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Kavitha's September Entries

August 29th

I have no idea where the rest of this page went. It just up and walked away. I must have offended it or something. You have no idea how incredibly angry I am with the sudden disappearance, but I guess I will live. Slowly I will be working on this again! GRRRRR!!!!!!!

September 4th

Hi my name is Kavitha, and I知 the world's biggest idiot. Last night i went to a ballgame (high school football) and I did something so incredibly stupid i could cry. Well I met up with my friend she'll be known as Nat and a guy she has class with, we will call him J. We were walking around just waiting for the game to start and for some reason I caught glimpse of these shirtless guys.. I was like.... "OMG SHIRTLESS GUYS." J looked at me like I was crazy.. "I was like sorry i get a little excited.. been at N.E.S(my old school) too long" He nodded and I begged them to walk with me over there... Well the guys had letters painted on their chests... T R I B E ! were the letters... As we walked by I almost had a heart attack.. Mr. * (letter withheld to protect me!) looked like Danny (Zavatsky of No Authority)! I was screaming (thankfully it was muffled by the crowd) and jumping around.. so we were just walking around, and Nat dared me to go talk to him.. And I am a very shy person, you have no idea. And of course I wouldn't do it. Then once when we walked around, J yelled at Mr. * as they walked by.. "Mr. * she wants to talk to you." I hit the ground in a heartbeat.. It was so embarrassing. When I got up everyone was looking at me like.. "You had your chance!" I felt stupid then.. But it's not over yet. We were still walking and I wouldn't shut up about him, so I made a deal. If Nat and J would go over to him and get his name and age, I'd go talk to him. I didn't think they would do it, but I should have known better. They did. When they started walking towards him, I had to go up to Megan's mom who chewed me out for not staying with her and wondering around (she brought me) well a few minutes later Nat comes running to the bottom of the stairs frantically waving. I walked down there half expecting her to say he told me to quit stalking him. She was like "his name is Eric, he's a junior and he wants to talk to you." I was stunned, and not wanting to believe them. I reluctantly walked towards him and see they were behind the goal post and there's a fence between them and us so we walked over there, ok so they dragged me over there, but i ended up on the fence, and so he kept looking back there (according to J) at me. I couldn't make myself talk to him.. Then Nat and J gave up and started yelling at him for me. I bolted. Every time they would yell I would take off. Needless to say they were getting annoyed. Once again I got dragged over there telling myself I'm going to talk to him. Well Nat yelled at him one more time and he told her to come over to the side there. She did and he told her "he didn't want to embarrass me." talk about me being stupid. I don't know what he meant by that, but i have my theories, and they aren't too optimistic. I had like 10 minutes left in the 4th quarter. I tried to get J to go talk to him for me, but Nat wouldn't let him. If i didn't do it, i never would. At one point he was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, and i had my back to him. I couldn't do it. I'm not embarrassed just painfully shy. Then J went to talk to another letter and get some info. Turns out Nat and J heard him wrong. *'s name is ***. I noticed him talking to this guy out of my biology class. He's in my group too,. so I was thinking.. hmmm.... I don't know him well, but i thought maybe... Finally there was like a minute left and so i was going to go back to Judy. then Muppet (guy from bio) was standing by the fence, I ran up to him and asked him if he knew Mr. *. He said "yea. he's at my house like everyday." I was like "No way!" He said "yea. He's coming over to mine tonight too." I was like can you do me a favor. Talk to him for me." he asked me if i liked him and i said yea. i can't believe i did that! but we were trying to find a pen for him to get my number,(for *.. from this point on known as ***) but it wasn't working. Everyone thought it was for him. grrr.. anyway the game had ended and i was late getting back to Judy. Muppet told me to look his was the only ..... in the phone book. and so i got in trouble out for being late, and i hadn't talked to *. How stupid is that. I can't believe i didn't talk to him. Now he probably thinks I'm just some immature giggly girl. my last hope is Muppet, and i feel bad asking him, b/c i don't know him well. I probably just ruined my chances with a junior who looks like Danny! OMFG. I am so stupid and deserved to be hit.. hard.

September 4th (night)

I have pretty much established the fact that life sux. I thought things couldn't get much worse after the game. But tonight I was drug out to eat. I didn't feel good and didn't want to go, but I went anyway and my dad starts yelling at me in the restaurant because I was being myself. He asks stupid question, he gets stupid answer, i get in trouble. But my brother can make wise cracks all night and get laughed at. Gosh!
I think I'm done venting.

September 5th

Well so far I知 3 for 3 on bad days. Friday I thought I had ruined it with a junior, today I found out that I had been lied to. A few hours ago Nat called me and told me that she had lied. She didn't really talk to "Mr. *" She had made up his name and age, to make me talk to him. In her words it was a "small joke." Is that all my life is to everyone? Something to joke about. Last year, 2 people I thought were my friends did something that I still haven't forgotten. I don't want to put it here, or people will think I知 still dwelling on the past. But I'm not a person to like to be kidded. Now that's not to say I'm no fun, but sometimes others ideas of jokes aren't funny to me. Well Nat's "Small joke" would have made me act like a complete idiot in front of a senior. Ok so maybe I'm over reacting but I didn't think it was funny. In fact it made me want to cry.
And if that wasn't bad enough I called Megan to tell her what happened and she started laughing. Why can't I have any decent friends, that actually care. I don't know what to do anymore.
I do have to thank Muppet, he made me feel so much better. I called him and told him to forget everything I had ever said to him. I ended up telling him everything that had happened. We talked for a while and by the end of the conversation I had actually smiled. Now I'm not sure what's going to happen with the whole *** thing, but hopefully it will blow over or something, because I know that it could make my life miserable if it got out of hand or something.
Sometimes thinks like this happen and you truly wonder who your real friends are.

September 6th (night)

In case you haven't already figured it out, stability is not one of the strong points in my life. I'm sick. I have been sick since Saturday morning. It stinks too. I can't talk, which means when M's (Megan M's is the nickname i got her b/c I was too lazy to write her name) calls me an idiot I can't argue :(
Well unless something else happens later, this is all for today.

September 8th

Hey Hey. I made student council. Whoopie (sarcasm) Megan did too and we get to go on this retreat camp thing this weekend. Me not looking forward to that. I mean this is for initiation and they told us to bring clothes we could throw away. How safe can that be? man this can't be good. lol. Megan is happy because some dude she likes is going.. what's his name Al Meringue? I can't remember.. I have yet to see this elusive junior dude, but oh well. I don't have much else to say except geometry is HARD!!

September 12th

I just got back from camping. It was pretty fun. There were a lot of nice people there and some half way decent guys. Also I have some news on "Mr. *." I went to the ball game with all intentions of forgetting about ***. When I first got there the "letter people" weren't there. I was walking around with Nat and Hip. We happened to pass ***. I will admit i did a little jump for joy, but nothing major. The next time we walked around, he was in the process of taking off his shirt......needless to say I did get a little happy. I mean for the love any normal person would have. Then the third time we walked around he was bent over doing some kind of stretchy thing and his butt was like right in front of me, and this time i didn't do anything. Anyway during the rest of the night I was walking around, and didn't talk about ***, or have to be looking at him! So I知 better. I don't know if I'm cured just better. Then after the game we left for the camp. It was dark and pretty cold when we got there, but we went inside to this meetinghouse thing and ate pizza and sang songs. After a while we were going to go to the bunks and get some sleep b/c it was slightly late and we were soooo tired. They decided to initiate the 4 year members then. They had to sing some stupid song, play leap frog and have breakfast made on their heads. There was biscuit dough, jelly, eggs, and honey all in their hair. After that we went to bed. We were supposed to be up at 8:30 but some wise idiot blew this god-awful horn at 7. We all got up and went to breakfast, then we realized that cabin 1 wasn't down there. When they did come down they had to go jump in the lake. It was like 8:45 then. After we ate first year members had kitchen duty. It wasn't that bad since there were so many of us. After that we were to go put on old clothes and bring our towels with us to the porch. They explained that every time someone yelled "Air Raid" we had to lay down flat on our stomachs, hands straight in front of us. After doing that several times we had to get in a line with our towels over our heads, so we couldn't see. We were led around and they squirted shaving cream on our legs. We finally stopped and they told air raid. So we were laying on the ground. They took tons of shaving cream and put it all over us, they threw leaves and sticks all over us along with green paint. Once they were out of stuff we had to go jump in the lake. Then we just had leadership things for the rest of the day. One activity was each group was given a problem that a high school would face. We had to name the school and create a cheer and song and other stuff for it. We planned everything for it, but weren't going to do it till that night. After we finished 2 hours of planned things, we had free time. Most of us congregated at the docks. Some people went out on the jet skis, and some just laid around. A couple went swimming and i went canoeing with this senior. She was so nice. We went around the lake and when we came back Fyke (this very loud and funny sophomore) came swimming towards us. I knew he was going to tip us. He just had that gleam in his eye, and so did the other guy with him. His name is Pacey (that's what he's gonna be known as here). I picked up my paddle and told them if they so much as tried to tip us I would give them stitches! I had my denim shorts and swimsuit on, but i didn't want to get wet b/c I didn't have a clean towel or anything. When Fyke saw me pick up the paddle he stopped mid stroke. He didn't tip us. After we got out I was sitting on the docks just talking to Megan who was swimming. After a while most of the people went back to their bunks. I was down where the canoes go. Megan sitting on a bench in front of me, Hip next to her. Al (the guy Megan likes) was sitting next to her. Well not right next to her, but the only thing between them was space. I was talking to no one in particular and throwing rocks at Al. He was wet so I was trying to see if they would stick to him. I figured out that they didn't. It was fun. Then Al and Fyke started throwing rocks at me. I can't throw for anything and kept missing them. So i just threw like a whole handful at them. Today we just cleaned and left. Over all it was pretty fun. I know there is probably a million other things to say, and i might do that another time, but right now I'm going to get some sleep.

September 14th

Brothers.. just gotta love em. Ok earlier today i was in my room and he just came into my room and turned off my stereo for no apparent reason. He didn't even tell me any reason why. It was not loud or anything. Then he came in a few minutes ago and started yelling and telling my parents I was cussing. I wasn't but I am about to use some vibrant words. Now he's in here yelling so I'm going to go.

September 16th

That hurricane that has been going around is sending us wind. Floyd is like miles away yet we are getting wind off of him here in Tennessee! That's so messed up. For student council we have to help with the homecoming parade which is tonight, and with the wind, it's not going to be fun. All this week (which is homecoming week) we have had special dress days, basically excuses to break dress code. Monday was armed forces day. Tuesday was hill billy day. Wednesday was twin day. Megan and I were twins. Today was Blast from the past, and tomorrow is Black and Gold (our school colors) day. Other than that there isn't a terrible amount of things going on. I'm not doing so well in geometry! So if there are any really smart people out there who want to help me... please do so.

September 29th

Yea Yea I know it's been a while since i wrote to you, but things have been way too busy. Let's see as of right now I知 just mad at my family! Ok it usually starts out with little things like my brother getting to sit in the front and me having to sit in the back of the car. I ride in the front on the way to school which is straight from my house to the elementary school then to the high school. In the after noons he rides from the elementary to high school and every where else we go that after noon. I just don't think it's fair. Ok but what really ticks me off is how late i get to school. I get up at 6. I take a shower and am down stairs between 6:30 and 7. My bro gets up at 6:30 and isn't downstairs till 7:30. By the time he gets mom to put his shoes on and feed him his breakfast it's 7:40 or so. We leave but i don't get to school till 8 or like 5 after. The bell rings at 8:10. The mornings are the only time i get to see some of my friends and now i don't get to. It makes me so mad that he spends an hour in the shower doing nothing but standing. I'm serious that's all he does. No lying or anything. He's just sooo slow and he only does it to make me mad. This morning i had a meeting at 7:45. I told him everyday for the past week. I didn't get to school till 7:44. I didn't even have time to go to my locker. I was so pissed! He's so self centered. Everything just revolves around him. I had to change my piano lessons b/c of his ball practice. I have been playing piano for the past 2 years or so, he's been playing ball for a week, yet his stuff is automatically more important. And when i ask about it, i get in trouble so I知 getting yelled at b/c i find some things that go on in my life unfair. Unfortunately I知 the only one who sees it like that. That's all for now.

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