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Kavitha's June Entries

June 1st, 2000
10:15 A.M.

It's my first day of summer vacation. I'm sitting here just updating you. I don't have much to say, as of now anyway, so if anything happens, I'll tell you.

June 2nd, 2000
1:27 P.M.

Oh My Gosh.. Michael Dayah is THE greatest person in the world. Somehow he had saved my May entries, and he sent them back to me. So now you can all go there and look at the entries.. You don't understand how happy I am about that.
Last night I went to Jobe's house with Egs, and Jefferson. We watched Cruel Intentions.. That is the best movie. I had a blast over there. I love his house!! :) I also went to school with my brother this morning. I talked to some people, most of them were so stuck up though.. Then I came home and gossiped about one of them with his mom, who cleans our house.. It's hilarious. Right now I'm working on making sure that all of my entries are saved to a disk. lol.. Guess I'll talk to you later.

June 2nd, 2000
7:39 P.M.

*KNOCK ON WOOD* My life is so great right now. It's just so crazy. See I went to On Cue today and got 2 new cds and a new piano book. (However I paid for the stuff, for once!) Then I came home and called Egs, and for some reason went to the No Authority website, and saw that there was a chat in like 5 minutes.. I thought I would go and be mean to the teenyboppers. And I thought of this stupid question and asked it. I sat there, and talked on the phone, and I happened to look at the screen, and they asked my question! I was like freakin, it was more funny than anything. :)
Talk To Ya'll Later!!

June 5th, 2000
5:51 P.M.

My life is so messed up.. Lol.. I just got back from piano, and it was the WORST lesson I've ever dealt with. Oh My Gosh~ It was TERRBLE. Usually it's just Brent doing the bothering, but this week it was Brent, Brad, AND Mrs. Frank. Why were they bothering me? B/c I went over to Jobe's house. I can't even remember what all was said. I told Mrs. Frank that I had went over to his house to watch a movie on Thursday, and it went down hill from there. She yelled at Brent and told him then she yelled for Brad, and those 3 were so ragging on me. They were just saying all kinds of stuff. My lesson ran 10 minutes over. I didn't even get home till 5!!! My Lesson was at 4!!!!!!! Then as I was leaving, Mrs. Frank ran outside and Brent pulled his car up behind my mom, and then my MOM started in~ It was awful.. I could just sit there. I Ugh!!! It I can't even describe how frustrating it was. Oh Dear!! Well I've gotta go, I'm done venting for now.

June 6th, 2000
9:04 P.M.

Have I mentioned that Michael Dayah is THE GREATEST person? I think I have, but he's holding his title firmly! Today I went to town and picked up my pictures (i will be scanning some for you all to see.. They all turned out. I'm so happy. Esp. about the ones of me and Pond.) Anyway I came home and came online. I then got this url from Michael... I went to it, and Oh My GOSH.. There has been a smile plastered to my face for the past oh 3 and a half hours. This site I went to had pictures of Benji! I can't even describe these pics. They are just so awesome. Luckily for you, i stole them from him, and I will put them up so you can see what I've been talking about for almost a year now.
I am actually a little worried though. There has been so much good stuff happening to me lately, that I know something bad is going to happen. I just don't know what yet. But as Megan put it earlier, It's going to be major. But as of now, things are just so great. AMAZING!! :) I'll work on getting those pics for you! I really want you to see some of the people that are mentioned in here.. Well until I update again!

June 7th, 2000
6:01 P.M.

Hey you all! I did something for you! I scanned and put up some pictures! Go look at them. I have the people's real names with the pictures. If you want to know who they are in my diary, I might tell you. If you ask nicely.
Well I need to go. My mom is yelling at me. UGH! She leaves the house, and expects it to be perfectly clean when she comes back. It's never happened before, why start now?!

June 9th, 2000
2:27 P.M.

Hey everyone! What's up? I'm sitting here listening to my dad argue with some girl from the phone company. It's rather funny, although I feel really REALLY sorry for the girl. My dad is a very loud, arguing type person. If you don't give him what he wants EXACTLY how he wants it, he gets mad. I'd say they have been arguing for about 30 minutes. He's trying to get me my own phone line. I'm such a pain. Hehe. Mary came and cleaned earlier. She's awesome, not because she cleans, but just talking to her. :) Hmmmm..... Megan left for Myrtle Beach earlier today, so you probably won't be hearing much from her till at least Tuesday. My pool party is a week from tomorrow. My friend, Jobe's, birthday is tomorrow. Well I guess that's all for now.

June 11th, 2000
12:37 P.M.

Hey! What's up?! Man it's going to be a hectic week, I can tell you that already. Tomorrow I have piano, Wednesday I'm going to Dollywood, Friday they are putting my phone line in, Saturday is my party... Speaking of parties.... I just heard some stuff about a friend from a friend about a party last night. I don't know why it's getting to me. It's kinda scary actually. Anyway last night I went to the junior miss thing at the jr high. It was long, but pretty good. The girl who won, could sing. She had an amazing voice. I sat with Marianne Morris, Keyster, Skipper, and Jefferson. Anyway, I guess that's all for now.

June 12th, 2000
7:09 P.M.

Wow. I'm sitting here trying to figure out why something is bothering me. I have a pretty good idea of what it is, but I知 not sure. Anyway. I have been gone ALLLLLL day! I went with my mom to town and to get my little brother in Cleveland earlier. He had spent a couple nights with my aunt. It took us an hour and half to get down there. It's normally like 30 minutes. It took so long b/c of traffic and everything. Then we went to my pappaws' and stayed. Then we had to RUSH home in time for piano. I ran inside grabbed my books and my mail and ran back to the car. I was at piano till about 5. Brent was there. He was sick so he wasn't as annoying, but that didn't stop him from placing himself on the couch for my entire lesson. Anyway, tomorrow I'm going somewhere early. I just can't tell you where yet. I'll explain tomorrow. Guess I'll talk to you later.

June 13th, 2000
7:09 P.M.

I'm almost beginning to forget what home is. Haha. .I'm never here. Lol that's an exaggeration, but lately I've not been home much! Today Mrs. Frank came and got me at 8 a.m. and I went and helped her with the music at their bible school. (that was chaos. From the ride over, to when we first got there to the toddlers!) Then Mom picked me up and we went to eat, and to wal-mart. We came home long enough for my brother to grab his game boy and for me to grab a pair of glasses. Then we went to the eye doctor. After that we went to Goody's and got home at 5:15 or so. Then I was trying on the new bathing suits I got. (THEY ARE so cool!!!! One is a tankini and is silver! The other is just a sparkly teal blue bikini!!!) and also the new shirts and shorts. Then Egs called. I talked to her, then our neighbor came up to get some stuff (long story) and I just have walked in here. Well Tomorrow morning at 7:30 we're leaving for Dollywood. Although we aren't staying till closing, we still won't be back till late. Maybe not too late though. Anyway I guess I need to go.

June 14th, 2000
9:30 P.M.

What a day! I am so tired!! I went to Dollywood with my aunt Tanja, cousin Brittany, and her step dad Jerry. Mom, and Shorty went, too. Anyway, we rode stuff and all that. Nothing exciting on that part. But then we went to this country fair part of the place and there was this jewelry stand in the middle of all these games. I went over there to look while my brother played. There was a basketball game behind us, and there was an old man, and a young looking boy there. He was kinda cute. Brittany thinks he was really cute. Brittany looked at me and said "That guy keeps looking over there and smiling." (I had been running between the booth and the bench where mom was sitting, about 10 feet) and when I went back to the booth I noticed him motioning for me to come over there. I thought he just wanted me to play, and I didn't want to. So I didn't do anything. He kept looking, and I was at the booth watching the guy at the jewelry place(Hal) make bracelets. Then some guy came over there and told me "That guy working over there wants you to go over there." And he was pointing at the guy at the ball booth. I still didn't do anything. Then I went back over to the bench and Jerry was sitting there. Brittany wanted me to go talk to him. I said that he looked to be about 12. MAYBE 16. She said he looked 18 or so. I didn't think so. But still. I couldn't just go over there and talk to him with Jerry sitting there, so me and Brit just went over there and talked to jerry. I then asked Jerry what they would say at the booth if I asked if the game was rigged. (We hadn't seen anyone win yet.) He said they would tell me no. So I walked over there and asked. The young guy didn't say anything, but I talked to the old guy about rigged games and where we were from. Fast forward a couple times.... Brit and me went back to the jewelry stand (long story) and since it was just she and I I went over there when he asked this time. (after a couple trips back and forth between the jewelry stand and the ball booth) He asked if I had a pen. I said no. Then he must have found one, b/c he gave me his phone number and asked me to call him. Actually he told me to call him. Then he asked how old I was. I told him 15. He said something. Not sure what though. I asked him how old he was and he said 18. I was like "NO WAY" ( i didn't say that out loud though.) Then he asked if I was going to be in the park in an hour, b/c he had his break and said he was going to look for us. (See the thing was.. They could do these personalized hemp bracelets at the jewelry shop, and I wanted to get one for a friend and me. Well Then Brit went to get one and I was looking at these fima clay necklaces and there was one with a palm tree so i HAD to have it. [All the while at least one person is sitting on the bench while everyone else is playing or riding or something.] Then everyone decided to go eat and watch a show. Jerry and Shorty were going to take the winnings {about 7 basketballs, and i think 2 stuffed animals.} to the car. Mom, Brit, Tanja, and I were going to meet Jerry and Shorty in the 50's place and eat. Then it hit me. The perfect gift for a friend. There had been a necklace that I knew a friend would love and had been thinking about getting it for here, and then decided I wanted to. And I wanted to make another a bracelet. Well Mom and Tanja didn't want to let me and Brit stay. So we whined and complained, and finally they sent us over there with 20 bucks and directions to hurry.) Well when Kay (the ball guy) asked us if we were going to be around, it was the time it was just me and Brit. and we were supposed to hurry. I told him I didn't know. He said he was going to look for us. Well after the show, we happened to walk back over there to the fair and we saw him at the booth for a brief second, then lost him. On our way out He was coming up the hill, and I waved bye. He asked if I was leaving, and I told him yes. Then we left. I know that's the way condensed version, but Brittany is here, and I知 trying to hurry, I知 tired, I知 sure you don't want to hear this, and it's just kinda stupid. Point being... Every FREAKING time i go to an amusement park, I end up with some worker's phone number! It's crazy. I didn't do anything!!! And they are all like 18 or so!!!
On another note, that wasn't so fun today. I swear everyone i mean EVERYONE was looking at me. And I know exactly why. I had on my new bathing suit. The silver one {and a pair of purplish shorts} and the top was attracting quite a bit of attention. It was tight (People! it was a bathing suit! It痴 supposed to be... ) It was bad when Brittany told me this little kid was looking at me, but then as the day went one, guys, kids, even women!!!! were looking at me. It was so awful!!!!!!!!! :( Anyway that's all for now.


June 15th, 2000
9:00 P.M.

Hey everyone. I have a bad feeling about this party. To a point anyway. There are 7 people that have told me they can't come. Probably more, too. Anyway today Brit and I blew up floats, cleaned tables, and cleaned out the pool house. Anyway, I gotta go. Dad and I are going to look at some computers..


June 16th, 2000
4:27 P.M.

TDS Telecom Phone service SUCKS!!! I told you that dad was going to get me my own phone line. Well they came today, and guess what. Turns out.. they can't put it in. Our house is only made for 2 lines or something like that. That makes me so unhappy!!!!! I wanted that line forever. And ugh! anyway I知 going to get off.. I don't feel like talking/staying here.

June 17th, 2000
10:00 P.M.

I AM SO TIRED!!! I'm at Eg's house right now. Her little brother stayed at my house so I came here. The party was a blast. A few people that I wanted there weren't though, so that sorta sucked, but we still had fun. Keyster, Jefferson, Sarah, Laura, Natalie, Maurice, Derrick, Shawn, Adam, and Egs were there. It was a little like segregated or whatever with some people, but I think it's b/c I didn't do a really good job of introducing Derrick and Maurice to everyone else. Ummmm nothing exciting really happened. Mary stayed and chatted with mom. I changed bathing suits several times. I couldn't decide which one I wanted to wear, so I wore them all. I went from a disco ball blue bikini thing, to my palm tree one to my Tommy tankini and lastly into my silver one. It was crazy. Well I guess that's all. Need to get off so Egs can type and stuff. See, well not really, but anyways, talk, well not that either, I'll update you later.

June 20th, 2000
6:14 P.M.

Ugh! These past two days have been SO stressful, and upsetting that I知 about to scream. Ok, let's go though a run-down of everything. First off my dad and mom have been on my case about not driving. Why? B/c my little brother can. Anyway, They have been yelling and screaming about me getting my permit. So I was debating on going, taking the test, and failing purposely to make them mad, or going, taking the test, passing and making them shut up. Well I figured failing would cause more problems than passing, so I decided on the passing thing. So today I went and took the test. I passed. My first time. Egs' failed her first time. That however didn't stop anything. My dad still isn't happy! Item #2 I thought this problem would ease up today, but it just got freakin worse. I had to go to the dentist today. Then the dentist found 3 cavities. She can't "see them, or feel them, but they're there." Gosh! That so ticks me off. Item #3: the eye doctor. Yesterday my contacts came in. So mom and I went to pick them up. I've had contacts before, just not the soft kind. These things are huge! They can't send you home with them, until you can get them in and out by yourself. So this worker lady went back there to help me. Yea right. She didn't even tell me what to do! She sat back there telling me not to blink. Uh yea think. She sat there for about 45 minutes. I was getting so frustrated and upset with my mom b/c she kept telling me that I couldn't do it, and wouldn't be able to. etc. I wasn't happy, and was practically crying. Then I heard this guy's voice. There are a couple guys that work in the lab, and most of them are old, but there's this one young guy, who looks pretty good. This guy sits down next to me, and asks if he can give me a pointer. I was like "why not." SO I look over, and it's the cute one! I thought it would be an old one! He sat there for 15 minutes trying to help, them mom just decided to bring me back today. So after the dentist I went. This time another girl (a really nice one.) went back to help, and she was telling me things to do, adn stuff like that. 4 tries later, and I still didn't have them in. So my doctor came in and offered to put them in for me the first time. Once I had them in, I had to take it out, and then put it back in by myself. It took a few tries, but I did it. :)
Item #4. Pond. I give up trying to have a stable friendship with him. It's just too hard. he called me on Thursday to tell me he couldn't come to my party, that he was going out of town for 2 weeks. It's fine that he couldn't, and even would have been fine if he didn't want to, but still. Anyway on Sunday, he was seen at church. A far cry from where he said he was going. (which I知 not going to tell you, b/c you will be able to figure out who he is.) There is one other thing bugging me, but it's rather complicated, and has been going on for a while, and i haven't written about it.
We are getting a new computer. I just deleted like everything including my ICQ and all that stuff off of this one. We are giving this one to my cousin. The new one has to be picked up at 7. So anyway, I guess I need to go. I'll talk to you all later.

June 22nd, 2000
11:55 A.M.

We got our new computer, and it's causing several problems. I didn't back up my contact list from ICQ or AOL im, so I lost them all. :( Also, I've had to reinstall like everything that mom needs, and all that stuff, but since this computer is a lot faster, I will be able to do more stuff, like I added all kinds of neat things last night. There's a poll where you can tell us whose diary you visit on a regular basis, and a neat little thing where you can send our link to your friends with just a click and a little typing!! And if you haven't already noticed, I added little fruit cursors to the site. Neat, huh? Well anyway, I will update again later, but right now I have to let my brother use the computer. :( You'll hear more about that in a few minutes, or whenever the heck I get to use the net again.

June 23rd, 2000
2:38 P.M.

Hey! Hope you all are fine. Things are ok here, I guess. Mary came and cleaned today and I added 2 new pictures to my picture page. I don't really have any more I want to put up, but I'll try to find some. There have been several people ask for more pictures. In the mean time go look at Megan's pictures. She has some up, and before anyone asks.... I did not want that picture of Luke on my page, she just said that!!! Guess that's it.
Kavitha aka FLSSP and WLSS #2

June 23rd, 2000
9:03 P.M.

Hey everyone. I AM SO BORED!!! haha.. Earlier I was talking to Buur-dah (known to everyone else as Bat). I was talking to him online and then on the phone with him for about 15 minutes. I seriously don't know why. I haven't said 2 words to him in my entire life. It's kinda deja vu though, because there's a certain similarity between him and Pond. They both have bad reps, and both claim to be innocent of all those. Ummm.. stuff like that. However this won't turn out like Pond, because I doubt I'll ever talk to Buur-dah again. That was just one of those random things. I have nothing against him, he actually seems like he'd be pretty decent (and he's completely and totally awesome at the sax) but oh well.. I don't know why I'm telling you this. It's so stupid, but i'm bored, and anyway, I need to go. My brother wants the computer.

June 26th, 2000
5:57 P.M.

Hey! There's nothing really to update. Haha. I made a couple new friends today, well kinda, I started talking to them on ICQ. One's named Meredith, and she's just awesome! I just met her a few hours ago, but she already seems like she's going to be a good friend. The other's named Tiffany, and she was really cool and sweet, too.
I want to post this little quote thing I found earlier. It's just the sweetest thing in the world.

To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world.

Isn't that the sweetest?! I think it is.. haha.. That sorta pertains to a love life, which seems to be the popular vote on our diary poll haha.

June 27th, 2000
7:57 P.M.

I am so sleepy! I don't know why!! Today I went to the eye doctor again, to check on these contacts.. Everything's good. Ummm I made another new friend.. It seemed like last year a lot of the really nice people from the jr high stayed there. The ones I have "met" in the last 2 days are completely AWESOME.
OK forget it.. My good mood just COMPLETELY Left.. I can not freakin stand my stupid family. I give up.. My dad is a complete and total jerk.. My brother just like him.. ok just so you know I added some new pix.. go look.. and i guess that's it for now.. I'm going to go lock myself in my room so they will leave me alone!

June 28th, 2000
6:59 P.M.

I just figured out that the best way to keep from doing something, is by scaring yourself out of it. Let me elaborate. Item #1.Jail. No, I never had intentions of going to jail, but I just figured out how much I want to avoid it. My neighbor is in prison in Georgia for some reason.. Nothing major or actually I just don't know, but his wife came up here to look at some stuff at the jail's website. She found his pic, and then we took a tour of the jail. Uh No! I'd rather not go there. So, if for some reason, I'm ever thinking of doing something illegal that would result in jail time, please stop me.
Item #2. You know how those abstinence classes usually just fly right over your head, and you just totally don't care about any of it? Well I was reading a magazine earlier, and I came across this article. OMG it was so scary. It was just about sex and everything, but it was disturbing. haha.. I'll be putting that off for a while, at least. I don't think that a certain someone (no names mentioned) is going to come change my mind any soon.. haha... Well gotta go talk to you later!

June 29th, 2000
7:15 P.M.

I don't have much to say. Except don't ever get attached to anything. Because if you do it's just going be taken away. Earlier today we got another puppy. My dad wanted to get a male, and we got one. It was the cutest little dog in the world. Our other dog, Reese, didn't like it though. Well I guess it's just because it was new, but anyway. About an hour ago I was out playing with it. I was just walking around petting it. It wanted to go with my dad, but he couldn't take it. It was so pitiful. Then I came inside, and went to my room and started reading a magazine. About 5 minutes ago, my brother came and told me that the puppy had fallen into the pool, and drowned. I give up! It's just not fair.

June 30th, 2000
6:53 P.M.

I watched the saddest movie today. I was crying through it all. The Green Mile is a good movie. I liked the book, but the movie was great, too. Nothing else really happened today, so I'm going to get off. Tomorrow I'm going to go to this Independence day celebration in the down town part of our little town. Egs and I have a special suprise thing planned for a friend. hehe.. You'll hear about it later.. :)

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