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Kavitha's March Entries

March 1st, 2000
6:15 P.M.

Well well well.. I'm so unbelievably angry at the moment. Someone has said something to one of my guy friends. We'll call him Kermit. Anyway someone must have told Kermit that I like him. He has not said a word to me all week. And today he dropped a book on my head (his locker is above mine and he got a notebook out of his locker and a book slid out) and didn't say a word except 'sorry.' I don't know who said it, or anything, but I'm not happy about it. Well I gotta go now because I have to use this phone line to make some phone calls because my dad is being such a $#^$&%!!! Bye

March 6th, 2000
5:14 P.M.

I have one thing to say Keyboarding is not good. My wonderful teacher lost like some of my work along with some of Egs'. We weren't too happy. I don't really have too much else to say. I guess I'll talk to you later.


March 11th,2000
11:15 A.M.

Last night went I went to the spring dance that student council sponsored. I'm telling ya I was SO bored! I stayed after school till 5 decorating. Then Megan went home with me, and we got ready. We got to the dance at 8 and the boredom began. Rebecca Borden and I along with Skipper, put out the punch that we had made earlier. It was awful lol. Anyway basically we just walked around in circles. There was nobody there, and it was just all around boring. I couldn't really dance with anyone, b/c my friends would like feel left out and stuff. Then one of them was all 'Oh I bet his mom made him(this really hott guy) come watch over me.) and all this.. That doesn't make sense but I really don't want to put names and whole stories up there. If you ever want to know, you can ask me and I might tell you. Nothing else happened that I can think of, I could complain about certain people for a while but I'm not going to. I will however say this, Why is it that fake, totally shallow ditzes always get the guys.. Ugh! That just bothers me.. Oh yea one more thing.. ask Megan about dancing with Mr. Conceit(don't take that too literally.. I don't really know him.. he just seems conceited. lol) Any way Lata yall.


March 14th, 2000
6:36 P.M.

Hey yo! Haha.. Hope all is well with you. I just spent 6 and a half hours cleaning. We got out of school at 10:10 today, and then after school we ran to Wal-Mart and a couple other places. By the time we got home it was like 11:45. After I ate I ran upstairs and started cleaning. My cousin, and grandmother were coming up and my room was a disaster. I hadn't made my bed(which I ALWAYS do every morning, but I was planning on changing my sheets), and there were things EVERYWHERE. I also took everything out of my closet so I could straighten it. Well I cleaned for a solid 6 hours and then finally called it quits. Then I came down and went out to the car to grab all the garbage that was in there. For some reason I just hate our car being dirty. And my brother puts his used gum into the little garbage bag thing, and it got stuck to the side. I deserved MONEY for picking that out. It was SOOOO nasty. Finally I came inside and sat down. My brother had mowed our neighbors' yard and got 10 bucks for it. He came in flaunting it, I was not happy b/c I am so tired so I was all snappy. Dad gave me 20 dollars for cleaning so much. I'm better. Still tired. Oh yea If you read Megan's diary and see her comment about feeling sorry for Jackson, she's right. He deserved a pity party. He was just kinda wanderin around by himself. It was kinda sad. But to me he still is 'unapproachable.' There's something about him that just doesn't seem too friendly. He has his moments when he's nice, but I haven't seen too many of those. Oh well I guess I've talked enough. Bye~

March 18th, 2000
10:36 P.M.

Oh My Gosh! I just had a great time at this concert. See my friend Nat asked me to go to a concert with her at our old elementary school. It was a Christian Rock group called Shepherd Hall. I had never been to a Christian concert so I went. They came to pick me up, and so me, Nat and Nicole, Nat’s older sister, went inside. The band was running late so there was a little delay. This guy played the piano and sung some songs as an opening act thing. he looked good! Then this other guy came out and talked and stuff. Then the band came out. There was this one guy, Jon, and he looked good! One of them looked just like Kevin from BSB on stage. The show was really high energy, and they sung songs like the friend's theme, and "That thing you Do" It was really deja vu, because N SYNC did a lot of the songs at their concert. We were sitting two rows back at first, then we went up to just in front of the stage. It was cool. After the show we walked out to buy stuff. I bought us all pictures because they didn't have any money. Then we heard more singing and went back into the gym. They were doing another song so we stayed and watched. As soon as the song was over these little girls went STAMPEDING towards the door. The guys were going to come out and sign autographs and stuff. Well we walked calmly I might add out there and saw those girls waiting anxiously for the singers. I wanted to see the guitarist. He looked GOOD!!! Well anyway as we walked through the cafeteria, I saw him! I froked out. Nat, Nicole, and I walked over there to get his picture and stuff. The whole band was there so we got them to sign our pictures and stuff. Then we saw Jon and went to get him to sign the pics. Then Natalie decided to get her picture made with the guitarist (I don't know his name!) I took the picture, and after that we all went to get the rest of the singers autographs. One of them (who Nat and Nicole said looked like Noah Wyle) wanted a hug. he was all sweaty. It was pretty nasty. hehe.. All the guys were like amazed with my name. We went to one of them, and when he asked what my name was he looked up and said 'whoa, can I shake your hand?" I was like 'I guess' and gave my hand to him he said 'I just wanted to shake the hand of someone with a unique name.' It was funny. Jon even put my name on the sheet! The best part was probably when I got my picture taken with the 2 cutest members of the band. The guitarist and I think he was the keyboardist. Anyway... I know that seems like I was a total teenybopper, but it was different. I continue to live by my anti-teenybopper life, and won't stray from it for a second. We (Nat, Nicole, and I) were calm when around them and everything. It wasn't like we were those little kids who literally mobbed them. If we had, had more time, and those little kids hadn't been so annoying, it would have been fun to just talk to them. I had a blast, and hope they get famous!! Anyway, I guess that's all for today. Hope there aren't too many typos, I wrote this in record time!! Oh yea one last thing.. This week is Spring Break and I'm going to be redoing my room! We're going tomorrow to look for a bed spread!!!

March 24th, 2000
11:00 A.M.

Overwhelming.. not exactly a word you would want to associate with Spring Break, but that's the only word that comes to mind for me. This whole week I've been doin stuff. and I'm still not finished. On Saturday I taped this 3 hour long thing for Megan then went to a concert with Nat, my mom had taken my bro to some Pokemon thing and she got me 3 CDs (destiny's child, Jordan knight, and M2M all great!). On Sunday we went to town and Megan came to spend the night. She stayed until 3 on Monday. During the rest of the day I cleaned and stuff. Then on Tuesday we got up and went to town where I got a new cd (N SYNC NSA- wonderful amazing! Love it! esp.. #11, I'll be good for you. but all the songs are really great.) We also got the paint for my room, and then we had to go to Knoxville to take my dad's car to the dealer to get the ac fixed, and let the Toyota people look at my mom's land cruiser. We were there for 2 and a half hours. Turns out Muffy chewed through the antilock break cord thing. not good. On Wednesday we painted my room and cleaned ALL DAY. On Thursday we got up and ran to town again.. We ate out and got groceries, stuff like that, came home and then had to run out again to find something to wear to a receiving friends thing at a funeral home.. One of our cousins died. Then today we're probably going to run to Dalton to look for a bedspread and go to the funeral tonight.. Plus I've got homework! Ugh!!! Hope Egs and Keyster are having a more relaxing time in Florida. Lata yall

March 28th, 2000
6:20 P.M.

Man I was in the best mood today.. For no reason in particular. I just was. School has been pretty good considering I wasn't ready to go back. Tomorrow we get out early so it's all good! That's really all I have to say. It's a pitiful update I know, but that's all she wrote!

P.S. If you ever want to talk to me, I usually can be reached on ICQ at 19644791. Then of course there's e-mail and the guest book.. Drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you!!

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