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Megan's August 2000 Entries


Hello. My name is Megan and I am a recovering *******-aholic. Well, really I am not recovering, but who cares other than me? In other news, my calculator came in from eBay today. Oh, I have to say hi to Anthony, because he is never mentioned in our diaries anymore. I think I am gonna change that over the weekend. I can't really elaborate on that right now, but I will keep you posted. OK, I have to go for now, talk to you people next month!!



Hey guys! I am sitting here waiting for the time on a calculator on eBay to run out. I went with Kavitha and her mom and my mom to see the movie 'What Lies Beneath'. It was pretty good, but Kavitha had some problems understanding it. When we got back home I painted my nails and that leads me to now. I am typing away talking about nothing with nails so long that I am having more problems than normal. Oh, we had a football game on Friday, we won, but that isn't what I am getting at. While we were there, Kavitha found out that somebody likes me. She won't tell me who it is, but I think I know. I won't say, because it could be wishful thinking, or it could come back to haunt me on day. If I do find out who it is I will tell you at my disgression. OK, well I had better go for now, the bidding is almost up on eBay, talk to you later!!

Scrambled Egz


Wow, exactly 11 days since my last entry. I had a lot of fun in PA. I met a guy, his name is Justin, he was really kute. He asked me to dance at the reception. In case you don't know, a northern wedding lasts like all day. The reception was like five hours long. It was so much fun. Oh, we started school yesterday, that was interesting. I know this is gonna sound kinda hypocritical, but I really wish that Freshmen would learn how to walk. That would help everything out so much. OK, that is all I have to say about that. I am gonna get off of here for now, I will talk to you all again soon!!

Hi Chris!



Don't we all just love it when people leave the site?? Hah! In case you didn't notice, our good friend Haley left us. If things keep going the way they are, then we won't have a site anymore. I know everyone would just hate that. Well, Band Camp is over, we only had to go until 11:30 today. That was really great. I am still really tired though. I have to go to Pittsburgh, PA tomorrow, for my aunt's wedding. My flight leaves sometime in the afternoon. Maybe, if I'm lucky I will get to sleep in, but I won't get my hopes up. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. There is a new guy in band...*enter evil grin* His name is Kevin. He's OK, a little freaky, but alright. [Kavitha's note: oh dear.. deja vu- ya'll remember Al, right?] OK, well I am gonna go for now, but I'll talk to ya'll again!



Hey. I drove today. Pretty much all over town. I don't like red lights though. They suck. Mom said I did pretty good for my first time driving. I only killed three people, nah, not really. I did good. Well, the first week of Band Camp is over, so only one more week to go. YAY!! I am really bummed though, because of my aunt's wedding, I have to miss out first game. I guess I will survive though. The first game always sucks anyways. I don't really have anything to talk about. I just want to say a special hi to everyone reading, because I know that you don't have to, but we are just like an addiction, you can't leave!! haha! OK, welp, I'll talk to ya'll later!



Guess what everybody!! I got my Learner's Permit today. I am so happy....I can finally drive leagally...haha. I don't think that I ever mentioned it when I failed the test, but I did fail it twice. My mom was so mad at me, but I passed this time, so it's all good. Today was the second day of band camp for me. Haley doesn't have to go until Thursday. The reason I have to go and she doesn't is because I am in the colorguard, and she is just a bandie. My legs are so sore today. Yesterday we did these squats and lunges, oh my goodness up in the sky. My quads are hurting so bad that I can't sit down, and when I do, I can't get up. Let's just throw me a little pity party. Oh, I bought the Westlife CD. It is really good. I also bought Now 4. I wanted that from the day it came out. I have 1, 2, and 3, so it only makes sense that I have number 4 too. OK, well, I guess I should go for now. Talk to everybody later! Oh, check my picture page. I just put up so new stuff. Back to Main Megan
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