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Kavitha's March Entries

11:26 A.M.

Ok Let's see... There's a lot going on, and I'm sure you'd love to know what it is, so here goes. 1. That party situation is a BIG MESS. Like totally big mess. Jobe is no longer at our school. I'm honestly quite sick of talking/hearing about the situation, so that's all I'm putting here.
2. I got my license on Wednesday. I am soo happy!.
3. Megan and I went to see the Taming of the Shrew last night. It was our school's play. It was long! I ended up being sooo lost! Some of the people did really really good, tho. Umm what else....Oh yea.. I don't like Natalie's boyfriend! Oh my gosh! Yesterday he stole my algebra book, and would not give it back. He's just a jerk. And the thing is, I can't get mad at him b/c of Natalie. UGH! I know there has to be more stuff, but I don't know what all else to say, so for now, i leave you with this.

7:00 P.M.

Hey Hey! I went to the mall with Megan today. I ended up spending all the money out of my checkbook, except for 3 dollars and 9 cents! It was kinda funny. I didn't get a whole lot. Other than that I did nothing today. I'm sorta dreading next week. There's not really anything going on, and I don't have much to look forward to. We have a spanish field trip on Thursday, but that's about it. I don't think I have a whole lot more to say, so Talk to you later!

5:00 P.M.

Wow, another bad report for our glorious school. We had a spanish trip today. The dancing was slow! It was pretty bad. And 45 minutes at the mall is not cool. Well we got back, and went to 6th period. Some people did anyway. At 3, they came on the intercom and told all teachers to lock their doors and not leave the room. And that we couldn't leave till the bell sounded. At 3:08 the bell rang instead of 3:10. We all went outside and they told us to get away from the building. That's all that I know, but that's not a good sign!

5:26 P.M.

Ok my day was totally shot. Every one of my plans were totally shot! Ok Daddy told me last night that we could go look at cars today. Well that didn't happen. Natalie and I were supposed to go do some heavy duty shopping today. We found nothing. I was going to get to have a couple people over to watch a movie, then mom decided to tell me that I could only have natalie over, and she's not home. I am so pissed right now. Nothing ever works out. This is so stupid. Yet, my brother got to have a friend over after school yesterday, and he stayed all day today. He just left! But I can't have someone over to watch a movie?! Gosh this sucks! Everything just sucks right now.

7:02 A.M.

5 days till spring break. I can do this. I can make it. I don't wanna go to school!!!!! *sniff sniff*

5:42 P.M.

I really don't like People! Adam told me today that he hopesI burn in a car crash. He went on and on for about 5 minutes about how much he hates me. Zach has also decided to spread the word that I think i'm better than everyone else, and that I hate him, etc. We got into a fight the other night, and I did say that "i'm a better person than you" but i didn't mean it, and he was the one who was telling me if I talked to a certain person he would whip my ***, etc etc etc. I usually don't say things I don't mean, but when you have no other way out, you have to. I never think I'm better than people, b/c I'm not. I try to treat everyone with the respect they deserve, but when they mess up with me, I treat them the same way I'm treated. Zach was treating me like crap, so I was being mean to him. It's all fair. I just can't wait till spring break, I don't know how much more of this I can take.

5:55 P.M.

I'm 2 for 2 on bad days. Today was just sucky. Ben and adam started in this morning. I was already in a bad mood. By 4th.. I had smiled once! Thanks to tyler.. he did something that was just the sweetest thing. It's so stupid, or I'd put it here haha.. you guys just wouldn't understand. I was sick of it all. I cried for 2 hours last night, straight, and that just didn't leave me this morning. Usually after you wake up, everything is better.. not quite the case today. Well Gonna go..

7:25 P.M.

Guess what. I had a good day! Yea. .I know weird, huh? Of course people seem to be getting on my nerves more than usual, but hey it's all good, well not really, but still haha.. Tomorro is Thursday. 2 more days. I can do this! I'm going to Natalies' on Friday before the dance. I was going to go to Florida with Egs, but noooo my parents won't let me!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo mad! Well guess that's all for now.

1:01 P.M.

Hey! I just got back from Natalie's. I spent the night at her house after the dance last night. The dance was fun. There weren't many people there. I danced like the whole time. The rest of the time I was just standing around talking, listening to Brandon talk about a whole lotta stuff I couldn't care less about!!!!! It was crazy. Today is mom's birthday. At the mall a few weeks ago I made her a teddy bear at this build a bear place. It was sooo cute, so I got her that and a book, and from Natalie's I ordered a cake that I have to go pick up later. My brother was begging to go get a hot fudge cake, and mom was about to, So I had to tell her, that I ordered it. Megan is on her way to Florida now. I could be with her in the car on the way to the beach, but NOOOO i'm not!!!!! haha.. well anyway, guess that's all for now.

4:39 P.M.

Last night was weird. I pretty much got into it with Jobe, sorta. Zach apologized, and then I found out that he had told Tyler I like him. Marianne also was upset because no one could go out for her birthday, so Jodi and I went out to eat with her, her mom, and aunt. It was pretty fun.
Today i cleaned out my closet, and I'm in the process of cleaning out the drawers. Jobe and I just made an agreement to be best friends again. If I only had a dollar for everytime this happened. I might be able to afford my own car!!!! I just hope I'm not going to regret this, like I ALWAYS do. anyway, I guess that's all for now.

9:24 P.M.

~*The way I see it, as long as I can still smile about life, I'm ok. The moment I can't smile anymore, is when I have failed.*~

I can handle anything as long as I prepare for myself for it. Earlier Tyler told me that he likes me. He was so completely sweet about it. He is such a sweet guy. BUT he drinks..which is totally not something I let slide. There's just no way. Esp. after all that's happened.
A little after that I dealt with a sorta near suicidal friend. That was not cool at all, and I'm very worried about him!
And once again Jobe! I'm beginning to wonder if there's anything worth saving there. It just doesn't seem like it. haha.. Wow.. what a life..

8:22 P.M.

If someone betrays you once, it is his fault; if he betrays you twice, it's your fault.

Why couldn't Kavitha listen to that? Because that would have been too easy, and if life were meant to be easy there'd be nothing in it. Anyway, I went to look at cars today with mom. Toyota and Honda dealers down. I love the celica! haha.. I just don't know what i want tho. Spring break is almost over.. :( I guess I'll be ok. Umm.. i guess that's all for now.. ttyl..

10:38 P.M.

Ok yea. I just got back from Josh's. That was umm.. interesting, and that's all you need to know about that. And you're lucky i'm still here talkin to you. Trust me on that one. I'm very tired, and so i'm going to bed now.

10:28 A.M.

Who was I kiddin? I didn't go to bed till 1. I so didn't sleep either. I woke up sooo much! I hope I didn't make a mistake last night. Well it's sorta hard to explain. Just for the record I don't regret anything that happened last night, but I wasn't really thinking ahead. Which was totally stupid on my part. Things just sorta happened. However, it wasn't a big deal, and i didn't think anything of it. BUT if the right/wrong person finds out, I may have a problem. And i KNOW this person will find out, b/c there were so many people that would tell him. I can't really complain, b/c it's my fault, but I just hope things aren't too bad. B/c like I said, it was nothing. Well to me it was nothing. Some people would take this seriously. Oh well, guess we'll see what happens. Megan should be home today. And I've got a little homework to finish.

6:04 P.M.

oh my gosh.. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so confused! Well not confused.. maybe it is confused. I just don't know. ahhhh.. ok last night... probably shouldn't have happened. But it did, and now i'm stuck in this big circle and all i can do is run around in it. I can't figure out how i feel about anything! or should I say anyone. Ahhh this is so not cool. Everytime that stupid clock next to me ticks, i get more confused. I wish there was an easy way out. And i know there has to be an easy way out, and i just don't know what it is. Ah! Stunning revalation.. oh that's not a good idea.. bad kavitha.. ok well anyway, i'm going to stop now. ttyl

2:21 P.M.

GAH!!!!! My parents are such pains! We got out of school early today. Mom wouldn't let me drive, or ride with Megan. She said we had too much to do. What did we do? NOTHING. My brother was supposed to get his hair cut, but for some reason the person that does it, wasn't there. I went to Goody's with my aunt and cousin, and then we left and came home. Got home at 2!!1 We got out at 12:30! Mom told me to HURRY and get outside after school.. SHe didn't come to get me till 1!!!!! I am so mad! Then I asked to drive to piano, and go to get ice cream afterwards. And i asked if Megan could go. She went on this "I don't trust you" kick. GAH!!!!!!!!! anyways, gotta go.

8:32 P.M.

It's Friday!!! Yes!! I am so happy. I have so much to do this weekend. I have to go to Sarah's tomorrow morning. Then we have to run and get some stuff for my brother's party. After I get home I may go to Knoxville and look at cars with Dad. Then tomorrow night I have plans. Anyway, I'm going to get off, and go to bed or something, so ttyl.

10:32 P.M.

I have not sat down at all today. Well actually earlier all I was doing was sitting down. I went to Sarah's this morning. Then as soon as I got home, I left for Knoxville. Dad and I looked at LOTS of cars, and then came home. We got back at like 5:20. At around 6 Josh, Natalie, and Adam came over. We watched the Exorcist (finally.) Uh.. Stupid! Gah! The movie was horrible. We ended up making cracks the whole way through. Anyway, I guess I'm going to go now.

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