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Kavitha's September, 2000 Entries

September 1st, 2000
4:23 P.M.

I have had THE WORST WEEK! There was just so many things gone wrong for me that I don't even know where to start listing them. UGGGHHHH!!! I'm hoping for a better weekend, and next week. Well gonna go for now.

September 2nd, 2000
9:53 P.M.

Ok People suck!!! I'm serious! If it weren't for people everything would be completely fine. Ok that's a stupid thing to say, but still. I am SO completely not a happy person right now. Ok I shouldn't be as mad as I am, but I am, so that's that.. haha.. I am not making any sense, but Jobe, just informed me about why Justin acts like he hates me. Exact quote from Jobe "ok well he was like 'i dont hate her! She is just so annoying...if she would just let things be!'" What the freakin crap?! I never do/never have done anything to him! Wow! That made me mad! haha... UGH!!!!!
Ok.. I'm beginning to think that everyone has some negative thing to say about me. I'm generally a good person, and easy to get along with.. However some people just automatically don't like me.. I'm SO sick of people right now! I've had a bad week, and therefore I think it's perfectly understandable that i'm not in a good mood 24-7. And god forbid I actually talk about it. People get mad about that. I get on their nerves, they call me names.. Oh.. wow... See If I EVER tell anyone anything else. A note to everyone- Part of friendship is listening without judgement! Try not to judge your friends, and their problems, and try to listen to them! It really is a good thing! Guess I'm done venting!

September 5th, 2000
7:43 P.M.

Today was much much better than last week. I worked things out with everyone I was having problems with. Justin was actually nice to me today!!! It was the weirdest thing in the entire world!! I feel bad for Natalie. She's an idiot. She made this stupid bet with her boyfriend. It's stupid because she had to know she was going to lose. Hmmmm.. Maybe she lost on purpose. Hmmmm maybe. Anyway, I think that's all for now. Talk to you later!

September 6th, 2000
8:43 P.M.

Wow.. so many things happened today. It was Pond's last day. I really wasn't too nice about it, but I guess he got what he deserved. I was talking to Josh after school, he's such a hot.. i mean sweetie, haha, anyway Pond said bye, and I was like jumping around and stuff, well Pond was right behind me. I gave him this sorta hug thing, and he left. Now that it's all over with, I'll tell you his name, if you want me to, so just ask me or something. In other things, Justin was nice again today. He's decent when he wants to be. Student council elections are today. We find out the results tomorrow. There are a couple of people I hope don't make it, but you never know. Ummmmmm what else? Meredith had a small crisis thing today. I'd tell you more about it, but I can't right now. I think that's it. Talk to you later.

September 7th, 2000
3:51 P.M.

I made student council, which means I have to go to the wonderful retreat thing this weekend. I have to pack later. Ummmm... Meredith's crisis is better. Today just felt good. Without Pond there, I don't have to worry about the situation. Some people were a little unfriendly today, but hey it's cool... Marianne was having a rough day, but I saw her at Wal-mart a few minutes ago, and she's ok. I think. We got out of school at 1:30 today. Well that's all for now.

September 10th, 2000
12:38 P.M.

I just got back from the retreat, and besides being way tired, I had a great time. Up until about 8ish last night, the people at camp were awesome.. no further comment on that. Basically I went to Sarah's Friday night, and then went to the school. We got to the camp at around 12. We did some basic little get to know you things, and then went to bed. Saturday we did inititions and planning. I'll tell you the highlights. One of the things the first year members had to do was Air Raids. Which is where we older members would blow a whistle and then yell AIR RAID, and the 1st year members laid on the floor. That was funny. And Bill's little brother, Mike is on student council this year, and when he heard the word "homecoming" he had to say "I AM the ugly Buckley, Esp. compared to my brother, Bill" It was SOOOOOO funny. Ummm we worked on these skits and things in little groups. In our skit I was supposed to go and "comfort" Bill. He was supposed to be an "upset athlete." Well I was struggling up there. I couldn't keep a straight face! And everyone was laughing so hard! Well later I found out why most of them were laughing, and I am not gonna put it here! haha... ummmmmm really I think that's it. I mean other stuff happened, but I don't feel like writing about it, and i'm just tired, and most of it isn't important..
"Most Comforting" Kavitha

September 13th, 2000
4:53 P.M.

I am not obsessed with Bill Buckley!!! I know that has been the popular thought today. The pictures were for Haley!! See at the student council retreat, I took some pictures (of Bill) for Haley. Well everyone that saw the pictures picked up on the fact that like every other picture was of Bill! Anyway... Haley liked them, so that's all that matters.. I even helped Raquel! haha... in other news, a classmate of mine is in some SERIOUS crap. He sent this e-mail to some friends, and it was "written from a different perspective." in the school shootings. Like it was written by a killer. (it wasn't, but that's how it was supposed to seem) Well a friend told on him, and the cops came to his house, questions everyone that got it, and everything. I've heard some rumors about what it was that he got as his punishment, but I don't want to report anything wrong, so let me get back to you! Well, I think that's all. ..

September 15th, 2000
8:43 P.M.

I just got back from Leighann's birthday.. I had a good time. Bill,& Lindsay and several others were there. Ummm other than that my Saturday was lazy. Well I gotta go.

September 23rd, 2000
12:53 P.M.

Wow.. I made it through homecoming week. And as you can probably tell from me not updating lately, it has been HECTIC. Monday was armed forces day. Tuesday was blast from the past day, Wednesday was mismatch day. Thursday was twin day. Marianne and I dressed up in plaid skirts, black tank tops and white button ups. We sooo completely looked like Britney Spears! Also Thursday was the parade, powder puff game, and bonfire. I had to go to alll of those things. Friday was the game and dance, I'm really not sure if we won the game, b/c I left with about 2 minutes left on the clock. At the dance, it was fun. It was way too short though. I danced with Alex, Cody, Bart, and Adam. I saw Derrick after the dance. He's such a dork. He and a certain somebody are too good of friends. This certain friend is stabbing him in the back. But he doesn't see it. He's blonde, maybe that's why.. (just kiddin) Well I guess that's all.... Marianne and Natalie spent the night with me, but they're gone already. Well talk to you later.

September 24th, 2000
8:38 P.M.

I am SOOOO tired. I've been cleaning ALLLLL weekend. I cleaned my closet and drawers, and tried to put some new things on my computer upstairs, which is a COMPLETE piece of junk. It's so stupid. Anyway. I'm so tired, so i'm going to go take a shower and go to bed.

September 26th, 2000
5:27 P.M.

I hate my brother. He is the most disrespectful, and inconsiderate brat. Yesterday I was trying to practice my piano, and he yelled the entire 35 minutes. My parents don't do anything. THey just told me "What do you want me to do? He doesn't mind." Then today, I have this MASSIVE headache, and I was trying to do my homework. He comes in yelling again. I ask him nicely, once. Then again, and he was like "If you have a headache why are you on the computer." I wasn't at the time. And he starts in yelling and all kinds of stuff. I just completely hate him.

September 27th, 2000
2:09 P.M.

Hey yall. Yes, under normal circumstances, I should be at school, but we got out early today. We got out at 12:30, but I wasn't out at the car till 1. And I have a perfectly good reason. There is this TOTAL COMPLETE HOTTIE at school, and he was standing around, so I stood around, and admired the finer things in life. Oh it wasn't good at all. I don't know him, so I didn't talk to him or anything, but I mean still. Everyone says he's really conceited, but I don't know him, so I can't say. And I don't think this is a crush, but at least some serious attraction going on here. Ummmmm let's see. I don't think I have anything else to say. Oh yea. J-teens initiations were yesterday. It was some horrible make-up, but nothing too bad. I'm going to go now. Talk later! Actually Update= Our dog is gone. The window washers came today, and mom left at 12 to go get my bro. At the same time the window people left. We got back at 1:10, and dad was here. He asked if we had seen Reese, which we hadn't. The window washer people came back at 2, which is one hour after they said they'd come back.

September 30th, 2000
10:34 A.M.

I went to the Mcminn/Bradley game last night. We lost by 4 points!
I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to girls, Guys are way toooo sensitive. A friend of mine and Natalie's was all mad at her last night b/c of some thing Natalie had supposedly said. Then of course Jobe's way toooo sensitive about everything... EVERYTHING I do, which is why we haven't spoken in about a week. And yes, I've tried to fix things, even though it wasn't all my fault!
Also, last night we kinda played a little joke on Josh S. (there are soo many Josh's that I will be talking about!! So distinguish them by the last initial) See at the beginning of the week, Marianne liked him, and wanted me to tell him that someone liked him, without telling him who. At the time, I hadn't been talking to Josh, but then that day, I told him. He has been bugging me ALLLL week about it. Well then Marianne decided she liked the first Josh (josh k. whom she liked last week) more, and didn't like Josh S. anymore. Confused? Keep reading, you'll be ok. Anyway, Josh S. still tought that there was someone who liked him, and I wouldn't tell him who. Last night, Marianne, Meredith, Brandy Dawson, Toni Wilson, Marli, and I all went up to Josh at different times and told him we were the girl. Eventually he caught on, but still. He didn't act like it with each girl. He was like "YOU MEAN YOU KEPT ME WAITING ALLL THIS TIME TO TELL ME IT WAS YOU!?!?" It was funny, I had a HARD time keeping a straight face. And while Marli, was doing it, I was under the bleachers, and she went up to him, and so I wouldn't get noticed, I ran over to hide behind Justin, and Cody. Marli told him, and I saw him give her a HUGE hug. I cracked up, and Justin was like "What?" Cody said, "She's probably staring at Josh S. over there." Justin and Cody took off running for them, with me right on their tails. I don't know what they said, or whatever, b/c I was talking to Marli, but still. Justin was being really nice.. that was kinda scary. But he's really great, WHEN he's nice.
Oh yea, that guy I told you about earlier... well he's really really hott.. haha.. It almost feels like a crush, but it's not, b/c I don't know him. But last night, Marianne was talking to one of her friends who was standing with him, and I casually ran over to her.. (haha) and ok.. maybe I was staring, but most people in my position would have been, too. There was like one sided eye contact going on (like he was looking out behind me, and I was looking right at him) and I found out that he has some of the nicest brown eyes! Usually brown eyes are boring, b/c I have them.. but not his.. lol.. All of you all groaning out there, b/c you think this is going to be another Mr. *, you could be right, but I highly doubt it. Anyway.. ttyl

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