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Kavitha's July Entries

July 1st, 2000
11:39 A.M.

Today I am going to that Lion's Club thing.. I can't wait! Haha. I have such an evil plan.. :) Oh well. ttyl Gotta finish making the other's pages.

July 3rd, 2000
6:23 P.M.

*Note I wrote this on Sunday night, didn't post it till Monday.

My life is such a pain sometimes! It'd be too much trouble to just tell you the bad stuff, so I'm telling you all about my weekend. On Saturday the Lion's Club had their Independence Day celebration. Every year, I go and help my dad set up and everything. Well I was planning on going as usual, and for some reason he got all mad at me, and said I didn't need to go early. BUT he was taking my brother, and picking up Joe on the way. My cousin offered to drive me, and pick up Megan. Anyway, we got there, and Megan and I set up the parts to Jobe's surprise. We were going to send him on this scavenger hunt type thing. His birthday was like June 10th, and we hadn't seen him since, and he wanted his Jobe Treats. So we put clues on index cards and put them all over the area. When he got there we handed him the first one. After he finally got to the last one, we gave him his gift. I thought it was funny, so did Megan. Jobe stayed till 9:30. Megan till about 10:15 I think. Then I was left, cold, wet, and dirty. I was put under the dunking tank thing, which was a chair under a toilet. If you hit the dot, the toilet flushed and water came down on your head. I thought I had a lot of friends, guess I have more enemies. Like everyone was throwing balls at me. I was so wet, and the water was cold, and I was having trouble keeping my shirt on!!! haha.. Well then I went and sat on the ground, where I got my butt covered in dirt. I had to walk around like that for the rest of the night. I WAS NOT HAPPY!!!!!
Then this morning we left to take my cousins to the mountains. Whoopie. I was stuck in the very back of the land cruiser (for those of you who have never seen the inside of one, the VERY back is like seats in the trunk. I mean they sit on the floor, and like 2 inches away from the middle ones. You have NO leg room.) My cousin was back with me too or I would have stretched out. My bro and other cousin were in the middle and mom and dad were in the front. The way down wasn't so bad. I'm not even going to get into the hiking thing. But it wasn't good. And Cade's Cove.. Not going there either. We did see a bear there.. haha.. and soooooooo many deer. And as we were leaving, there was this reddish Ford Expedition trailing us. and then it just passed us. Well ok no biggie, except it is pitch black outside, going down mountain roads (which are curvy, and full of blind curves) and it was a no pass zone. It squeezed into this tiny space between us and the car in front of us. THEN it decided it was going to pass again, and took off down the thing. There are no guardrails either. Anyway, there were about 5 cars in front of us close together so this Ford is going to have to pass them all. Trouble is there are cars coming up the mountain, too. There were several near accidents. I need to tell you about Pizza Hut, but I'll do that some other time, I’m sleepy.. going to bed..
Ok it's morning, and I don't feel like telling you anything else, so that's it.. haha.. Later!!

July 3rd, 2000
9:30 P.M.

If you ever want to come visit me, please call first or else, my life will be a mess. (Haley and Jonathan- don't take this the wrong way, you didn't do anything. ) I was in the kitchen earlier making cheese biscuits for supper, and I had just put a batch in the oven, when my cousin came into the kitchen and told me that Jobe was in the driveway. I started to walk through the house to the front door, when I ran into my dad, who told me to make sure everyone called before they came, in a mean awful tone. I just walked out there and Haley and Jobe were out there. I talked to them for a minute. I went in for a second to check on the biscuits, and mom told me that dad was mad because I "didn't have any clothes on." Sure I looked like crap, but I did have clothes on (I had on my Tommy Hilfiger tankini and a bsb tee-shirt on.) Well I went back out, and talked to them till we had to eat. Dad had told them to call before they came, and I know how my dad is, I KNOW he was rude about it. So when we sat down to eat (we actually ate at the table today), I calmly asked him why he had to be so mean to my friends. He started yelling at me for everything from not hearing the door, to "a 16 yr old driving a 14 yr old around." And I was so mad about it, because he had no right to be mad at me, or them. He wasn't really mad at them, but you just have to know my dad, and know what a bad temper he has, and all that. It was awful, then my brother, who was sitting next to me, starting in with this "cry, cry, cry" thing and I told him to shut up. Dad starting yelling more, and so I got up, and came to my room. About 10 minutes later he went to the stairs and started telling me that I was wrong for leaving over something so simple, and that I had to come down and take my plate to the kitchen. So I did, and grabbed my piece of chicken on the way. It was cold, but I was hungry. I hear the fireworks going off now. I don't like my dad or brother. They are just alike, and that brat is the only one my dad actually likes. And I know that you're going to say I'm imagining things. No, trust me. When we went hiking yesterday, my dad was telling my brother to stay close because "he was the only kid he had." and he kept telling my brother that he would bring him hiking sometime. I got yelled at for wearing slides, instead of tennis shoes, but that's about it. And then today at the table, while dad was yelling at me, he took time to laugh at/with my brother. I don't want to be a part of this family. I love my mom, but that's it. The only time she's hateful with me, is when my brother starts in. While my dad and bro were gone earlier, she was so nice, then my brother comes in yelling, and stuff, and she gets a little grouchy. I don't blame her the kid is a brat.. speaking of him, he just came into my room and asked me "if the little baby was going to watch the fireworks." (we are shooting a few today, so my cousins can see) and was making all kinds of faces, so I didn't answer him, he went downstairs and told mom I wasn't. Well, I'm going to go.. I've got to figure out where they are shooting them, so I can watch from a window. Talk to you later.

P.S. I wish my dad would realize that I'm growing up, and I'm going to do it, whether he wants me to or not. And I'm not going to do everything his way, all time. There's no way. And just because my friends came to visit without calling (the freakin first time it ever happened) does not mean I should have to deal with stupid lectures, and stuff like that.

July 5th, 2000
6:43 P.M.

Have I ever mentioned that I don't like my brother? I'm sure I have, but I seriously don't like him. I don't even want to get into it, but since I'm sitting here home alone, seeing as my brother and mom left me here, while they went to Wal-Mart, I have nothing to do. Well guess I will go for now.. Ttyl!

July 8th, 2000
7:42 P.M.

Hey everyone. I am so bored right now. Nothing really major has happened lately. Megan spent the night last night, and we totally wasted a whole roll of film. There are so many crazy pictures on that thing. Some of them, you might see. Some you won't. (last time someone got a picture of me in my bathing suit, it wasn't good) Umm well.. I guess that's all for now. Talk to you later.

July 9th, 2000
7:36 P.M.

THERE IS NOTHING TO DO!!! haha.. I went to On Cue earlier, and got the Cruel Intentions soundtrack, and the guy gave me some free singles and samplers. I haven't listened to them yet though. Umm.. The other night, Buur-dah got really mad at me. There is this girl that has been talking to him, but won't tell him her name. She then told him that she was me, and he believed her. He said we typed the same thing at the same time. He went so ballastic!! Then today, Michael seemed to think it was me and Megan. It isn't us!!! I also went to Goody's today. They had so much stuff, but I tried to restrain myself. I got a pretend leather skirt, and this really cute tank top leather looking thing. I got some other things, too, but I'm sure you have better things to do than hear about clothes haha. Gonna go now.. I'm not feeling so good. Talk To You Later.

July 10th, 2000
2:36 P.M.

Hey everyone.. UGH my mouth is so numb right now!! It's so driving me crazy. It feels TERRIBLE. I got my pictures back today, and No, you will not see some of them. I'm in a really bad situation, with a couple friends right now.. it just isn't good. I can't really elaborate here, but I'd be glad to if you ask me personally. But anyway that's all for now.. ttyl..

July 11th, 2000
9:51 A.M.

Well last night, I didn't help my "situation" any. And in fact, I technically made it worse. But see there is a chance that it won't be worse, but I'm not sure about that. Everything is fine as long as a couple people keep their mouths shut. And shut tightly! Yea, I know what you're thinking, why does it matter if people keep their mouthes shut, if I'm just going to tell you. Well I'm not. I want to, believe me I do, but there's no telling who might read this, but if you want contact me personally, and I will tell you what happened. Ok well, I guess that's it. Hope you aren't TOO confused.

July 11th, 2000
7:32 P.M.

People are so stupid sometimes.. Haha.. I just realized that I couldn't care less what happens with my little "situation." Well I care about the first entry worth, BUT the second one.. Smart people do stupid things. I know this for a fact. I was a little worried about it at first, but within the last 2 minutes I COULDN'T CARE LESS!! haha.. I love not having to take things seriously.

July 12th, 2000
8:57 P.M.

I am SO tired and sleepy right now. Haley spent the night last night! We watched 2 movies (Wild Things [Love that movie.. I was having the hardest time trying to not tell her what was going on, b/c she hadn't seen it, but I have.] and Urban Legend [one of my ALL time favorite movies.] We almost didn't get through Wild Things, we were plotting, and then like kept talking through this one part, so we had to keep rewinding it! Then we went up stairs and started to go to sleep, but ended up talking till 5 in the morning. Then my my cousins Evan and Brittany, and Brittany's friend, Danay, and my aunt Tanja, came swimming at 11. So that woke us up. We went downstairs and went swimming till about 3. We watched TRL, and then went and watched Dirty Dancing. After that we didn't really do anything till she left at likt 8:30. We had fun. But I'm way tired!! haha.. Well guess I'll quit typing talk to you all later.

July 15th, 2000
5:04 P.M.

Hey yall.. I just made a quick escape from the company picnic that's goin on in my backyard. I just throught I would come and tell you that nothing much has happened lately. Well Guess I better get back out there.

July 16th, 2000
8:57 P.M.

I had a decent amount of fun last night. Some of the guys' that work for my dad are young, and their wives are the coolest haha.... Know what I hate? How people jump to conclusions, and take things the wrong way.. That bugs me so bad!! Presumptuous people are so hard to deal with. Pessismistic Presumptuous people are even worse.. haha... Yes I have a situation to back that up, but I don't want to put it here, b/c I know someone will read it, and PRESUME things, and so that would totally just suck! haha..
On another note, my friend, Derrick's, baseball team is going to the little league world series! His mom cleans our house, and I've went to school with Derrick for a while. (He's a year younger than me though) But his dad coaches the team and had worked with our basketball team when I played (he's actually the reason I didn't quit), but anyway. Derrick's brother Maurice plays on the team, too. I hope they do good! I gotta go now.. Mom is making me watch some tv show.

July 17th, 2000
6:57 P.M.

Piano lessons are chaos! Oh My Gosh! Brent has got to be the single most annoying person On the planet!!! I'm sure you already knew that.. haha.. But anyway.. I saw Jobe at a store today. Not the first place I ever thought I'd see him, but still haha... This car could have ran over him, if it had been moving.. lol.. that made no sense at all, but Jobe might understand.. maybe.. lol.. .Mom, Tanja, Brittany and I are going shopping tomorrow for school stuff... Guess that's all for now....Talk to you later.

July 17th, 2000
9:23 P.M.

My life just fell apart. Mom just left. Seriously. Her and dad got into a fight about money, and mom left. She said she was going to Tanja's. So I called Jobe and was talking to him for a while, and then I called Tanja and let her in on everything. Then I called Megan. Thinking maybe Judy would come get me or something. Judy wouldn't even let me talk to her. Right now I'm sitting here chatting with Jobe. My bro is here, and dad. Dad is acting way too nonchalant.. He's making me mad. Mom just called, and dad said a lot of stuff I wish he hadn't. Ok.. i'm going to go now..

July 18th, 2000
10:51 A.M.

My freakin brother is about to make everything worse. I take that back. He IS making things worse. Mom had went to Tanja's last night, and she came back this morning.. My brother starts in with this "When are you going back" "Will you make banana pudding before you go?" "How will I get to school" "You leave! Me and Daddy are staying here" crap. And this stupid tractor they have been wanting came in, and that brat was like "Now i'm glad I didn't go with mom last night." I HATE HIM. He seems to thing that this isn't anything serious. HOW CAN YOU NOT REALIZE this is serious. Mom and Dad both are too stubborn to do anything except think they are right! And my brother being in there isn't helping. Dad should be home soon, and I KNOW my brother is going to cause more problems.. This is like some horrible nightmare.. I wish I could just wake up.


July 18th, 2000
10:14 P.M.

Ok this is basically a repeat of the last two entries.. just more in depth.. I don't care if you read it or not, but still. Ok.. I know some of you know the whole story, and actually more than you care to, some of you are a little in the dark, and the rest of you, had no idea anything was up. But I want to clear things up now with everyone.

Background: My mom, tanja(aunt), brittany(cousin), and I were going to go school shopping today. My brother was going to stay with Jerry (uncle).

What Happened: I'm not exactly sure what happened between 8:15-8:30 other than my brother came into the office (where I was talking with Jobe, and Betty, and listening to some music) and said we weren't going shopping.. (it was actually in a whiny little kids voice "You aren't going shopping hahahaha" kinda in a mocking tone.) anyway the next thing I know mom is yelling "FINE, KAVITHA I'M LEAVING, YOU CAN COME WITH ME IF YOU WANT." At the time, I was just stunned.. I mean I was putting Jobe on the silent treatment, b/c he wouldn't tell me something, and Betty was helping me. Within 5 seconds I was on the phone with Jobe. I called him about 15 seconds before "I'm leaving" came out of her mouth. I sat there stunned, trying to figure out what was going on. I got off the phone with Jobe, and went upstairs, and asked mom where she was going. She said probably to Tanja's. At first I thought she was just kidding about leaving. but she was packing her suitcase. I didn't know what to do.. I didn't know if I should go, or stay or what. I told her I was going, and then went to my room. I didn't know if I should call Jobe or Tanja. Then I decided I needed to stay at home b/c of my little brother. I didn't know where he was, and he couldn't stay by himself. So I called Jobe, and started talking non stop about nothing, trying to forget it, then someone knocked on my door.. It was mom. My brother was behind her pitching a fit to go with her. I thought he was going, and i just decided to stay. It was too overwhelming at the time to make a decision. A few minutes later I heard my brother down stairs, and thought mom had stayed. I went down there.. My dad was sitting in his chair where he had been all evening, and my brother was on the couch eating ice cream. I then called tanja and clued her in.... mom called at like 9:30. Apparently what had happened was Dad told mom not to "splurge" and leave her check book at home when we went shopping. He was mad about EVERYTHING. Mom was in town, didn't know where she was going. Then tanja called, and she called mom. i went to bed. Didn't sleep, but I did go to bed. Then I got up at 8:30 and tanja called. She asked if I had heard from mom.. I was like no.. not since last night, have you? She said no, that she didn't come down there.. etc.. I was so upset.. I didn't have any clue where mom was... Then tanja told me to hold on, and she handed the phone to mom. i was mad! Mom came home, and dad called like 3 times.. He brought food, and told my brother that he thought their tractor was in (they have been waiting for this 33,000 dollar tractor to come in.. They are going to buy it.. How's that for splurging) Well anyway, my brother called Megan's brother and said "Now I'm glad i didn't go with my mom, I would have missed the tractor." and when mom walked in the door he said "Why did you come back?" She sat in the bear room all day watching tv. My dad was in the living room watching tv. He yelled once, but that's it. My brother has been saying stuff like "When are you leaving? Will you take her (me) with you? I hope you stay gone with her, so daddy and me can buy all the tractors we want and Will you make a banana pudding before you leave?" Stuff like that. It's making me so mad, that he doesn't realize this is serious. He's 11. He should!!! Anyway.. There has been a little more small stuff happen, but for the most part, that's the whole story. I don't know what's going to happen, or anything, so i'm just sitting here talking to a couple friends, hoping for the best. So there.. That's basically been my life for the last 2 days. Sux, huh?

I can say that some of my friends have been just great. Betty! Jobe! Jenny! and a couple random people I met earlier. There are also a few I could mention that have been less than supportive.. but I'm not.

Ok I'm going to stop writing, I'm so sleepy (I didn't sleep much last night. and I just feel icky.. I gues it's from crying 2 days solid. I'll keep you all updated.

July 19th, 2000
2:58 P.M.

Things are a little better *knock on wood* They are talking again, so that's a good sign. My brother is still jabbering about that stupid tractor, but that's it. Well I guess I'll quit typing for now. There isn't really anything else going on.

July 19th, 2000
6:28 P.M.

Dad gave mom some roses, and they are talking. Things seem to be better. I hope they stay that way. Joe (meg's brother) is here. She's (megan) on the phone. Not paying attention to me as usual. I talk and talk, but she never answers or anything. Guess I'll go finish my game of cards now..

July 21st, 2000
9:06 P.M.

Hey everyone. Let's see... There isn't too much going on. I think we're going to Atlanta tomorrow. I don't want to go, So I might not.. Maybe they will let me stay home. Then in 2 weeks we are going to Williamsburg and Virginia Beach. We are staying in Williamsburg for 2 nights, and at the beach 1. We can't take 'normal' vacations b/c dad can't take off very much work. Oh well.... That's all I have for now. Talk to you later.

July 23rd, 2000
4:38 P.M.

I didn't go to Atlanta with them yesterday, and was pretty much bored for the most part. Then Tanja, Brit, Jerry, and Evan came up to go swimming. They called at 11 last night and asked if I wanted to go to Ohio with them today. I would have went had they actually given me a little time to prepare haha. They had decided 15 minutes before that they were going, and called me. Anyway, I'm going to go.. there isn't anything else happening.

July 25th, 2000
5:28 P.M.

Nothing exciting has happened lately. Lol.. I did however spend a rather large amount of time complaining to Jobe about a lot of the things I hate. Poor guy.. had to be bored out of his mind haha. I was going to name some of those things here, but I'm not.. I'll do it some other time haha.. Well I'm going to go for now. Talk to you later.

July 26th, 2000
8:52 P.M.

Today I went to Wal-Mart and Proffits. I got some new clothes that I know I'll never wear. I came home and hit the baseball with my little brother, and we went swimming. I came in and ate.. and now I'm here. I got a post card from Derrick earlier. It has a palm tree on it. :) Everyone must know about my palm tree thing. haha. He said they were winning, and he hit a home run! (Granola for Derrick!!) Well guess that's all! Talk to you all later.

July 28th, 2000
7:25 P.M.

Some people are just really difficult, and make me mad. It takes a lot to make me mad, but when people do, I get revenge. Which is what I'm about to do. I invited Megan over, but she won't come. It's the last weekend before school starts that we both have free. She doesn't want to, of course she never does, so I don't know why I seem so surprised. It makes me SOOOO MAD!!!!!!!!!

July 9th, 2000
12:15 P.M.

I'm going to my aunts' house for a couple days. She's coming to get me in a few minutes.
In case you haven't noticed, the layout of the site is TOTALLY different. There are new features, and the colors are different. I personally like it, but haven't heard from the other 2 yet. Well gotta go, my aunt's here. Talk to you later!!!!!!!!!!
Kavvy Kav (don't ask)

July 31st, 2000
10:01 P.M.

Hey everyone. I'm back from my aunt's. I had a good time. On Sunday we went to the mall. There was thie sweater I wanted from Abercrombie, but I didn't get it. I did get some shirts that are "dress code compliant" (in other words ugly!) haha. Then today mom met us at the local mall that's in the town where my aunt lives. I was walking in behind my aunt and cousin, and as we went by this table, these two guys were standing there. I didn't recognize them, but then again I didn't really look, but then I heard this "Kavitha...." and I turned around. One of the guys was in my English class last year. I don't know the other one though. It was weird! I was a littled freaked out b/c I didn't recognize them at first! I got some more clothes, and then went home. My throat is hurting a little bit right now, but I hope that it gets better before we live for Virginia on Thursday. Derrick's baseball team came in 5th out of 22 teams. That's awesome. Gotta love Derrick. Actually, you really do. He's going to have it so easy in high school. He's cute, popular, and is really awesome at sports. I don't really know him too well.. He went out with one of my friends a couple years ago, and I got to know him through her. I saw him at a football game last year, but he was sooooo stuck up towards me, that I just forgot about him.. Then over the summer he started e-mailing me. He's great, though... Anyways, I'm sleepy, can ya tell? I'm just rambling on. I'm sure you people couldn't care less about anything I just wrote! I will let you get back to your lives now!
babiKabi (another one of those don't ask things)

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