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Kavitha's November Entries

November 1st 1999

Hey ya'll-
I am just a wee little bit scared here... Why? Well let's see could be the fact that there is an armed man running around the little county road where i live! What happened as i know is this: There were 3 guys, they stabbed a person and took off in their car. Somewhere along the way they wrecked and 2 of the guys were caught. The other one took off running through the woods that are behind my house. He is still at large. They were calling for the choppers and everything, but b/c of rain they are unable to come. Reassuring, huh? I've got to go now. I'll keep ya posted.
There are other things to talk about, but I don't have time now.

November 3rd 1999

Ok I guess you guys are wondering what's been going on in my life. Well let me tell you. They caught that dude who was running wildly around my neighborhood. It turns out he didn't stab anybody, but it was a HUGE drug bust. Anyway let's see what else. Oh yea my Halloween party was pretty decent. I got injured. One of my friends (Robin) thought it would be funny to pull my feet out from under me, and i fell HARD on my arms. My right wrist was so sore i couldn't take wellness Monday. And my left arm is a huge bruise. I also got more wedgies than i care to recollect. I was a cat, Megan was a color guard member (how original), Matterz wore a kimono thing, forgot what she was, and Ster was a dress code violator. That's all i can remember from that. We watched Urban Legend. (GOOOOODDDDD Movie.) And Ev spent the night. The next day we had to go to this Haunted Hallways at school. The kids got to come trick or treating at the high school. It was fun, and not just because Pacey was nice to me. (Pacey is a kinda crush at the moment, but he's very stuck up.) I'm trying to think of anything else. Can't think of a thing, so until next time... LaTeRZ!
~I'm an angel with horns.~

November 5th 1999

T-G-I-F! I am so happy it's Friday! This week has been so long!!! I'm in keyboarding. Not supposed to be on the net. We have a sub, and it's during channel one. A quick update for now, I made a 73 on my Bio test, and my average in Geometry is 78 (OMG.) I'll write later and give more details. For now, I'm outtie.

November 5th 1999~5 minutes later

I can't freakin stand her sometimes! Who? MEGAN! Our sub. decided to let us have half a free day and so i thought maybe Megan could help me with my geometry. Well I got it our and asked her if i did it right. Her attitude was !#^@&#$ bad that i am extremely p'd off right now. @#%&@ ALL I DID WAS ASK IF I DID ONE FREAKIN TYPE OF PROBLEM RIGHT AND ALL SHE CAN DO IS GIVE ME THIS ATTITUDE. I am trying so very hard not to use profanity !!! Earlier all she could do was laugh at me when i told her my average. I UUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm going to shut up now before i say too much.
on another note my average in Geometry might be brought up some with extra credit and an honors curve. Well that's really all for now. I will probably update again later tonight at home.
I'm outtie again.

November 9th 1999

Where to start? Well let's see, i have many people to complain about so I’ll start there.. Person 1, my dad. My mom had to go to a PTO meeting seeing she is the president, and so i was here, watching my brother the new puppy, Muffy, and trying to do homework. My dad went to the barn and comes back. He starts yelling at me with that stupid attitude, that he is always right. He was trying to tell me that something he doesn't know about would work. He was being so bossy. I mean sure he is the dad, but can't you get off your lazy butt and reach into the table beside your chair for the glasses you need.
Second is my mom. She comes in and the first thing she says, is can't you do more around here. It's like she expects the house to automatically be cleaned every time she leaves. And then I was in here talking to a friend when she yells at me to come to the kitchen. So i walk in there and she asks me about how i told her about the gang stuff.. (like what colors they wear and stuff) Well at the PTO meeting they had some police officer that's an SRO (school resource officer) at my school there. Mom went on and on about how good of a speaker he is, and how he was going to do a community wide speech thing. I was like coo beans, b/c he is a really good speaker, he's funny, but really makes you realize the truth(I’ve seen him before). I was like when is it? She told me i wasn't going. I asked her why. She said b/c of the language, he didn't want to see any kids there. I looked at her.."Mom I'm not a kid. I'm about 20 times more mature than most the people my age." She said well your still a kid, and you're not going. That just made me so freakin mad. Oh I am not happy about that. I think I’m done complaining, cuz she's in the room...
2 other things.. my geometry average was done wrong, she made a mistake and i have an 84 before extra credit and stuff.
And we got a new dog. She's an Australian Shepard named. Muffy. Muffy?? Of all the names?!?!?!?! Muffy.
That's it i guess.

November 23rd 1999

Ok so i know i haven't updated you lately, so bite me! Just kidding. I've just been busy. Too busy to update you. Ok let's see what should I say? Well what do you want to know. I'm sure you'd like to know that the BSB concert is in 5 days. My birthday is 12 days after that. I got 2 b's on my report card this six weeks. and umm that's all I can think of now. Seriously, sad update, huh? Well I'll make ya a deal. I'll write more later, and let you have this now. It's hard to type here at school with the printers going.. It's so ANNOYING. Well I’ll write later.

Megan's Diary
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