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Kavitha's July 2001 Entries

12:36 P.M.

Megan is in St. Louis. She didn't really want to go, but I think she's glad she did now. She has seen 4/5ths of N Sync up close and personal in their not so natural habitat. Weird. lol. Well let's see, what has been going on here lately? Not too much at all. I'm trying to plan a trip to New York for around the 18th, and then we're going to Myrtle Beach the last weekend in July, Maybe. I have a SADD meeting July 17th. and that's all I think. Oh yea.. I have 320 more pages to go in this book for AP english that I have to read by the time school starts. I also have several assignments to do on it. ICK! Oh yea, I have to mention how incredibly secksay Michael is. I really wish he would talk to me, but he's too cool for that. (which is why he's talking to me now, haha.)

1:23 P.M.

Last night was soooo rough! I wanted to go to Josh's for his little get together... and so I asked mom a couple days ago. Then I asked again last night, and her and dad gave me some of the most ridiculous answers.. No, "B/c we're mean." No, "Because we said so." No, "B/c you're an inexperienced driver." ETC... It was horrible.. I ended up fighting with them or at least dad, to the point he just started yelling and told me to leave. I went over there for a few minutes. I was gone an hour. Zach drove my car.. he like hijacked it, and took off.. it was a little disturbing, but I lived. Mom went to take papaw home, and I have been working all day. Brittany might come spend the night. Don't know if mom will get her tho. Guess that's all for now.

11:12 A.M.

Britany spent the night Thursday, and I went to Natalie's friday night. We went to the movies on Saturday to see Cats and Dogs. It was good. Josh and Johnny were there, too. Speaking of Josh things are a little strained between us, kinda sorta. I'm a little unhappy with a couple things, and he's just worried about it and everything. nothing big. Well it is, but not life threatening. Mom wants to go to town later; I need to get things ready for New York, so I guess that's all for now.

1:58 P.M.

The wonderful information you can get from random internet sources. I was on here chatting away with Zach... we were discussing nothing.. lol.. talking about swimming and stuff.. well I got this message from a person and we started talking. I found out a lot of stuff about Josh. Well not a lot but I found out that someone thinks Josh might like Janelle. How grand is that? Speaking of josh.. things with us just aren't the same. Neither one of us can figure out what's wrong, which is a bad sign entirely. I will keep you updated..

12:08 P.M.

I'm leaving for NY in a few minutes. I don't have time for any more updates, so ttyl.

5:09 P.M.

I just got home from NY. I had a complete and total blast. We basically just hung with her friends, but omg it was awesome. Kavitha's friends are great! We went to the mall, and a couple parks, out to eat, that kind of thing. Some of her friends are really cute! I came in to Atlanta, and then had that long drive back here, fun stuff. We leave for Myrtle Beach possibly Wednesday, so great.. haha.. well tired, so ttyl..

5:09 P.M.

I went out to eat last night with Natalie and Josh. Always the experience. Actually nothing really exciting happened, other than Zach waltzing in, and attempting to let the air out of my tires. We tried to find someone to go with us, but the person she wanted was gone. We called soooo many people last night. It was horrible, everyone was gone! Zach came in just to say hi.
Lately let's see what has been going on. I'm trying to think of the last time I seriously updated. Things with Josh and I are still a little weird. Better but still weird. He's getting back into the drinking thing. All bad. A lot of his friends are starting to go back, so it's not good. Natalie has so many problems usually. Megan.. I don't know what her deal is anymore. Zach.. that boy hates me, or at least makes it a point to yell at me like every day. It's really bad. Ummmm, I'm leaving for Myrtle Beach tomorrow, and so I will talk to you later.

9:04 P.M.

I feel so trapped. I want to do so much more than physically possible. I was talking to a friend earlier, and we were just talking about drinking and stuff like that. It's so stupid! I want to make a huge impact and change the world, but I can't do it alone. I feel like i'm trying to get to the moon on a motorcycle with half a tank of gas. It's driving me crazy. Well gotta go..

Megan's Diary
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