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Kavitha's January Entries

January 1st 2000
3:30 P.M.

The world is still intact, food production is still going on, the nuclear power plants are still in one piece, and computers are still running. NOTHING HAPPENED, PEOPLE! Ok, so when I woke up this morning this computer said it was January 4th, 1980, but other than that. Actually, I should say nothing Y2K related happened. When I woke up this morning, we had no water. Since we have well water, dad called the drillers and everything. They came at 12. About 5 minutes ago, they realized our water pipes have burst. In other words, we have NO water. A plumber is on his way over now, but if he doesn't have all the equipment he's going to need, we won't get it fixed. I haven't washed my hair in days! (2!) Oh My Gosh, This is SOO very not good. And to make it worse, the pump thing is in the farthest possible corner of our basement. I may be going to Megan's later just to take a bath!!
Going back in time a little, I had a good Christmas. I got 2 ring watches, 2 cameras (one is a Polaroid I ZONE camera, and the other's a real one.) I got 2 CDS (Blaque, and the new Savage Garden), clothes, a new backpack, and a few other things. Then on Sunday the 26th, my aunts, uncle, cousins, mammaw, and her husband came up to the house to do Gag gifts, and eat breakfast. I ended up going home with my cousin, Brittany. She's the only girl near my age. In fact she's the only person near my age at all. She's almost 12, but is pretty cool sometimes. The next day, Mom came to get me and my brother who had went, too. On the way home we stopped at the mall. I got more clothes (!!!!!) and more CDS (the Nobody's Angel single, the Pokemon soundtrack [it's really good!], Jessica Simpson, and LFO [another awesome cd]). On Tuesday, Megan and Joey came to spend the night. Megan and I started to make up a dance to some songs we mixed together, but massive skin loss, carpet burn, and sleep stopped us. On Wednesday I went home with Megan and spent the night there. Thursday I came home and cleaned my room and did some other 'home' stuff cuz mom was sick. On Friday I put on my baby blue warm up pants, and my new favorite shirt (it's a navy blue hooded sweatshirt, on the front it says 'Surf Team' in baby blue letters, underneath that it has summer of 1969 and a big flower. Below that it says Long Beach California. Then there are flowers down the sleeves.) on and lounged around killing time till 7 when the MTV millennium party started. They debuted the new BSB video. It's amazing! Dad had to go to the hospital at 12 to make sure his cameras and computers were still working. So mom, my brother and I watched the ball drop, then I went upstairs and called Megan. I didn't think she would be home because she had went to the cities 'celebration' but she was. I think her mom said there were roughly 100 people, 4 fireworks, a bag of confetti and a 12-inch ball there at the 'huge' celebration. Today I have been helping my mom take down the Christmas decorations. We go back to school on Monday. Well I guess that's all for now. bye!


January 9th 2000
10:00 A.M.

We have water! Actually it was back running the day it went out. Umm what else. There's like an epidemic of the flu goin around. There are so many people sick. I thought I was getting sick, but I think it's just a cold, or stomach bug. We got our grade cards the other day. I had 4 A's and 2 B's on my semester Average. I'm not too happy about one of them because it was a 92 when a 93 is an A! Ugh! How rude! hehe. There's not really too much goin on. I think that I might like a guy. hehe. His name is 'sprint' I'll try to get some more information on him in a bit. I know you're probably thinking that it's crazy for me to 'think' I like someone, but I'm not sure if how I feel is b/c of everyone telling me things like' get him to help you with geometry, or you should go out with him.' so I dunno. Nat ORDERED me to like him. It seems like everyone is determined to fix me up with people.
On another completely different note, I went to piano on Thursday, and Brent was home. Brent is my teacher's oldest son. Needless to say, he is pure evil! He is sooo mean to me. Well this week it was about 20 times worse than it normally is when he is home. So bad even, that Ms. Frank wasn't even going to charge me for my lesson! Ugh! Anyway I guess that's all for now. Need to get back to my homework.

January 14th 2000
1:40 P.M.

Whoa! I am in THE BEST MOOD right now. I'm at school in keyboarding class. Let's see I guess it's time to tell you that I DO in fact like Sprint, don't ask about his real name cause I won't tell. He's the greatest. Well my good mood is in part to him. See I have 3rd lunch and I've been telling a few friends (Haley! Egs! Sarah!) that I will come to visit them in 4th period during my lunch one day. And today I did! Well I looked in the window of the door and Hip looked up, and was like 'KAVITHA!' I sat down in front of her and we were just talking up a storm. It was so much fun since when I turned around to talk to her, I could see Sprint! It was great! Then I started talking to her again, and we got on the subject of our nicknames. I'm Barbie, and she's Skipper. Well Sprint heard us and was so very much confused/scared. It was funny. Then he asked me if I was in their class now. I was like freakin. haha. I mean not like badly, but I was SOOOOO unbelievably happy. I was like Talking 90 miles an hour to Haley and Hip. I was like 'floating' as Hip said, and was hoping down the hall. I grabbed the keyboarding teacher and several classmates in a HUGE hug, why? Just because. I was like sitting with a permanent smile on my face.

:) Well I'm going to try to go to the ball game tonight and maybe Sprint will be there! YAYAYAY. And on top of all this I'm Sick. No One should be THIS happy when you're THIS sick. I love my life, I love this school, I love EVERYTHING!! It's a beautiful world, wouldn't you agree?!

Barbie, Kavitha, Kabi, Kabs, Kaviar, Kabbage Patch, etc etc etc.

January 14th 2000
10:00 P.M.

Amazing how fast moods can change. Don't get me wrong, I'm still happy, just a little hurt. See I went to the ball game tonight. I went with Hip when we got there we went in and were sitting with Ster. We stayed for a little then, Fred came down and just started telling us that if we had sat with him earlier, we would have been able to sit with Sprint. Anyway a little time went by and Hip and I had to go help with the student council shot thing so we got up. After a while, I looked over and Sprint had gone to sit with Fred. So naturally I walk over there. I was sitting there by Hip who was by Fred, and on my other side was Sprint. I had one of those big styrofoam fingers that you get at ball games, and Sprint had a stuffed hamburger. We started talking about those two things. Rather odd conversation. Then Ster comes back, and wants her seat, which is where Sprint is sitting now. Of course I don't want him to move, so at first she sits behind us. Sprint and I continue our conversation. Then Ster decides she wants to sit on the front row, and where does she sit? Right between Sprint and I. I immediately panicked and made up some excuse for Ster to trade seats with me. Hip and Fred were talking to me, so I guess Sprint got bored, or just didn't like being that close to me, and he told me that he had to go up in the bleachers with his parents. He told me bye and that was it. I switched back with Ster. For the longest time I just practically sat there, being SO bored because Fred and Hip made it obvious that they didn't want me around. I don't even want to begin to tell you how many times they told me to shut up. That dampened my good mood. Then Kermit came and sat next to me. I amused myself for a little bit by taunting him with the fact that I knew someone who liked him. Pretty soon, that got boring so I went back to sitting. There was nobody else around to talk to, so I just hoped the game would end soon. Finally it ended. I wasn't too happy with either Hip or Fred. Hip had wanted me to go to the game SO badly, so I did, I know Hip and Fred are really good friends and everything, but I had nothing else to do, and they were kinda mean when I tried to say something. Oh well.
On another note, they found out my papaw has cancer. It's really bad too. And he's in such bad shape that they can't operate. he's going to have to have radiation treatment for 6 weeks, every day. We're going down to see him tomorrow. The biopsy results will be back on Monday.


January 17, 2000
5:00 P.M.

This weekend has pretty much been a do nothing type thing. On Saturday mom and my brother went to Georgia to take some stuff to my papaw. I stayed home, ate junk food, and watched a movie with my ferret, Rascal. No one else was home! After mom got home we watched Teaching Mrs. Tingle. It's a pretty good movie.
Today they found out the results from my papaws' biopsy. Not good. He does have cancer, and the doctor told him that he couldn't miss a treatment, for any reason. That means EVERY day for 6 WEEKS, he will have to go. And they said that the radiation might not take care of everything, and that if he lives for 6 months, they have done their job. They being the doctors.
I know this is going to sound bad, but I'm not extremely upset, mainly because I don't really see my papaw that often, or know him well or anything. What I'm more upset about is my mom. She keeps saying that she and her sisters will have to go through so much with it all, all the while a cigarette in hand. My papaw has mouth cancer. How did he get it? Odds are he got it from smoking and chewing tobacco. Isn't mom setting my brother and I up to go through the exact same thing? My dad smokes, too. And what's sad is Dad's a doctor. (Close enough. He works with patients at a hospital. He's a nuclear medicine technologist.) So I have something to look forward, too.
In other news, we have a new addition to our little family here. Our good friend Haley has joined us, so check out her diary.
I think that's all I have to say, so until next time......


January 18, 2000
5:00 P.M.

I hate feelings!! I'm so confused about this Sprint thing. See the more I thought about it we are totally different people. Not complete opposites, just different. I mean it's just weird. I thought about it, and the way I see it, it's safer to be friends first. But that's the tricky part. Sprint is such an amazing person, and he's so popular, it's not like he needs any more friends. Oh well, I'm just going to see what happens. I don't want to come across too strongly and scare him, but then again I don't want to just seem annoying and air headed. Oh well Life is like SO confusing! hehe. I spent quite a bit of time talking to Haley today. She's really a very good listener, and is pretty good at advice. Of course I don't think going to Herman is going to help my problem much. Apart from this stupid social part of my life, everything else is pretty good. I have some killer biology homework that I don't understand tonight, as well as some geometry. Whoops I think I just forgot about that. Really I don't have much else to say. Of course I could go on forever about the whole Sprint deal, but I so seriously don't feel like writing you a novel out of it. I might eventually. Hope your life isn't as confusing as mine.


January 20th, 2000
5:20 P.M.

It was a normal day at school. I'm kidding. It was actually pretty far from normal. This morning we went to first period and watched Tribe TV like always, and then our principal came over the intercom and made an announcement. No one was to leave the classroom, teacher or student, for any reason. Why? Because they had the drug dogs and several police officers there. We sat in our classrooms, or in my case, the locker room, and waited. Several (like 30) minutes later the assistant principal came into our room and told us if we turned over everything [any contraband we had] we had then, we wouldn't be punished. Well we had already turned over our Tylenol and innocent things like that. After that we were told to go and line up outside the room along the hallway. They took 2 dogs into the room and sniffed everything. Then as I was leaving this after noon there was a news vehicle out side and it said on the news that 4 schools were raided, and 2 guns were found, 1 student arrested. I think one of the guns was found at my school, but I'll have to get back to you on that. I'll fill in the rest of the details later, when I get them.
In other news I am SO ready for the week to end. It's to the point that almost everyone is on my nerves. I just don't feel like dealing with them. I will probably write again later.


January 20th, 2000
9:55 P.M.

Ok so now I might be able to clarify what's goin on. See they did the raid as I mentioned earlier, and what they found (according to the news) was a gun (at our school they found one, and at the other high school they found one), and drugs. ya know, the usual. lol. They arrested some guy at central(the other school). That's all I have to say about that.
Good news about my papaw. The doctors told him that there is an 80% chance that they will be able to cure his cancer. Pretty neat. They also told him that it was probably caused from his smoking instead of chewing tobacco, I really wish my parents would stop..... oh well.... nothing I can do.


January 22nd, 2000
10:35 A.M.

Finally it's the weekend. I don't think I would have made it another day around anyone! It was to the point that almost everyone was getting on my nerves! So totally not good. They were calling for snow today so mom wouldn't let Megan spend the night last night, not happy about that, so I asked if Megan could come over today so we could do homework, and she said 'wait and see what the weather does' HELLO!? It's not going to snow! We had our snow flurry this morning. Then while we were eating breakfast the phone rang, I looked at the I.D. and saw that it was for my brother, and since he has a phone and caller id in his room I let it ring, so he could answer. Lord help me, I just committed a felony. My parents started yelling at me like there was NO tomorrow, just because I did what my brother ALWAYS does, Look at the phone, and if it isn't for him don't answer it. I always and I mean ALWAYS answer the phone, and the one time I didn't because it wasn't for me and because I had stuff in my hands I get yelled at. This is awful. I can't go anywhere without being yelled at and everything! Ugh!
Lately I have been feeling different towards Sprint, I don't really know if I like him. I really don't think I do. I'll keep you updated on my non-existent love life, hehe.


January 22nd, 2000
3:10 P.M.

Well so maybe I was wrong about the snow thing. It started snowing at about 1 and has been snowing on and off since then. We have about an inch. SO cool! It's starting to sleet a little, but still it's great. Within minutes the ground was starting to get covered. YAY! That's all I have for now! Buh-Bye


January 24th, 2000
1:15 P.M.

Hey everyone. Instead of updating from school, where I usually would be, I'm at home. We didn't have school today and I couldn't be happier. Well maybe I could, but still. I'm almost ready to get back to school, I'm SO unbelievably sick of being home. The main thing is my brother. See I was asking for Megan to spend the night over the weekend, and mom said no. Well what happened yesterday? Kody(our next door neighbor) came over, and spent the night. How unfair is that?! Well last night mom and I were in the dining room/bear room eating. I went to take my plate to the kitchen and my brother ran into me, trying to knock me down. I just kept walking. Then he did it again, this time ending up on the floor. He threw himself to the ground to make it look like I pushed him. When I tried to walk by he tried to kick him so I put my foot on him and acted like I was going to stomp him. But I didn't. That's the important part. My brother starts screaming, and crying, choking, and what not. (he should have gotten a Grammy for the performance.) And when mom and dad didn't say anything to me, he got mad and hurled a potato at me. (we had potato skins for dinner, and he had one in his hand.) Well the potato FLEW into MANY pieces. Little jerk just threw a temper tantrum. and he was grinding it into the carpeting. Well of course nothing happened to him. Then this morning Kody and him were playing Pokemon cards. Like battling the cards and stuff. Kody beat him (again) and my brother got mad and threw another tantrum, this time threw his glass of milk all over the kitchen table. DRENCHING his cards. And for those of you who know nothing about Pokemon.. some of those cards are expensive! Ugh! He's such a spoiled brat. And he NEVER gets in trouble or even yelled at. But me.. I do.. Anyway I guess I'm done now. :) Bye


January 28th, 2000
1:15 P.M.

Hey everyone. We're all preparing for the 'blizzard' that we are supposed to have. Our school is getting out at 1:30. The funny thing is there's no snow in sight. In fact it's sunny out! Let's see today in bio, I had a little 'Sprint' incident. well kinda. I don't like him that much, but hey he's still pretty. kinda.. well his arms are.. in bio he had on this tee shirt and oh my gosh it was beautiful He's so wow! lol.. Keyster brought it to my attention, and I just died laughing. I don't know why. I got 2 cds yesterday before piano. I got Eminem, and Nas. Both seem to be ok, but I'm not sure yet, b/c I haven't had time to listen to it all. I also went to piano, and Brent decided to make a guest appearance. Oh well, I guess that's all for now. I guess I'm going to go get out and enjoy the sun, and lack of snow. This is crazy! Although my cousin got out the whole day, without there being any snow there, and anything. They just called it off. And my other cousin got out at 1 today, so this is like so totally messed up.. By the way, to all of you might care.. Tennessee is going to the super bowl, which will be played on Sunday! whoo-hoo.


January 29th, 2000
9:30 P.M.

What a bunch of bologna! Like I said yesterday, we got out of school early, so when the snow hit, we wouldn't be stranded there.. Every possible precaution was taken, our student council lock-in was canceled, and so was the basketball game. The weather people kept saying it would move in after midnight, and we would get like 4-6 inches or so. I went to bed, and when I woke up this morning, the first thing I did, was look out my window. Know what? There wasn't any snow that wasn't there from last week. Seriously! It was raining! They had TOTALLY missed the forecast. It's so messed up (gotta quit saying in that, it's all KERMIT'S FAULT!) This is so stupid. But hey we got out early, I'm not complaining. I just don't think they will do it again. Anyway, I don't really have anything else to say, so I guess I'll go to bed, I'm very sleepy.

Kaba (according to my cousin Evan, that's my name)

January 31st, 2000
10:00 P.M.

I just got done watching the super bowl. And yes Robert Ivey, girls DO watch the game. It was the St. Louis Rams vs. the Tennessee Titans. I was so totally hoping Tennessee would win, but they didn't. It was an AWESOME game. Congrats to the Rams. While Tennessee didn't win, they still played great. MAJOR, Major props out to Eddie George, Steve McNair, and Al Del Greco, and the rest of the Titan team. They were down 16 to zip at one point, and if they had actually stopped the clock when he went down at the end, they could have scored and went into over time. Also, Blaine Bishop (that his name? Can't think right now.) got hurt during the game, he should be ok though. Well I guess that's all for now. Congrats on a great Super Bowl XXXVI to the Tennessee Titans, despite their loss. They should have won!!!!

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