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Kavitha's June 2001 Entries

3:06 P.M.

Wow... It's only been a couple days of vacation, and I've already done tons. I almost screwed up a very important relationship last night. Did lose a good friend. Got asked out by some guy that used to HATE me. ETC ETC ETC. I made a BAD mistake last night. It was not good at all. Very bad. Very Very Very bad. I think I've fixed most everything for now, but a certain someone, is mad at a certain somebody else. and things are not looking good.

Sometime P.M.

BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That didn't really help, or even begin to cover anything. I am so mad at a couple people right now.. It's not even close to being funny. I don't even want to get into it. Megan is out on a date with Adam. BLAH!!!!! I am so like BLAH right now!!!!!! AHHH..

12:18 P.M.

Gah! There was so much going on this weekend. Phone calls like you wouldn't believe. I saved a couple friend's lives. Wrecked havoc around town. The usual. Megan and I delivered gifts around to a couple friends. Interesting gifts, but gifts none the less. it was pretty fun. Well I think that's all for now...

10:30 P.M.

Gah! I just can't win. I had piano earlier. Then I got home, and Megan and I were plotting against jobe for his bday. We got everything ready, and decided to go do it. Well we got to his house, and Justin was there. We sent jobe on his first mission. He had to go buy a thing of vanilla chapstick somewhere. It took him a while. Then megan had to be home by 5. SO justin took her home, and jobe and I drove around for a minute, then went back to his house. We called Brandon, to see if he could help jobe, and I had to go get him, and sneak him to jobe. He's not supposed to see him, so it was top secret We then decided to just go get the cake and go back to my house. What an experience. My shoe went to the bottom of the pool. My stuff was violated. I then took brandon home, and justin was in his driveway! haha It was kinda funny. Well I guess that's all for now.. ttyl.

11:28 P.M.

Megan and I went to the grocery store earlier. After I dropped her off, i came home, and had just pulled in the garage, and it POURED. It was bad. Then we decided to go see Pearl Harbor. Zach was there... it was interesting. Well i guess that's all for now..

10:24 P.M.

What an interesting day. I went to piano this morning, and dropped some pictures off. I then went and got them an hour later. Well while I was in town I had called Jobe to see if he would meet me and bring my camera to me... well he said he'd just call me later. So i went home and went swimming. Well he called, and said he was going to go to wal-mart and staples, and he'd bring the camera by. I didn't think he would be here soon, so I just floated around. Well a few minutes later I hear a whistle, and someone say "That's nice." I flew off that float, and looked over, and it was justin and Jobe. Justin was being his usual jerky self.. why he came with Jobe is beyond me. I can't beleive he had the nerve to show up. Umm well I think that's all I have time for now, so ttyl...

9:55 P.M.

REALITY CHECK! Gah! The last couple of days have been weird. I wish I could go change some things in them. But like my pen pal said, "Don't we all?" There's no easy way to solve things. Well there usually is, but no one takes the easy way. Sometimes the easy way just isn't obvious. :( blah.. things are rough right now, sorta.. in my mind they are.. in actuality, i don't think things are that bad. it's not that bad, not as bad as it seems... it's worse. lol.. I don't even really know how to explain what i'm rambling about, so i'll stop.

4:37 P.M.

Hey hey! Hope everything is fine there. Everything's cool here. My dad is gone to take my cousin to Atlanta. He's been here since friday. Tomorrow is cleaning day, and a couple people are coming swimming on Friday. That should be cool. Well nothing else to report on, so ttyl.

7:06 P.M.

Josh and Jeremy came up today. Megan stayed last night. We were planning on swimming, but it was rainy, cool, and cloudy all day. We got in for a little bit, but not long. We went to the basement to watch a movie, and Jeremy blew up this balloon like right next to my ear, and it's killing me. It's ringing and weird feeling. :( We had fun tho. But anyway, well I guess that's all..

4:06 P.M.

I went to town today to take some money to the bank. And then I went to get gas. I went to pull into the gas station and this car came flying at me. I stopped, and the people in the car started yelling at me, even tho, I hadn't done anything. I then pulled to the gas tanks, and that car drove around and started yelling some more. The car was trying to come out the entrance side of the thing. It was two teenage girls. I really don't like teenage drivers. I mean I'm a teenage driver, but I try not to be careless, and obnoxious. They were going too fast in the parking lot, and trying to go the wrong way, and then they yell at me like it was my fault. It's not like they didn't see me, my car is bright red. I'm still shaky and upset, so i'm going to go now.

10:36 P.M.

Gah! My dad can be suchhhha pain! Tonight was the Lion's club independence day thing. I was in the dunking "booth" (which is a toilet that flushes on your head)... well I had to go home and get some clothes, b/c I had forgotten about my shorts. John was there, and he was the only person who could take me. Well We got here, and left within 15 minutes... he sat in my room while I changed and did my makeup. WEll Dad had mom call here to see "what was going on" he didn't like that john had brought me home. UGH! JOsh and Jeremy stopped by. Aaron was there.. etc.. well gotta go.

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