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Meg's April 2001 Entries


Hey, you are reading the words of a newly Confirmed Catholic. I made my Comfirmation yesterday, for anyone that cares. I picked Elizabeth to be my name. OK, now on to more important news. I feel like the crap on the bottom of a worn out shoe. I have done nothing but sneeze for the past week. I hate it!! AHHHH!! OK, well I feel better. I better be going before I start rambling. TTYL!!



Hey guys! Sorry that it has been so long since I last updated, but I have been sooo busy. I guess I'll start with Spring Break. I got all my hair chopped off, about 13 inches. That was a big reality check. But I like my short hair. That is about it, I only got to go to the beach once because of the weather. We went to Busch Gardens in Tampa, too. Then, the weekend after I got back, I had a church retreat which was more fun than I anticipated. Then last weekend, all hell broke loose. First, we got carpet put in on Friday, so everything was everywhere, then we went to my bro's baseball game. Saturday, I woke up at 11, painted the living room for a bit, washed my car, and got to our Student Council's car hop by 2:00. Then I got home at 4:30, we went to eat and then to see a magic show. Sunday, we went to church, cleaned up some of the left over carpet, rearranged the furniture, then I went to Sunday School at 6:00pm. On top of all that, one of my BFs is breaking up with her boyfriend, then to find out that Kavitha is going out with someone. Geez, will this ever slow down??? I sure hope so. Well, I better be going, TTYL!!


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