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Kavitha's February Entries

5:00 P.M.

Natalie and I made a deal to make February much better than January was. Today was a step in the right direction. I managed to have the opportunity to do something that my dad wanted me to. I got along with everyone (even Justin!). Megan's party is Saturday.. I got this totally cute shirt today, and one the other day, so I don't know what to wear.. Gotta decide. Well I think that's it for now.. Bye Babes!

7:00 P.M.

You know.. I wish people weren't like they were. It bothers me. Last night I went to Megan's birthday party. It was interesting. A few people showed up that confuse me. One of them is one of my favorite people, but some of the things this person does, I don't agree with. Megan mentioned something about this group of people, and noted an observation about them... (that they weren't all there.. high maybe?) Well I didn't really notice it except in one of them. When I talked to Natalie earlier, she said she thought the one I like was high too.. Ok that sounds weird, but I don't want to put their names here..haha.. Natalie and I spent 2 hours discussing life in general, and how helpless you feel knowing people you care about are hurting themselves. It's really a sucky feeling. Anyway, I have tons of homework.. I didn't get home till like 4:40 from megan's, and I talked to natalie till like 6.. I ate, and now i'm here.. I don't know where that hour between when i got off with natalie, till now went.. Ah.. this is not making a bit of sense, so i'm gonna stop! haha.. BYE!!!
Ugly (Don't ask)

7:49 P.M.

OH MY GOSH! There has been SO much going on lately. Ok let's see. Jobe and I are into it again. (surprise surprise) He says that I don't take up for him, so he shouldn't have to look out for me. ok.. that's stupid! Eric talked to me for like 45 minutes after school about stuff.. most of which was BS. I had this horrible dream about a friend of mine the other night. It freaked me out for a couple of days!! There was more, but I can't think now, So I will ttyl laters!

3:30 P.M.

Hey! Natalie spent the night with me last night. If mom would get home, I'm going to see if I can stay over there tonight. I hope mom will let me. Ummmm... I don't know what else to say, except yesterday was Megan's birthday, but anyway I will talk to you later.

6:01 P.M.

Megan got her drivers' license. I went to her house last night, and we went to see Hanibal today. It was actually pretty stupid. I just got home, but I'm sooo tired. It's been an exhausting weekend. I don't think there's anything else to say, so ttyl..

5:20 P.M.

Happy Valentines Day!!!! Hope you all had a good one. I personally don't really like the holiday, but that's ok. I'm so sick of chocolate! haha. We got our data match back today.. mine was definetly interesting. Glenn was my number 1. There were lots of weird ones on there. haha.. Well I think that's all for now.. yet again.. another short entry.. TTYL..

4:01 P.M.

Let me tell you.. it was one weird week, and I'm glad it's over. There is this huge party at a friend of mines' tonight.. I'm not going, but a lot of people i know are. I'm really surprised by what some of them are going to do. Actually, no I'm not.. Hopefully I won't have any bad stories to tell you about from there. Tomorrow I think Megan and I are going out to eat. Ummm what else.. Oh yea.. A little sorta tip of advice Sometimes being an enemy makes you the best friend in the end. Let's see what else. It looks like it's going to seriously storm here. Oh joy. We had this lock down at school. We were in 1st period for 2 periods!! It was crazy. Well I don't know what else to say so ttyl...

1:24 P.M.

I Love being out of school. We need more days off. I'm taking a break from practicing the piano, but I'm going to make myself go back, and practice for as long as possible, 30 minutes at the least. I always say that, but I never really accomplish it, haha. That's probably the reason I'm so terrible. lol It look so pretty outside. I may go out later. Anyway, that's all for now.. talk to you later.

6:14 P.M.

You know how I was hoping that I wouldn't have any bad stories to tell about the party.. Well.. I have a VERY VERY bad one... I just can't put it here. After everything is settled or something, maybe I can tell you. I'm so tired now. This week has just been wearing me down. There has been so much going on. I've had to deal with a little bit of everything. It's going to be rough for a little bit. Well I'm going to go now.. ttyl..

7:56 P.M.

Ohmygah! This has been one of the most exhausting weeks. It's been so emotionally draining, that I'm physically tired. I'm so on edge with some people. The only ones at lunch I'm talking to are like Tyler, and Johnny. I'm so glad Tyler is such a sweetheart. If he hadn't been at lunch today, I probably would have went insane. Zach said some pretty mean things to me, basically he told me he hoped I get raped one day. I was so mad and upset, and decided to go talk to Natalie in the library. Well Ms. Godsey saw me, and took me out in the hall and asked what was wrong, and everything. She asked if I would talk to guidance, and I told her I didn't really want to. But Then I asked if Natalie could go with me. She said yea, and me and Nat went up to the area, and just sat outside the guidance office, and talked. Tyler came by, and somethings he said bother me. People are just completely stupid. I don't get it. Anyway, i'm going to go now, ttyl.

5:58 P.M.

Wow.. This is big. The mess that resulted from that party is unbelievable. The actual events that occured, aren't bothering me as much as the "aftermath" and small situations arising from them. I am not by any means the victim here, and I know i'm not dealing with half as much as those involved, but I am dealing with a lot. There are some people that are really helping me out so much, and then there are those that are making things worse. Some people don't even know that they are making things worse. Others don't know they are helping. Well I've gotta go.

7:37 P.M.

Guess what!!! I got my license! YAY!! I have a lot more to say, but I don't have time to say it, so i will clue you in later.

Megan's Diary
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