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Kavitha's May 2001 Entries

4:44 P.M.

I am the president of SADD. I'm so happy. :) Megan is treasurer. Cool, huh? I'm tired. We went to Space Camp on Monday. We had to be at school by 5 am! Uh.. too early! haha. Well I don't have much else to say now, so I will talk to you later.

8:08 P.M.

Egs and I are evil! haha.. well not really, but kinda. We hung signs on Zach's jeep. Very amusing. lol.. we drove around forever Sat. and dyed shirts. It was fun. And I don't want to go to school tomorrow, but anyway. ttyl.

9:34 P.M.

I went to Josh's earlier. I picked up Tiffany. And it was like raining and storming and stuff after we got there. Jeremy stopped by, and as we were leaving, there was a toilet paper war. It was so funny. There are wads of it all over the place. I hit Jeremy right in the face with a big huge piece of it! lol. I took Jacob home, and Tiffany almost caused a couple wrecks. I was going to back into this driveway to get turn around, and she just started screaming "STOP!!!!" She thought I was going to hit this mailbox! Then we were pulling out of this stop sign, and there was this truck, it's lights were SO bright, and the road wasn't very big, she scared me, and I thought we were going to hit it, and we almost ended up in the ditch! She would scream randomly! It scared me! haha I was 30 minutes late getting home! :( Well I guess that's all for now.

5:52 P.M.

No, I didn't die! I've just been extrememly busy!!!!! I have had poems to memorize, cross country trips to plan, piano to practice, spanish projects to do, algebra worksheets to finish, etc etc etc!!!!!! It's been crazy!! But now we only have 3 days of school left! This summer will be nutso too tho.. But anyway, gotta go.. ttyl.

7:02 P.M.

Josh, Jacob and Megan came over yesterday. It was interesting. I really like Josh!! :) Jacob amused himself with like everything possible in my basement. I also talked to Zach last night, and he was definitely acting strange. It wasn't good at all. Megan stayed the night last night. And ummm I think that's all... Oh no.. it isn't. I talked to Jobe on friday! and saw him on saturday. megan and I drove by his house.. and he lives on this dead end, so he and his dad were out in the driveway, so they saw us drive by. We had to go turn around in his neighbor's driveway... and he came out and was standing in the road. It was kinda funny... I miss him! But he really acts like he doesn't care about me anymore, so it makes it really hard to see/talk to him. megan and I also drove by Brandon's house. He and Bat were there, and we called Brandon and said we were about to roll his car... They came running out of the house. It was funny. Today Megan and I went exploring again. We drove around going to no where. haha.. Well I think that's all for now..

1:02 P.M.

School's out, and May is almost over! Hard to believe! I'm glad school is out, but then again i'm not. I won't get to see everyone every day, which is sorta good, but not really. I'm also sick of the work...I need a break. Megan got a job. I don't know why she hasn't updated lately. Ummm.. Jobe came over for a little bit yesterday.. It was weird seeing him. It was like the first time in a couple months, or more. Things just aren't the same. Well anyway, I guess that's all for now, so I will talk to you later.

Megan's Diary
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