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Kavitha's November Entries

November 2nd, 2000
5:06 P.M.

I am beyond dead in more ways than one. There was a workshop for student council today, therefore I missed the day of school. Well I had to stay after school and take a math test and I was SOOOOOOOOOOO tired. On the way out, I left my Chemistry book in my locker. That wouldn't have been so bad, IF that wasn't the only class I had homework in. I have this review that is due tomorrow, and I'm not finished, and don't have my book!!! I don't know what I'm going to do. The workshop was fun, and we got tons of stuff. Afterwards we went to the mall. That's always fun. I'm so tired, and stressed, that I couldn't be happier that tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 3rd, 2000
5:56 P.M.

Doing the right thing isn't the easiest thing, and you know what.. It's probably going to come back to haunt you. Actually, the only way it's going to get back to me is if a friend betrayes me. Which is likely to happen. I'm so glad it's Friday!!! WEll gotta go for now.

November 7th, 2000
6:19 P.M.

My dad wrecked his land cruiser. It's bad, but not totalled. He's ok tho. Umm what else. We had today off from schoo. Yay! We moved the furniture around in my room today. It looks like there is so much more space in it. Well there is kinda. I took out the desk and computer out of my room. Well I think that's all the news. I have some quotes to share with you. enjoy.

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

*Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while, so when you are lonely, remember this is true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you*

November 10th, 2000
4:06 P.M.

My head feels like it is about to explode. I found out earlier today that this guy likes me. I just don't know if I like him or not. Earlier he was a real jerk to me, and now, I don't know what to do. Last night he was really nice to me. Pep Club made food for the football team, and Natalie and I were talking to Adam, and this other guy. He was nice to me! Except, he kept looking down my shirt, that's beside the point haha. Jobe and I have kinda been getting along a little bit lately. Not like before, but better.... I'm so cold right now!! The temp dropped sooo much from this morning to right now!! I had on a short black skirt, and thought I was gonna freeze!! Not cool at all.. actually too cool.. lol.. Ummmm.. I think that's all for now, so ttyl.

When I saw you, I was afraid to talk to you. When I talked to you, I was afraid to hold you. When I held you, I was afraid to love you. And now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you

Guys are like RollarCoasters, They either make you Sick, Or They can be the thrill of you Life

November 16th, 2000
6:30 P.M.

I had one of the worst days on record today. Yesterday some people in my spanish class found some copies of the quiz we had, and looked up the answers and stuff. Well anyway, they eventually got caught cheating, and They all think I told. Jobe, (My supposed best friend..) told them all that I did. They are alll so mad at me, and are treating me badly. I just don't know what to do.. There's so much more to it, but I really don't want to put it here..

November 22nd 2000
5:46 P.M.

I have a totally awesome cd to rave about. I know you're going to think I'm nuts, but even if you don't like the whole "Pop" thing or whatever, you need to go at least listen to the cd. I'm talking about Black and Blue.. the new cd from BSB. It's up there with my all time favorite cds.
In other news, the guy that likes me.. ok..let's just give him a code name.. Toby. ? I don't know.. anyway.. he called last night. i talked to him for about an hour. Ummm.. Megan's gone to Pittsburgh. I went to pappaw's today. I'm talking to Haley now, and I think that's it.. lol.. ttyl

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