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Kavitha's February Entries

February 1st, 2000
4:10 P.M.

Oh My Gosh. My life is like so awful. lol Well maybe that's an exaggeration, but it was pretty bad today. Well not bad, just embarrassing! Ok so anyway to skip all of the minor stuff let's go straight to the wrestling match. It was terrible. Betty, the brain surgeon, made this god awful NEON ORANGE sign that said 'Go Marty Go, Show em who's boss, Sock it to em' Ok well that's bad enough, but during the match when Marty went to wrestle, She was holding it up. Then Dana started yelling at him, and THEN it gets worse.. Chandler starts screaming to Marty that the sign is from ME! It isn't! It was terrible.. Then Chandler gets the sign and stands on the bleachers while SCREAMING at the top of his lungs.. Definitely not a good thing. I lunged forward and hit him. Of course it didn't hurt him.. I sat through 10 minutes of the torture before the bell finally rung. I went down the row to where Chandler was sitting, and he thinks it's hilarious. He is definitely evil. He's so mean! Egs and just about everyone else I know thinks he is SO nice and sweet. WHATEVER!
And one more thing.. Robert, well I used to consider him a good friend, got suspended! There are so many rumors going around as to what he did, but one of the teachers said he and this other girl were umm going at it.. like majorly. Let's find a way to put this nicely in case people actually read this.. Umm he and this girl were ummmm.... not listening to ANY of the abstinence classes we went through. The bad thing was it was at SCHOOL during a ball game.. I'm not sure if it's true though.. When/if he comes back I'll give a full report.

February 2nd, 2000
7:40 P.M.

ATTENTION EVERYONE: I DID NOT WRITE THE BIG ORANGE SIGN! haha.. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't me, it was Betty! I also need to thank Chandler for relaying the poster to Marty, with the message that it was from me. Actually it's not that embarrassing. It's not bothering me, yet anyway. Oh and about Haley's entry, I can NOT believe that Marty actually wanted that sign. That's weird. I actually had a brilliant idea about some sign ideas, that I want to use. and MAYBE, just MAYBE they will take me up on the offers. hehe... LOL well that's all for now. This is so cool.

February 3rd, 2000
6:05 P.M.

Oh My Gosh. There have been so many great things lately, some just different, not necessarily good. Let me tell you... Ok let's see first, I was walking outside along the sidewalk and as I passed the art hall and some guy, that I don't know yelled out ' Yea Marty Brown is pretty cool.' I have NO IDEA who he was. lol. It was hilariously weird. Then after that I went to piano, and I walked into the door, my teacher was lookin at me weird. Well as I was sitting down, she asked me about the bright orange sign. SHE KNEW! SHE FREAKIN KNEW!!!! It was awful. She talked about it for a while and said that I better hope she doesn't see him. oh no. Haha. Then when I got home, my friend had sent me a videotape of one of my favorite groups in concert and stuff. I haven't had time to watch it though, but hey I will.. And then. ONE MORE THING.. I was sitting on the couch, and the phone rang. When I answered it, it was my old neighbor, he and his wife moved like 3 years ago. I haven't talked to him in like 2 years, but anyway he called and asked if I still was interested in being a lawyer, I told him I was, and he said that he was talking about me to a judge in town, and she wanted me to follow her around one day.. It was pretty nifty.


February 5th, 2000
9:00 P.M.

Man this weekend has been SO very much chaotic! Our cleaning lady has been sick lately, and unable to come, so the dust and stuff like that is terrible. This weekend mom and I went on this cleaning spree. We took all the bears out of this one room and dusted them, then put them back. I cleaned my room, I vacuumed and dusted and all that. Then I cleaned my bathroom. And I am SO tired. I had homework and it was terrible! Oh yea, let me tell you what Egs and I did this weekend. See she spent the night on Friday and we watched this tape I had of No Authority performances a friend made for me. After that went off we were inspired. So we went off to make a letter to send to the Rosie O'Donnell show. Well at 3 am, we FINALLY had the letter done, and had written a poem to send with it. It's HILARIOUS. I'm going to be kind and type a copy. Don't criticize, Egs and I aren't that great of poets, and the subjects we are 'rhyming' about aren't so rhymable.

You gave us Justin,
You showed us Nick,
That's all really nice,
but all we want now is Ric.

Tommy was a real find,
after the other member left them behind.

But you see for Josh, we have
nothing but love.
for some odd reason,
he was sent from above.

Now Eric, he's got style
to see him, we'd paddle a mile;
but if our boat tips over,
we'll be in da Nile.

It's not impossible, it can be done,
Dan's the man to go to,
when you wanna have some fun.

They're in a group
it's called No Authority.
They come from Cali, where the palm trees grow.
They speak really fast, and don't get any snow.

When all else fails,
and you have no place to go,
you can always watch re-runs of the Rosie O' Donnell show.

Rosie, Rosie, we're counting on you.
Rosie, Rosie, Can you pull a string or two?

What we really want to see,
if you can't already tell,
is our favorite group
No Authority.

Pretty nifty, huh? Haha. Don't ask any questions, please. You should have been there while we were writing it. Danny's was SO hard. One of his rejects was 'Dan the man with the incredible tan, has an accent that we can't understand.' a couple others had to do with people we know, it was interesting. Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Talk to you later!

February 8th, 2000
5:40 P.M.

I'm not a very happy person right now. Yesterday I went to this math competition, and didn't get home till 10! That wasn't as bad as the way a certain someone is treating me. I'm not too happy with the person right now, no more details now. Anyway, I'm just tired and everything, and mad at my mom and my brother, etc etc. Don't want to bore you with it, so I'm gonna shut up now. Later!

February 9th, 2000
7:00 P.M.

Before you ask how I am, I'll tell you. Quite honestly I have been better. It's just pretty much one thing that's messin everything up though. See lately, Egs has been acting really awful lately. I asked her to come over on Friday, and she wasn't too thrilled. She was like' I don't want to' and I finally begged her to. She never seems to want to do anything I want to, like she does for a little, but doesn't want to finish anything. Lately she's either really mean and rude, talking about her 'new friends', ignoring me, or acting like nothing is wrong. I seriously don't like this too terribly much. I don't know why she does it. It happens like every year, makes me feel like more of a convenience than a friend.. like I'm only there when she has no one else. I really don't know what to do.. Guess I'll talk to you later.

February 11th, 2000
6:30 P.M.

I'm getting ready to go to Megan's for a sleep over, and yes I'm still unhappy with her. I found out some more things about why she is mad, but there isn't anything I can do.. The things are stupid and all that stuff.. I don't feel like talking about it now, just thought I'd let you know. Guess I'll be going.... ttyl

February 12th, 2000
8:00 P.M.

I survived Eg's house, and I guess I should give you a full report on what exactly had happened. For a while, I have noticed that Megan had been acting a little bit rude towards me, she never would talk to me, or anything like that. I didn't think anything about it until recently. I started asking her about it and everything. Well she wasn't saying anything, said she didn't notice doing anything wrong. I started trying to figure out stuff, and eventually pin pointed the time it started to when she first started liking Chandler. For some reason she has said that chandler and I like each other. Which isn't true. he's a friend, and that's about it. She couldn't understand that. Anyway on Friday I found out for sure that Chandler was the problem. It didn't and still doesn't make any sense to me. Anyway I went over to Megan's and thankfully wasn't alone. Skipper, Keyster, and Laura were there. (eventually Laura left) anyway. The rest of us stayed up and talked till 4. Megan still wasn't really talking to me, but it was ok since Sarah and Keyster were there. Today after everyone left Momma Judy wanted to take Megan to old navy to return a sweater. Megan asked if I could go to. I have never been to old navy and everyone was planning on taking me. Well I got to go. I got a shirt and tank top there. Then we went to Kohls and I got this tie died shirt with a palm tree on it. THEN we went to West Town mall. I got 2 CDS (Youngstown, and Another level, both appear to be good), and some stuff from bath and body works. By the end of the day Megan and I were talking more. I just still don't understand how my being friends with Chandler makes her so mad. Anyway I guess I'll write some other time!

February 15th, 2000
5:50 P.M.

Wow.. I meant to update you yesterday, but I kinda got caught up in things. Let's see what all did I have to tell you. I guess I should start with the monkey. Yes you read right, monkey. See Jason is still after me, and well he kinda went all out for Valentines day. He asked me to go to the dance on Friday, I told him I didn't know, which he took as a no. I kinda figured that would be the end of that. Well Monday morning I walked into Ms. Watson's room to put down some Valentines. Chandler (my 'love') was taking a test in there and anyway ms. Watson started asking me all this stuff about why I was scared of her or whatever.. Well I had no idea what she was talking about. Egs and I left and went to the science hall, when I started back down the main hall, Kara stopped me and told me that Ms. Watson was looking for me. She found me and told me that part of me Valentines gift from Jason was on her table (Jason was out sick). Not really knowing what to expect, I walked down the hall with Megan. I opened the door to her room, and there sat this GIANT gorilla. It was huge! And furry. It was shocking to say the least. I told Ms. Watson I was going to leave it in there till 4th so Egs could bring it to me in 5th. After school, I barely made it home with it. I walked down the main hall and started to go out the doors when Robert stopped me. He took the monkey and like disappeared for a while. When he finally came back, Chandler took it! I didn't think I was ever going to get away. I finally did though. And got home. Later that day Megan called me, and asked if I wanted to go to the movies with her. I wanted to see Scream 3 so I did. It was pretty good. Well I guess that's all for now. I can't think of anything else that has happened.

February 18th, 2000
8:20 P.M.

If you want your life to be messed up and confused pretty badly, all you gotta do is talk to my 'friend' Chris. Let's see what all has happened in the last few weeks. Ok I'll start at the start. Chris has always liked my friend Sarah. He couldn't stand just being her friend, and for a while Sarah liked him. Then Chris started getting possessive and everything. She tried numerous times to get away from him.. It never worked. Until now. Keep that in mind while I refresh your mind, about my problem, then I'll tie it together with Chris. Ms. Watson's nephew J, has liked me. And bought me all sorts of nice stuff and everything. I've meant to tell her and him that I just liked him as a friend. I just never could, I didn't want to hurt him. Through this whole thing, 'someone' has been saying that I like Chandler, and Megan has been mad. Well one day I told Chandler why Megan was mad, and he thought I was mad at him. Ok now flash forward to this week... Everything has slowly been cascading down hill. For Sarah things have been getting rough.. she finally has seriously tried to get rid of Chris. Well Chris got really mad and started telling lies to people. Thing is they were mainly about me, or to make me mad at Sarah. First he told me that Sarah had told him to get Sprint and I hooked up. Which would explain why Sprint has been acting rather weird towards me lately. [today I managed to clear that up.] Second Chris told Ms. Watson that I liked Chandler not Jason. She asked me about it too. I don't think that Ms. Watson is too terribly fond of Chandler, so I think Chris told her that to make her mad. He also told Chandler all kinds of stuff. And any guy that Sarah even remotely tried to talk to, Chris would try to get them away. Sarah is workin on getting rid of Chris, which looks like it might work this time. He's trying to make her mad, by like giving this one girl she doesn't really get along with a pink rose (Sarah's favorite flower.) And stuff like that. Although I managed to fix things with Sprint, and Chandler (after a lllloooonnnngggg conversation last night, by the way.. I Still don't understand the game of golf!). I even got a little revenge on Chris.. Not much but some. Looks like things might be ok. Chris thinks he is soooo popular, but in actuality Megan, Sarah and all of our little 'clique' are more popular than Chris. [although he told me (and I quote) "You have you're little clique, that's you and Megan and Sarah, and sometimes people outside of it talk to you [like chandler], but see I have the rest of the school to do whatever I want to with." Conceited much? Well for one person he seems to think that Chandler is like his best friend.. well Chandler thinks Chris is a 'fat tub of goo' and that he's surprised 'anyone outside his food talks to him.' Chris is one of those people who walks around telling people 'I'm going to get a Ferrari and a jaguar roadster> Just like Sebastian (in Cruel Intentions). He thinks he is just like him, and that he can have ANYONE he wants in the school, (How come the one person he wants, can't stand him?) Also Chris bad mouths Megan like ALL the time, and when he gets mad at me or something he runs to her. Luckily Megan gave him a little 'piece of advice' about the Sprint thing (thanks Egs!) I could tell you more stuff than you would ever want to know about how Chris is, but I have better things to do. I don't really know what else to say, and I hope this isn't too Confusing. Actually I do have one more thing to say.. there is a line out of Cruel Intentions that I think Chris is like I wish he would stop his 'psycho babble bull ****.' :) Lata ya’ll!

February 20th, 2000
8:00 P.M.

*Note: I am going to start using code names again. I have been slacking, but starting today I will be using them again.*

Today Sarah (she won't have a code name.) came over to work on an English project. It was interesting. That's really all that happened, so that's all I have for today.

February 26th, 2000
11:15 A.M.

There hasn't been too much goin on lately. I got my grade card.. All A's except in English. I got a 91/B. I'm trying to think of anything else that has happened. I can't think of anything now, so I guess I'll quit writing. Talk to ya'll later.

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