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Megan's April Entries


Hey everybody!! I'm back! Wow I had a great time in Disney World. Girls, if you want to meet guys, that is the place to do it. But keep your hands off the guy named Scott that works at Space Mountain, he's mine! Hehe, not really, but oh well. I am so proud of our band, at the competition we got 1st place in our class and straight 1s. That is the best feeling in the world. I could probably talk about this forever, but know what? I have to go do some other updating on my *NSync Humor Site. By the way if you read the guestbook, I am not getting engaged, that is an April fool that I would really rather not explain. Promise to write again!!



Hey! I talked to Benji today. That will make your day if nothing else does. He is the best looking person in the world next to Danny and Chris. I guess I should start at the beginning... Welcome to the dark side. Today Kabi and I went to a competition at a college. There were about 40 people from our high school going, so we assumed that we probably wouldn't know any of them. Neither one of us thought that Benji would be there. I don't know why neither of us thought about it because he has had a 4.0 GPA for all 3 going on 4 years of high school (he's a senior). Anyway we waited in the Art Hall this morning, waiting to be able to load the bus, and we saw him standing there. Kabi about had a panic attack when she saw the T-Shirt he was holding. It was the one we were supposed to wear to the competition. Then, we were told that there were two buses. I had the great idea to follow him and get on the same bus. He was behind us, so every now and then we would take turns looking behind us to see what he was doing. When we got to the competition Kabi and I split ways because I had to get to my station because it was one of the first things. After we were both done, we went to get something to eat. One the way there we literally ran into Benji. He looked all lonely but, we were hungry and really didn't take too much time to gawk at him. When we were done with lunch we headed back up to the gym, where the awards ceremony was being held to wait for it to start and see if we could find Benji. We found him walking out of the mosh pit in the middle of the gym towards some bleachers. We 'watched' him for a few minutes then went to sit on the bleachers on the opposite side of the gym. I mocked him for a little while, I swear that boy can't sit still! Then, he got up and started to head over to the bleachers we were one (with the teachers that came) because it was getting close to the time to go. He sat diagonally behind me. I didn't know until Kabi told me. Then, since Kabi had been offering me gum all day, I thought it would be nice to offer Benji some gum. It took a while for him to respond, but he took it. Kabi didn't see me so I asked her to guess who was chewing her gum. She was like, no you didn't! I was all, yea, I did. Then she mustered up the courage to ask him what he competed in. He said Physics. She then asked how they did. He said not very good or something along the lines of that. By the way, I got 1st place in what I competed in and she got 3rd. Back to my story, on the bus ride home, we all kinda switched seats a little. I got infront of her so I could turn around and have a better view. Benji is a very odd person. He like totally disappeared for a little while. He was still in his seat, but we couldn't see him. Kabi was doodling around in my notebook on the way home and she thought it would be funny to write 'Benji is a hottie' on one page so when she held it up, he could read it if he wanted to. In case you haven't figured it out yet, Benji is his code name. I asked if I could see the notebook for a minute, she didn't have any reason not to let me see it, so she said sure. I wrote his real name over the code name and handed it back to her. I thought she would read what I wrote, but she didn't and held it up again, like she was reading. After I was pretty sure he saw it, I asked her if she knew what I had written on it. She then turned it over, and needless to say, the notebook came hurling back at me. I thought it was just too funny. Anyway, that was our day. I hope you found it amusing, because I sure did!



OK, well today was what you could call different. I guess I should start at the beginning. This morning we got to sign up for the classes we wanted to take. I am taking Honors Chemistry, Honors English II, Honors Algebra II, Debate, World Geography, and Band. To say the least my schedule will be full. OK, now on to the rest of today...we had an Honors Biology test that I really didn't study too much for. Then we went to our homerooms to get our report cards. After that I went to Honors Geometry to take another test, but I kinda studied a little for this one. Then there was a jazz band concert put on by the UTC Jazz Band. Kabi and I were sitting near each other on one side of the gym that was closest to the main doors. The concert started at 1:15 and was supposed to be over at 2:15. At about 2:10 one of our teachers (not mine personally, but he worked in the school) went to another teacher that was sitting within hearing distance of me. The teacher went to the other teacher and told her that we needed to evacuate the building. She asked why and he whispered something to her, but I couldn't tell what it was at the time. So the female teacher walks over to the conductor of the band and pulls him away (you just don't do this people! believe me I know). Then the male teacher tells us to go out the front of the building into the teachers' parking lot. Like sheep, we all heard out there, note you should know that there were about 1,000+ people in the gym. So then I go up to my assistant band director and I am like 'Ms. B, what's going on?'. She told me that there was a bomb threat. I was like uhh, ok. So at about 2:30 they let everyone with a car leave. So pretty much all the freshmen and half of the sophomores are left to get blown up by this bomb. Then after about 20 more minutes they let us go back inside. My theory is this, I guess they needed to kill off a class or two and they thought the freshmen would be the ones to do it to. Nothing happened that was too terribly bad, but the thing that bugs me is that my mom's work, my bro's school, and I am sure a few other places knew what was going on before they let us know. Know what else I think. A bomb is acctually pretty original, you never hear about a bomb blowing up a school, people always do all the killing with guns. PLEASE don't point any fingers at me for saying that, but it is true, how many of you know of a school that was blown up? Anyway, I have to go. Talk to ya'll later!!



Hey, this entry won't be long but I just wanted to say hi. There really isn't that much happening. Kabi and I baked a cake today. It wasn't too good. It wasn't anything we did, it was just bad. You know those little peanut butter/sugar things that you get on Halloween? Well, that's what the whole cake tasted like. It was pretty nasty. In other news, I have to talk to you people about something. We did put the guestbook there for a reason. It really isn't there for looks. We put it there to know what you guys think, but if you don't sign it, then we don't know. Please, I am not begging yet, but I can, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! OK, I have to go for now, talk to you later!!


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