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January 2001-By Kavitha

4:58 P.M.

Oh My Gosh! It's 2001!! And what a great way to start off the new year..SNOW DAY!! Tomorrow we're out of school for snow.. I'm LOVIN THIS!! Last night I went to Megan's, and then we went to Jobe's party (we had a blast).. (I wasn't sick this time, so i actually got to play truth or dare lol) Then we went to this party thing in Athens.. we met Michael! It was sooooo weird.. Then we went back to Megan's and we stayed up till like 4. Umm that's all for right now, b/c i'm carrying on several conversations, and need to get to them.. ttyl

2:18 P.M.

SNOWWWWWWWW DAY!! :) Gotta love them!! Let's see.. I think I told you most everything about my new years. OMG OMG! I'm so loving this whole plotting against people thing. Haley and I have been thinking of something to do to Justin for his birthday.. Well like 4 months of planning came to good use, and we have the PERFECT plan. Oh my gosh! It's going to be soo good.. I'd love to tell you what it is, but we wouldn't want someone warning Bat, now would we? No. that wouldn't be cool. Not cool at all!! Ummm I really think that's all! If not I will tell you later.

6:28 P.M.

What a TOTALLY messed up day.. let me tell you. Ok I was in the best mood today. Well most of it. Ok Jobe did something a couple weeks ago that he was really embarrassed about, and didn't want people to know about. I convinced him to tell me. So Me and Bat were the only people who knew. Well I promised him that I wouldn't tell. At lunch today we were sitting there, and we started talking about the truth or dare game. Well I hadn't told Natalie about anything I did, and didn't tell Josh one of the things. Justin told them one thing.. then the other.. One was stupid.. no big deal.. the other was stupid too, but it had to do with another guy, so I was afraid of what Josh might think. Well then Justin asked me if Jobe had told me about the secret. And I said yea. Justin decided to tell the table. I kept telling him not to! But he wouldn't listen!!! He did anyway.. and it has to do with the number 8. Well everyone at lunch walked by him saying like (4 times 2 equals 8. 4 plus 4 equals 8 etc). I felt horrible. Even though I didn't tell. It's the kind of thing people want to remember.. and don't let a person live down.. Even if it's not true. Jobe said it's a joke, but Jobe said that Justin thinks it is true. I wish I could tell jobe that no one will care and everything, but i can't.. b/c it's not true. Esp. with some of the people bat told. Well After school. Jobe was about to tell Megan, and eric came over there. And he wanted to know. I wasn't going to tell him, b/c I had promised jobe I wouldn't. Well Eric picks me up and moves me.. throws me in the trash can, drags me around the hallway by my feet.. steals and unlaces my shoe, etc.. and I STILL don't tell him.. Jobe eventually does, and he was all like "I just ruined my social life for you." Eric won't tell. And Jobe is sometimes way too caught up in popularity, and everything.. Sometimes it bothers me.. He's always worried about how many.. like how many people were at his party.. he didn't really seem interested in how much fun people had. Well I guess that's all for now.. TTYL..

5:18 P.M.

I got thrown in a trash can again!!!! UGH! This time I couldn't get out, and they tipped it over with me in it. NOT COOL. Scott that worthless person comes in as soon as I get out. He's so much help. (SARCASM) (Scott! Where are you when I need you!?) Scott is this really cool, awesome guy I know. He's really cool. I love him to death. I mean he's just the most awesome person. He also told me to tell you this. He said we'd get a lot of hits if we mentioned his name. I don't think it's going to work. (.sekilenoontahtdneirflrigasahoslaeh)
In other things Jobe is still all upset. He has every right to be, but in a way I'm glad he can understand how I felt knowing one of my best friends had betrayed me. It sucks a big one. He thinks Justin's up to something. I think he's been acting different lately. I don't know.. Well I gotta go. TTYL

5:38 P.M.

I hate my parents. They are the most unreasonable people. They completely refuse to let me do anything. I can't go anywhere.. be with anyone.. do anything. They have some of the most stupid reasons, too.. They completely refuse to and won't even try to understand where I'm coming from. My dad is always right. Duh! i knew that.. Never in his life has he been wrong. It's really not fair. I wanted to go out and do something tonight.. There were 9 million reasons why I couldn't. They ranged from "B/c I said so, and i'm the dad..." to "There are going to be boys there" It's totally not fair. You do know that my brother will get to do whatever he wants! He already does now. Where is he right this second? No he's not home.. He's out with some friends.. just like he is everyday. My freakin cat does more than i do! I totally hate it.. and can't do a dang thing about it.
Today is justin's birthday, and Haley and I have been plotting something major. And so we went through with it. He was all scared and worried about it. I was getting a kick out of it. Then after school he was all worried about his precious car.. he just knew that we did something to it. Well it turns out that all we had done was make him a boring card. The look he had was priceless. I was cracking up. He was a bit mad tho.. well I'm still very upset about my parents, and realizing that my life sucks, and will continue to suck until the very end. I really hate this. Talk to you later, since I'm not allowed to do anything but nothing. I'm actually quite surprised that I can talk on the phone, or be on the internet. Wow.. there are boys here.. and etc etc etc.. it really sucks to be me.. Want to know how bad it is.. EVERYONE i know uses me to make themselves feel better.. When one of their parents say that they can't do something... They just say ok, and think... "It's not that bad.. kavitha can't do anything."

7:58 P.M.

I am so completely mad at my parents, that I'm just mad at everything right now. EVERYTHING. Well actually I'm just mad at the stupid stuff that shouldn't bother me at all. I complained to both Jobe, and Haley earlier about something that is so stupid. I was mad b/c I couldn't find anything to wear to school tomorrow. I go from mad to depressed. And I'm just not liking it. But then again I get all happy and i'm fine.. and then mad.. then depressed.. then happy. It's nuts! I don't know.. Maybe tomorrow will be a good day. Guess I will go now. TTYL.

8:06 P.M.

Oh gosh! It's been a crazy recent time lately. haha.. Yesterday I made Brandon mad.. I was JUST KIDDING! I PROMISE. Brandon is a very nice looking guy!!! Umm I was so stressed b/c I had homework.. and this chem thing to memorize. Ah! I had more to say, but i can't think now.. I'm working on something.. more details to come..

6:12 P.M.

I wish I wasn't so lazy! I would very much enjoy having the will power to lose some fat! I'm not really that big.. but I could def. lose some fat.. It wouldn't hurt me at all.. it's just that I eat too much, and don't do anything to lose it! AH!!! But I'm going to try!!! Today.. Jobe's van had narcotics in it.. They weren't his tho, but long story..... Ummm.. Let's see.. I had piano today. Josh is going to end up killing me.. he's violent! I can't wait till this weekend.. MONDAY OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that's all for now.. Going to go figure out what I can do to make myself care about fat! lol

5:48 P.M.

It's been a relatively rough week. Some parts have been heck! Some of it wasn't so bad. I went to Wal-Mart with Jobe, sorta got into it with Megan.. and then today it was just a long day. I can't wait till tomorrow tho. I will let you know, and be able to tell you everything tomorrow.. That is if I'm still alive. Well for now, i'm going to stop writing, because I can't think of anything else to say. Megan's coming over later. TTYL

8:23 P.M.

Oh Gosh! I just had the BEST time. Ok now I can tell you what I've been so excited about. Well Justin's birthday was Friday the 5th. Well Haley and I had been planning to do something to him since like August. We warned him and warned him and on Friday, gave him a card. Well he thought that was the end of it. Little did he know, that Brandon, Jobe, Haley, Megan, and I had much much much more in store for him. We planned and plotted, went to wal-mart for supplies, and set up everything. We had THE PERFECT plan. Fast forward to Friday: I go up to Brandon after school, and whispered in his ear I told him to remind Jobe to pick up some duck tape. Justin was standing there, and Brandon said OUT LOUD. "What do we need duck tape for?" Justin was like "What are you guys plotting.. I know you're plotting something." and walked off. Jobe told me he would call saturday morning, and tell me what time he was coming. I went after school and picked up Bat's cake, and Megan spent the night. Saturday morning, and afternoon passed, and Jobe hadn't called, so we called him at like 1:30. He was STILL ASLEEP! At 2 he called, and said that he was running out to wal-mart and going to get ready. around 3, Megan's mom called and said she wanted megan home by 6. At like 5 Jobe went to wal-mart got some duck tape, went to brandon's and got me the license plate number for Justin's car. Oh yea.. Forgot about that detail... the original plan was for Jobe to go get Brandon, then go get Justin. Justin showed up at Brandon's house. Jobe called me at 4 and said "Justin is at Brandon's house." We originally thought brandon had invited him over, and were about to beat him up. But then we found out that Justin had just appeared. Well Jobe went there, and brandon and justin got in the van. The plan was to ask Justin to let Brandon blind fold and hand cuff him. When he said no, they were going to say that I was with his car, and was about to mess it up. Well the phone rang once, and I knew that it was jobe.. so i called the cell phone, and Jobe answered and gave the phone to Justin.. I was like "Hey!!! How ya doin?" He said not so great, and I told him that it was cold outside, and I was with his car.. and to let brandon tie his hands up. He had to give the phone back to Jobe, and I hear all this screaming in the background. All kinds of "OUCH!" and profanity. It was HILARIOUS. Jobe was supposed to call once he got to this store near my house, and say "The momma duck has the duckling, and we are almost to the pond." he called and told us to make this sign that said "i'm pretty" on it. The plan was to put it on him, and dump bat out at this shopping center. Well anyway Megan and I had all this stuff ready to do to justin, and waited for them to get here. When they did.. Megan and I couldn't say a word b/c Justin wasn't supposed to know where he was. They had taped his feet together, and and he hopped into the house, and they sat him in this specially prepared chair. We got pictures, and Jobe had been filming the WHOLLLEEEEE time! They taped him to the chair, and somehow he managed to get his hands free and ripped his face mask off. (They had an ace bandage wrapped around and taped onto his face.) He didn't see me, but I think he saw everyone else. As soon as he did it, they slammed their hands onto his face, and taped him up again. Then the fun started. They spray painted his hair pink. Put lipstick on him. Put temporary tattoos on his face, and neck. Let the ferret crawl on him, took pictures, video taped it..etc.. THey told him if he could guess where he was they would let him go. He said "kavitha's house." and Megan's house. Both were wrong. He was in Kavitha's basement. haha.. So anyway we took his blindfold off, and left him taped up.. He was a MESS... They filmed some more, and then we went to have his cake (Which was REALLY cute by the way). Megan and Jobe drug his little rocking chair over to the room we were in, and he chewed his way through the arm restraints. Before he did that tho, they filled his mouth with whipped cream, and he spit it all over the place. eeww!!! He then went and took a shower. They could have filmed that, b/c of the window.. should have thought of that haha... Well then they put in a movie, (megan left btw) and a little while later, Justin said he had to go to the bathroom. We went to go take pics, and discovered he had the video camera. He totally destroyed one of the tapes. He then got the hair spray after us, which is why my pair is pink and yellow. And then they left.. After I cleaned up the huge mess.. I came in here, to tell you!! If you have any questions, want more details or whatever, let me know! I will have the pics up soon!!!! By the way- Haley was like the original person involved, but she couldn't make it to the thing today... Just so you know.

9:21 P.M.

I can't tell you how happy I am that it is Friday. This has been a really rough week. I just really don't get things sometimes. I have discovered that there is basically no hope for me ever getting along with Justin. It's just not going to happen. He's too stubborn, and moody. He doesn't see how his actions and everything affect others..not just me... Natalie has given up on me, and is now working on getting Megan fixed up with someone. I hope that doesn't affect our friendship any. Ummm what else happened this week? Everyone is kidding me about being Anorexic. lol.. riiightt.. Not quite! lol... ummmm I really can't think of anything else, so TTYL.

5:05 P.M.

Some aspects of my life, just COMPLETELY BEYOND SUCK! And i'm not the only one to say that! Well I'm in such a bad mood, that I'm not going to put anything else up now. .so bye.

5:33 P.M.

I have to go to this stupid lock in for student council. I really don't like a lot of the members on student council! I hope I'll get through it. I hate hypocrites!!!! Today everyone is making such a huge deal out of something, that really wasn't important at all!!! I guess i'm done complaining, so ttyl..

7:09 P.M.

I am SOOOO tired right now. I just got back from the mall.. actually I got back at like 6 or so. I got like 3 new pairs of pants, and 5 shirts. Mom got me this jacket thingy, I haven't looked at it yet tho. Anyway... We had that lock in last night. I had fun, but then again I didn't some of the time. I would seriously be a much happier person if some of the people on student council, weren't on it.. or better yet, didn't go to our school.. haha.. I guess that's all for now, I'm doing my homework.

4:48 P.M.

You know those days you have, where everything just sucks? Well today was one of those for me. So much stuff happened, I just don't want to put it here.. would rather not go through it all, but I guess I will talk to you later..

6:58 P.M.

My dad has this strange ability to yell at me for the stupidest stuff. What he's yelling about now, isn't something that is stupid, but he's making it seem like it is. You all know about that Earthquake in India.. well somehow it's my fault that our school isn't doing anything to help. Ok.. He's yelling now. .so i'm going to stop writing...

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