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Kavitha's May Entries

May 1st, 2000
8:28 P.M.

Hey yall! I was reading over some of my entries and come to the conclusion, that I知 just flat out weird sometimes! Hope you forgive me. :) Let's see today I was getting really annoyed at Kermit! Ugh.. We were in class, and me and Beth were kidding around with Kermit, like we always do. But for some reason, I think he really got mad this time, he just quit talking to us, and was being really difficult! He can throw temper tantrums sometimes! That and the fact that he actually doesn't really like me doesn't help either. Tonight I went to see the show choir perform. They were pretty good. I made this guy on it a sign, (b/c he asked me to, I致e had enough bad luck with signs ya know.) anyway i was going to hold it up during the songs, but I couldn't do it. It would have embarrassed me more to hold it than for him to see it. I don't even know the guy. I have talked to him a couple times on the internet, and like 2 times (both today) in person. I took him the sign after the show, and handed it to him. Then started to leave, me and Sarah were walking out and I heard my name, I turned around and there he was. He seems like he's a pretty cool guy. I think i annoy him more than anything though. I talked to him for a minute before leaving. Anyway, I guess that's all for today. Bye!


May 5th, 2000
6:45 P.M.

I did have quite a few things to update, but now they all seem trivial. Let me explain. See A few weeks ago, my mom got rid of our two dogs. (Dixie, and Muffin) I'm not sure if I told you, I meant to. But anyway my dad went and bought a new German Sheppard. This dog was the cutest thing. He was adorable. At first he didn't like me much, but then last night he came to my side of the car first when we got home from the honors banquet. Anyway we got him Monday, we just named him yesterday. Tango von Maddenhouse (his kennel). Well guess what happened this morning. My dad killed him. My dad can't drive. See he said he took the dog to the back like he always does then went to the garage and went to pull out. I know what my dad did. He probably didn't even look to see if the dog was there. If he just would have watched. Mom watches. My brother and I have even had to get out of the car, and walk the puppy around so mom can pull out. There have been 2 (3 German Sheppards now) of our dogs killed from being ran over. I never really get attached to our dogs, but I really like this one. I'll try to update later, and work on the new lay out. Seeing as I have no puppy to play with.


May 6th, 2000
6:25 P.M.

I have been having some problems with Angelfire, and have been redoing the site, so haven't had time to update. I will later though!


May 6th, 2000
11:00 P.M.

Ok this is going to be one major entry. I just spent Saturday doing both everything and nothing. I was talking to a friend of mine, Jobe, earlier. Actually it was all of earlier. I think it ended up being about 8 hours of chatting. Most of the conversation was about how bored we were though. Umm let's see what else. Today we got another puppy. It looks almost exactly like the other one, but it's a she. Her name is Reese. I also spent today redoing the layout of the website. I archived all of mine and Keyster's entries by month. There still is a lot to do, but I was about to scream so I put it off for a while. Going back a day. Friday. Oh Whatta day. I'm going to give you some advice and I want you to follow it. I'm deathly serious about this. IF SOMEONE SAYS THEY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOU, AND THEY DON'T TELL YOU WITHIN 3 MINUTES, MORE THAN LIKELY YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW, SO DON'T KEEP ASKING! I learned that the hard way. I can't exactly type the story here, but if you want to know, send me an e-mail and I値l tell you. Umm let's see Thursday I went to piano, and Mrs. Frank decided that the piece Brent and I were working on was too depressing. She wants to change my recital piece. My recital is 2 weeks from tomorrow. Ugh! I don't know what else to say. So i guess I'll stop writing for now. I have some thinking and sleeping to do.


May 7th, 2000
12:23 P.M.

Wow! 500 people have visited this site! Ok so it's a far cry from the 100 thousand plus hits that some sites see, but still, we're proud. I can't believe you people are actually interested in our lives! and 11 of you have signed the guest book! (well me and Egs did too, but that doesn't count. This is going to be a quick entry. All morning our phone lines have been out. Oh My Gosh, it was terrible! Hmm what else? I don't know. hehe. If I think of anything else, I'll put it here later. Bye!


May 7th, 2000
8:18 P.M.

In the last three days I have realized that some of the best people are the people you've known about. That doesn't make sense, I'm sure. But take yesterday for instance. Having nothing to do, and spending way too much time talking to someone who痴 even more bored than you, can really make you realize how neat someone is. I spent the majority of the day yesterday, and some of today talking to Jobe. He's just the greatest. Then also today I discovered that my friend, Jefferson, is just awesome. She gives great advice, and always knows what to say. She's so I don't know what the word is, umm... She's a great listener, and advice giver, she's hilarious, and I don't know! lol she's just great, too. All I can say is I have some of the best friends anyone could have. (Give or take a few people) You'll probably be hearing more about my friends in later entries, but for now, I'm through. I spent way too much time on the net this weekend. Oh yea. href="/tn/diary/Jenny.html">Jefferson is probably going to be joining us here. As soon as I get a chance to set her thing up, be looking for entries from her.


May 10th, 2000
6:59 A.M.

Ever get a phone call from someone, think nothing of it, then get 3 more a day for the next days? I have. And quite honestly, I知 not particularly sure what he wants. To make a long story short at about 5 till 9 on Sunday night I got a phone call from this guy from school. I have known who he is all year, and he has my lunch. But as for really talking to him, i haven't. He didn't really seem to want anything so i talked to him for about 20 minutes. This guy, we'll call him Pond, is one of my best friends' exes, and more than most of my friends, can't stand, and seriously are repulsed by him. Anyway, on Monday I got home, and at 5, and the phone rang. Guess who. Pond. Well I talked to him till I had to leave for piano (Mrs. Frank had called, needed me to work on my recital piece with Brent.) At 8 when I got back, I called Natalie, who had called earlier. At 8:15 Pond called again. Then yesterday he called 3 times. I'm not really sure what he wants, and he never does say. He just says 'nothing.' I致e heard enough about Pond, to know that 'nothing' is not a word in his vocabulary, relating to certain subjects. The one he's been talking to me about, included. In other news, we met our rats in biology. We have to dissect them. I felt really bad for my partner and chandler's partner, Beth. Chandler and I would not, refused to touch the things. It was pretty bad. My friend Mary Ann was in a car wreck the night before last. She was leaving a soccer game with her friend, and some guy hit them in the back passenger side door, 6 inches from Mary Ann. There's a student council breakfast today. So I guess I need to go. We also have a state Biology test. I'll tell you more later. When I have time.


May 10th, 2000
8:15 P.M.

Here's another update for today. That biology test I wrote about earlier, was easy. All bio and honors bio 1 students had to take it. I mean the first question was "Which of the following plants could survive in dry conditions?" There was a picture of a fern, a pine tree, a maple tree, and a cactus. I kid you not. That was the question. What else happened today? Actually nothing. That I can think of anyway. Friday the geometry classes are going to six flags. Oh boy. Well gotta go.


May 11th, 2000
1:48 P.M.

Hey! I'm at school updating now. The honors society is having an induction at 2. I've got so much to do later. I have piano, and I have to get ready for six flags. Plus Ms. Watson gave us homework due tomorrow on the bus. Ugh! Anthony said I was fat, so I知 not talking to him. Nathan is reading my diary now. Well I gotta go. I might update later. again. Lata!


May 12th, 2000
10:38 P.M.

Well Well Well. I've been up since 4:30 this morning, but it's been so worth it. Today we went to Six Flags for 'Math Day.' It was way fun. On the way down I sat with Sarah, Megan sat beside me, Laura was in front of her and Jonathan Anderson, was behind her with Kara. Yuri and Betty were behind Sarah and I. Most of the way down, we talked to Jonathan. He was pretty cool. Although he thinks I was plotting against him. Why would I do that?! Then we got there and walked around rode a couple things, and then we saw him. Yes this is another entry about a guy, but this time, it is actually productive. See Sarah, Egz, Yuri, Laura, and I were walking around, and anyway we stopped for a second. We happened to stop in front of this smoothie stand. I was standing there, and casually said "Oh that guy working is pretty cute, I think I want a smoothie." Well he heard me.. We were pretty close, and the windows to the booth were open. He just smiled. Then our little group moved over a little bit so we could still see him, and we stood and talked. I looked up, and he smiled at me. I was happy. Then Sarah, and everyone wanted to leave so I followed them, and we went to Gotham City. We sat with Chandler for a few minutes. I told him about the smoothie guy, and of course, he was mean as usual. No surprise there. Well Sarah and Laura and Yuri all walked off. They didn't want to stay and talk to Chandler. Me and Megan went to find them, and did. They were getting icees. I told this one girl, we will call her N, about the guy. Well we all started going to the smoothie place, and Sarah, Yuri, and Laura stopped and walked somewhere else. Megan and I continued to the place. We went up and ordered, and he said we could have them "On the house." He also asked why we didn't talk to him the first time. Then guess who showed up in the line. N. Megan and I just walked off figuring that N just wanted to see what i had told her about. Well we took our smoothies and proudly showed them off to anyone willing to listen. We ran into Chandler again and he told us Sarah and everyone were at the top of the hill. We met back up with them, and we rode some more. Then Sarah decided she wanted a smoothie, so we walked over there. She ordered a coke, and the guy (his name is Jake) started to give her change back, and forgot to give her the dollar part. I said "Hey Now! You can't rip our friend off like that." He said "I didn't mean to. It's your fault." I said "My fault?! How is your incapability to do your job, my fault?!" he said "Well ever since you were over there the first time, I can't do anything right." It was funny. Well sitting over in the corner was N. She said he talked to her, and was going to walk around with her on his break. Ugh. Well somehow Sarah and the others left again, and a little while later Megan and I went back. This time he told us to come to the side and talked to us for a few minutes. As he was leaving to go back in, he told us we could come back later and talk. I said "Well I bet N will be back. No, I KNOW she will be back. I'd almost bet she'll be back." he said "Does that mean you won't be back?" I said "Oh of course we'll be back." Well, after walking around some more, and talking and stuff. We stopped by one last time before we left. I ended up with his phone number. Although he gave it to N, too. lol. Well on the way home, things were pretty boring. Actually there's stuff to say.. but I知 too tired now. I'll tell you everything else tomorrow. Good Night!


May 13th, 2000
12:48 P.M.

My feet ache, and I'm actually a light shade of pink. I got slightly burnt. I NEVER burn! That was one of the down sides of yesterday, a more major one was Sarah. I think she got sooo mad at me. And I personally think that it's because of Jake, the smoothie guy. I think it's because of Chandler possibly, too. Just about every time she like walked off was when we were around a guy. She talked to Chandler with us for a few minutes, then she just walked off. And when I mentioned the smoothie guy, she walked off, or told whoever was around that I was obsessed with him. Which actually made me pretty mad. I don't understand why my talking to/about a guy every once in a while is such a problem. Anyway, on the way back there was some funny moments. I'm sure Mark will argue with me on this one, and even though I feel terrible, I can't help but laugh. See we had cameras on the bus, and I was turning around in the seat to get a better angle of a picture, and the bus turned and I fell out of the seat. That wouldn't have been so bad, if Mark hadn't been laying in the floor underneath me. Poor Mark, he looked like he was in agony. I was just thinking of this a second ago. While we were taking pictures, Jonathan wanted his picture taken with his hat on sideways, while he threw some kind of gang sign. He just looked so funny, that I was laughing. and couldn't get a straight shot. Well he just said "If you don't hurry and take the picture, I'm gonna get shot!!" I thought it was hilarious. In other things, Mrs. Frank made another major change in my piano recital piece. My recital is 1 week from tomorrow, and she is now playing with Brent on I on a new piece. UGH! We met our rats' insides on Thursday I think. Chandler is such a sweetie, he cut through the middle of ours, after my partner and I couldn't. It wasn't that bad. The smell wasn't that great, but it wasn't too disgusting. and I guess that's all for now. I need to go set up Jefferson's diary.


May 15th, 2000
6:39 P.M.

People are confusing. No, I'm not just figuring that out, but right now, I知 stuck in the middle, of something. Well I could get out really easily, but I can't. I'm rambling on here, but within the last week, I have spent quite a bit of time talking on the phone with someone. I have heard a lot of stuff about him, and then I know what he's told me. I don't know what to believe. I want to believe him. I want to think that he wouldn't lie to me. I want to, but I don't know if I should, if that's the right thing to do. I have always tried to judge people on their impressions on me, not on their impressions on someone else. For some reason, with this person, it has been hard. My friends have enough bad things to say about him, yet he can stand behind everything he says. He never really tells me anything about him. And just says that no one does know him. That's where things bother me. There are certain people you just click with, without ever knowing anything about them. Some people are intriguing and you have to know more. This person is like that. What he tells me never answers anything I want to know, and then again, I知 not sure he trusts me enough to tell me. I know this entry doesn't make sense, but right now this situation doesn't either. This is my diary, and i don't expect you to understand me or how I feel. This is the only entry you get for now.


May 17th, 2000
12:05 P.M.

Hey yall.. I'm updating from school. We're on block scheduling for 2 days. Mainly for exit exams in math and stuff. yesterday I was in wellness from 8:15-10:20 then in geometry from 10:26 till 12:20. Lunch from 12:26-12:50 And then last in bio from 12:56-3:10. Today I was in 1st for 5 minutes. Then in FACS from 8:26-10:20, and then from 10:26 till 12:20 I値l be in here, keyboarding. Then last I have English from 12:56 till 3:10. I have 3rd lunch again (12:26-12:50.) Ugh! Let's see what else is goin on? My recital is on Sunday. and ummmm I still haven't figured out why that guy is calling me. I just don't have any clue. I know it seems like this is really getting to me, but it's not. It's just weird. Ummm I don't think I have anything else to say, so I'm gonna go!


May 18th, 2000
6:07 P.M.

PEOPLE! UGH!! Some people just bother me so badly! One in case now is Pond. Oh My Gosh! If only he hadn't called that one night, none of this would have happened. If it's true that all things happen for a reason, I cannot even think of a reason this happened, except maybe to drive me crazy, and my friends insane as well. See I have this thing against moody people, liars, and superficial people. Pond is all of the above. First topic.. Moody. Pond is probably one of the funnest people to talk on the phone with. I love talking to him, he doesn't bother me or anything. But at school, it's like I'm invisible. I must be. he acts like he doesn't even know who I am. It's like he spends his after school hours just trying to get information out of me, and then his during school hours, to flirt with and talk to every single person imaginable. He pays more attention to one the people he dislikes than me. Heck he even pays more attention to his ex girlfriend, than me! He's not the only person I don't like b/c of things like that, but right now, he's front and center, 'bould' (bold, my keyboarding classmates, might get that bould thing)) and on top of the list. Next topic Lying. Oh this is such an awful thing, and actually I'm not sure if he is lying. I'm not going to get too much into this issue, but sometimes, I wonder about the stuff he tells me. Last topic, superficial people. If he calls me a 'stuck up rich prick' one more time..... Can we say get over it! My Gosh! He doesn't know me, and is judging me on what he's heard. Am I the only person who gets to know people before judging them. That's what I thought. Ugh! Well I guess I'm done venting for now! In other things... Tomorrow we have an awards thing during like 2nd period. Oh boy.. fun.. haha kidding! I know it's going to be so boring sitting there through people getting awards for highest averages, and stuff like that. None of which I have! We have 10 days of school left I think. Not many though. Ummmm, let's see...I had piano recital rehearsal today. We're reading Romeo and Juliet in English. And oh yea.. our bio teacher can be so funny.. Today she was telling us what the best form of birth control is, so listen up.. Guys, the best form of birth control is keeping your pants zipped! :) And oh yea don't smoke marijuana, it depleats your sex drive, as said by Mrs. Lamb. She's great.. haha.. Umm let's see. my friend Sarah's b-day is Tuesday. Gotta get her the perfect gift... just don't know what yet. Ummmm I think that's all, I値l talk to you later.


May 19th, 2000
2:55 P.M.

I couldn't be happier that it's Friday! Oh boy! I'm like so cold in keyboarding right now!!!! That awards thing lasted from 8:45 to 10:10. I got something for student council, and perfect attendance. Right now I'm mad at myself, long story, I値l explain sometime. So for now, I知 going to go.


May 21st, 2000
8:35 P.M.

Whoa! It's been such a hectic weekend. Let me recap for ya. On Friday, I was planning on doing my homework, since I was going to be so busy the rest of the weekend, but I ended up talking to Sarah and Luke on the phone. Well on Saturday I went to the mall with my mom, because she didn't like the dress I had for recital. I love it, and as soon as I get a chance, I値l be posting up some pictures, and the dress is one of them, but anyway, I at the mall, i got the most awesome things. It's a pair of pants, but the thing is they are this shiny metallic pink. They are so cool. i love them, although I don't think anyone else does. haha. I also went to Old Navy (my second time!) I got 3 bathing suits. (There's a bikini that was like 3.99 for each piece, and then I got this top, and there were 2 matching bottoms, so i got them both.). I also got 2 pairs of board shorts, a black skirt, a tank top, some flip flops, and a white button up. I also got the 1st Creed cd. I like the new one better though. Today was my piano recital. I wasn't nervous or anything, but I did mess up. I have no excuses, I just messed up. But what makes me mad about that is there is one girl that's been taking for longer than me. She's been taking 5 years, I致e been taking 2. But every year she has some semi-hard stuff. Basically the same level that I play, but she never messes up, because she uses her books during the recital. I did Fur Elise by memory. Folks that's like a 5 page song! And I messed up on a pretty easy part. I could just kick myself. Egs came over and went to the thing with us. She left a few minutes ago. I'm going to take my camera to school one day, and get some pictures of my friends and stuff. So sometime this summer, I'm going to try and get them up for yaw.


May 23rd, 2000
4:52 P.M.

Ho-Kay!! I've got an update for you. Let's see yesterday, you will not believe what my pink pants went through. As I was leaving school yesterday my pink pants were put on by Jobe. It was funny! Today was Skipper's birthday. I got her a Polaroid I Zone camera and a roll of sticky film, and as a gag a Barbie and Skipper doll. I had cut the Barbie's hair short and colored it black with a permanent marker. We have like 5 days of school left. That's really all I can think of now.


May 24th, 2000
1:23 P.M.

Hey yall. I'm sitting at Keyster's desk right now. She is at mine, printing stuff. I guess I could tell you, about the problems my buddy Nat is having. See there is this guy that likes her, actually there are 2 of them. One is named Adam, and the other Jason. Well Natalie likes Adam, and they are 'talking.' Jason however is extremely jealous, and not a happy camper. It's not really a problem to us, but I can see why it's bothering Nat. As for other stuff, I think I pulled a muscle today. Like in my side. IT was terrible. See I was talking to Natalie, and then Luke came up behind me and started tickling my sides. I completely twisted around to keep him from getting to me, and really pulled something, or strained something. Not sure what, but it hurt pretty badly. Well the teacher is coming over here, so I've gotta go.


May 25th, 2000
5:50 P.M.

I can NOT believe what happened to me today. Ok let's see. I was sitting in bio, and Chandler yelled at me and told me to guess where he was last night. He told me he was at Pond's. And then he asked me to guess what Pond told him. Apparently Pond told Chandler that I wanted to do him [Pond]. When it's the other way around. Well I was a little frustrated. Not really mad, but bothered. Then I went to this attendance thing, and A (code name) told me that this girl Chandler had been talking to was talking about me. ????? ok???? Well 10 minutes before the 3rd bell rang, I went to the lunchroom to ask Pond why he told Chandler that. I told Natalie what happened, and then went over to the jr high table. Well Jennifer stopped me and said he did the exact same thing to this other girl, named Ashley. I asked Jennifer, what the 'same thing was' and she told me exactly everything that Pond had done to me. I was shaking. It scared me so badly. So I went to the other side of the table where Pond was sitting and when he came back i just attacked him, kinda. Didn't hurt him, but i scratched my arm. Anyway I asked him why he told Chandler what he did, and he said he didn't say anything to Chandler. I was staring him straight in the eye, and said "Chandler wouldn稚 lie to me." and he wouldn't! Pond stood by his story that he didn稚 say anything. And see Natalie had sat down in a chair that was beside Christina. Pond was convinced that Natalie was in his seat, however she wasn't. He was sitting on the other side of Christina. It was funny cause he made a big fit out of it, then realized his mistake. Ok anyways I went to Mrs. Watson's class and got cracked on by the whole class. They were all set on believing that I wanted to sleep with Pond. Jonathan managed to wedge himself between the wall and the filing cabinet. It was so funny. That class cracks me up. I love it! Haha.. Well anyway I went to my locker before 6th and as I was walking back up to the main hall, Pond came walking the other way, and he stopped me. He told me that I could ask Chandler exactly what Pond had said., and that he (chandler) would tell me that he {pond} didn稚' say anything. I was like so confused. I don't know who's lying to me. Ok anyway I came home at like 4 and the phone rang. It was Bethanie. She told me that the girl that I don't know, had just misunderstood everything. So that's ok now. Then ummm A few minutes ago I was talking to Pond. and he said that I was the liar and whatever. I'm so confused. I don't even know what's going on, and I'm in the middle of it. Either Chandler or Pond is lying to me. I've got to figure out who though. Anyway I guess I'm done now. If anything develops I値l tell you. In other news, I had the best time after school today. I don't know why, but I was laughing SOOOOOO hard for maybe 20 minutes. Everything everybody said, cracked me up. Like I was in the floor laughing, and Jason yelled out "Can we get a paper bag over here, she's hyperventilating." and then Jobe said "I wonder if calls to 911 are free from that phone." I was laughing so hard. Umm I think that's all for now.


May 26th, 2000
6:31 P.M.

Man!!! What a rough week. It has definitely been one of those weeks I wouldn't want to relive. It has been crazy. Not hectic just frustrating and confusing and upsetting. Basically my life would have been a lot less those things if I had never spoken to Pond. Talking to him has done both more and less for me, than I ever thought possible. I've learned a lot about myself through him. And talking to him has also caused me more problems than I care to remember. Today I listened to Pond tell me things that just shocked me. I mean everything he said was true. And i don't know why, but I was too stunned to say anything. He told me exactly what he felt, and everything I did, that I shouldn't have. I wanted to cry, and scream at him, and hang up on him, and hit him, and hug him all at the same time. He was pretty mad because I went off on him in front of his friends, when he hadn't done anything. This morning he came in and apologized to me for yesterday. I gave him an invitation to a pool party/cookout that I知 having and then continued on down the hall. Well my friend, Steph, (she's my pen pal and has never seen him) wants a picture of him, so I gave my camera to Natalie and let her try to get his picture. He wasn't very cooperative about it. Well anyway at lunch I was sitting with Christina, Brittany, Jessica, and the other jr high people, because Natalie was gone. Well Pond was sitting on the other end of the same side of the table and he was talking to this girl, well he got up and just came over there to where I was, and sat down beside me. He was fine, but then when I came home today. The phone rang and it was him. He was ok for a sec, then he starts in on how I知 "Too worried about what my friends think to tell them the truth." See basically when I tell people that I talk to him on the phone, i only tell people what he says. I never really mention what I say to him. And besides that I never stopped him when he called. I never told him to just leave me alone. But because of what I said people think he's a bad person, and that I知 the one who's getting the bad end of this. Actually it's as much my fault as it is his. BUT AHHHHHHHH i could just scream because of how stupid *I* was. I let pond say whatever. Yet I apparently never paid enough attention to what he said. I could be wrong, but I could have sworn he said some of the stuff, that he says he didn't. It's just all messed up. I don't know. It's too crazy and complicated for words. I just don't know what to do, what to say, or anything. It's awful. There's more to it than that. And there was more to my week, but I don't feel like putting it on here now. I don't know if I ever will. So anyways, I will let you people get back to your happy little lives.


May 28th, 2000
2:54 P.M.

Oh I'm not a happy person.. This is the freakin second time my diary has just disappeared. I'm seriously considering not updating anymore, this just isn't worth it.
I thought about trying to put stuff back up here, but there's no way, I can remember everything, and all my fears and frustrations, thoughts and feelings.. It's just not going to happen. Too much stuff happened this month. Too much stuff that I wanted to remember. This really sucks. You just have no idea, what it feels like to have a months worth of memories just thrown out. I remember major stuff, but of course I知 not going to remember all the little details.. Guess that's all for now. Remember people sometimes life Sucks, and there's nothing you can do about it.


May 31st, 2000
6:02 P.M.

Ok I know I said i wasn't going to update, but I have to. I'm still praying for a miracle and wishing that my old entries would come back. They haven't yet. We are out of school for the summer. It's good and bad in a way. As some of you may remember from my (now invisible) entries I was all caught up in that whole Pond thing. Well things went crazy yesterday, too. Since the other entries aren't here, it won't make sense, but things got messed up. He's just been avoiding me for 2 days, and so i don't know what's going on. He is moving though, so I値l probably never see him again. That might suck a little, but i don't know at the moment. I know I値l always wonder what would have happened if he had stayed, but I always wonder stuff.. (wonder what would have happened if i had never spoken to him.. etc..etc) But I don't regret any of it. Oh well.. I guess I don't have anything else to say right now. Talk to you later. Bye!


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