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Kavitha's October Entries

October 8th

Let's see what can i write about now? Oh I know.. my latest argument. Get ready for a long story, otherwise you won't understand why i'm so mad..... You see last year a couple friends of mine (no names mentioned to protect the guys.) would always bum money off of me and stuff like that. I never said anything and gave it to them. But they never seemed to want to be a friend in return. I pushed it aside and never thought about it again. Well this year it started again, and i let it go for a while. But within the last 2 weeks, i have gotten very upset with one guy inparticular...we'll call him Robin. I just can't take it anymore. I'm sick of the way he treats me. It's not that we're going on or anything, but he needs to take friendship 101. And then he just doesn't understand that what he does make me feel awful. I tell him, and everything's fine for the time we talk, but after that it's the same old stuff. A couple nights ago he called me and we talked for an hour. Everything was fine. Then yesterday he was back to the same stuff. I just won't talk to him. I don't want to have anything to do with him, if he's going to take me for granted. And that's why i'm so incredibly mad. I know that doesn't really make sense, but hey! It does to me and this is my diary. TTYL.

October 23rd 1999

Whoa! I know, it has been a nice long time since i've updated you on my life. So I guess you better buckle down and get ready for a long story. First off i'll tell you about my classes:
Geometry is such a pain. I just seriously dislike the tests. What's on the tests is not what we learn in class. Biology is ok sometimes. Keyboarding.. Don't EVEN get me started on that class. See Megan's diary. I have the same keyboarding class as her so her feelings mirror mine on the issue. Those are the only classes i'm going to comment on now.

Well, good news and bad news. The good news is "Robin" isn't being such a free loader. The bad news is we still aren't getting along. I don't know why we don't. I love him to death, but sometimes i could just hit him! Yesterday was the first time in a while, that i have talked to him. I wish we could be better friends!

I'm having a Halloween Party on Friday the 29th. I ended up inviting 13 people. I was planning on inviting 6 or so. Hopefully it will be cool. Last year we had a blast. This year it's a costume party, and everyone has to dress up or we get to dress them up at the party. I'm going to be a genie, one of my friends is going to be Britney Spears ( i gotta see this). Another is going to be a clown.
That's all I can think of telling you for now. I'll try to keep you updated more.
Special K
Egz' best bud!

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