feel right now.. I'm just all smiles! Why? Oh different things. Ask and i'll tell you the big one.. i'd rather not put it here. Megan and I found no hott guys last night.. It sucked pretty bad. Well she found one.. I didn't think he was so great. She got pics tho. haha.. well I'm going to go now.. ttyl.

December 31st, 2000
4:23 P.M.

Wow.. I can't believe this is my last entry for December. Actually it's harder to believe that this is my last entry for 2000!!! The year has just FLOWN BY. So much happened this year. I made and lost a best friend. I got the opportunity to meet, befriend, love hate, and lose someone (pond). But i'm happy to say that i'm glad i finally got some closure about that. I think i might make a year in review page.. Maybe megan and I will do that later. I'm going to her house for new years.. actually that's where I'm headed now. So I guess that's it for 2000. Hope it was memorable for all of you, and I hope that 2001 is even better. Remember.. the new year is a time to move on, a clean slate, and everything else like that haha.. I love you all!!!

Megan's Diary
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