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Megan's August Entries


Hey everybody, hows it been? I have had my cousins over for the last two days. They tend to get on my nerves sometimes, but they have good intentions. I haven't been in the best mood today, everybody has been on my nerves, especially my brother. I have a joke for you today, well, not really a joke but something to think about.

It's OK to talk to yourself, it's even OK to answer yourself, but when you start saying, "Huh, what did you say?". That's when the men with the snug-fitting white jackets show up.

Hope you liked that one. I have a few more, but I will save those for some other day when I don't have anything to talk about. I guess I better go now, you know I hate to leave you but I must.



Hey everybody!! I survived my first week of Band Camp!! We had a colorguard swim party last night and I had the best time!! There were only 8 people there but we had so much fun. I was so tired today because I didn't get home last night until like 12:30, then I had to get up at 6:00 this morning to babysit. I had a 3 yr old and a 6 yr old from 6:30am to 7:30pm today. Heck, last year my Saturdays didn't have morning now they have very early mornings. I am going to bed soon, it is like 10:00 right now, and i am so worn out. I don't have a joke for you today because I dont feel like typing it. I need to go get some sleep, so I will write again some other time. I hope you people that are reading this enjoy it!!



Hey Everybody! How have you been? I am so happy! Band Camp is OVER!! Our first football game is next Thursday. It's weird though, because the first game is before school starts. Oh, well. Our show will be great, but nobody knows how difficult it really is. I run almost the entire first song. Talk about a workout. I don't have anything new to write about, so I will go. But, when I do have something I will write!!



Hey guys! How have you been? I have been great. I will probably regret this but I am going to put my viocemail number on here for a few days. Just dial the following numbers:

1-877-324-6289, say no, my mailbox# is 423-200-125 and leave you messege. I am going to take that off in a few days, so write the number down now!! Please don't say anything mean, if you have any questions then just ask and I will answer them on the page. I have ot go now, talk to ya later!!



Hey people! There isn't anything going on today. But, don't get your hopes up, because there never is. I woke up at 1:00 this afternoon and watched my soap. That's it! Our first football game is tomarrow, so I guess I could practice or something. Oh well, what else. My weekend will be busy so maybe I will find something to write about then. OK, Thursday I have a football game, Friday Kavitha has a pool party, Saturday I have to baby-sit, go to a birthday party, and get my hair cut, Sunday I have to baby-sit, and Monday we start school. Talk about a full weekend! OK, well I have to go now, see ya'll later!!



Hey Yo! Well today was the second day of school, and well it was better than the first, but not the best it could be. I think that I will really like High-School. We had an after school band practice today so that didn't put me in a good mood, but I was around my two new crushes, so that made it a little better. OK, I know you want to know names, but I would have to ask them first. If they show up later, that means they said OK. I guess you are wondering what happened to Kavitha's page. We are wondering, too! I have no idea what happened. I have noticed that none of you have called my voicemail, I really want you to. Welp, I better get off to bed. I t is like 8:45 right now, but who knows when I will fall asleep. Write ya'll laterz!!



Hey you guys! How are ya? I am good. Let's see, what's happened in my life that is halfway interesting. Our car got wrecked into Saturday. It was kinda weird, because the lady wrecked into the right-back-seat-passenger-door and I was sitting in the middle. I guess she just wanted to come sit in the backseat with me. I have one peice of advice for anyone that will be in the Knoxville, TN area- watch out for a white SUV, they can be dangerous. I don't think there is anything else. I wanted to tell you that Kavitha has her site up and running again so make sure you go look at it. Oh,yea, please call my voicemail. I really wish you would! OK, I guess I have whined about my problems for long enough. Actually, I didn't even start with my keyboarding teacher so be glad about that!! C-ya'll!


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