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Meg's December 2000 Entries


Hey did everybody have a good Christmas, or Hannukah, or whatever else you may celebrate? I did. I got a totally new wardrobe, and then went shopping and bought more clothes (only the ones on philosophy is don't buy clothes if they aren't on sale). I rarely buy stuff that isn't on sale unless i need it. Like make-up or something, it doesn't matter, but clothes, you better believe that it was on sale or I didn't buy it. Anyway, the real reason I wanted to update today was to tell you about my trip to Dollywood yesterday. Me and Kabi went up into the freaking FREEZING mountains (where Dollywood is located) to go guy hunting. *Will have pix up as soon as they get developed* Anyway, we walked through that whole park and there were NO HOTT GUYS ANYWHERE!! Well, that is until Kabi wanted some nuts...We went to get her some pecans or something, and the dude who worked at that booth was pretty kute. He tryed to jip her out of five dollars. *I guess they don't pay that well in Dollywood* We went on our way, and then we had to meet my mom so we could go eat. On our way to eat, we passed his booth and Kabi and I both waved & he waved back. We got done eating and mom wanted to go to this other store, so I told her that I wanted to get some nuts. This worked and I went back to see him. We talked for a minute and he asked how old we were. I said 15. He was shocked. I was like "How old do you think we are?" He said 18! I said can I answer that again, "how old do you want us to be?" We all laughed. Kabi and I had to leave to go meet my mom, so we said we would say bye on our way out. Well, mom was done in her store and I asked Kabi for a pen. She had to dig through her purse, so I told mom we would just meet up with her. I got her pen and wrote my name and number on a piece of paper, and we headed to his booth. We talked a little longer, went to check in with my mom, then came back. I told him that he probably thought I was a stalker or something, He said that I could stalk him anytime, that I was pretty enough. We chatted, but I never got his age. I have a pic for proof, now I just have to get it developed. HAHA, ask Kabi about how late I am about doing that. OK, well, my fingers are about to fall off, will talk to you later!!



I don't really know what is up with this three day kick, but it isn't that bad. On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me.... OK, I won't sing, I know that nobody wants to listen to it. Anyway, Kabi and I celebrated our Christmas yesterday at my house. It was pretty kool. I gave her bubbles, play-doh, undies, and bracelets. She got me a phone card (very funny), the kutest pooh fleece stuff, a Chris Kirkpatrick ring (he's a HOTTIE), and those individually wrapped tic-tacs. Those are the best in the world! Anyway, I don't really have much to talk about. Ever since we got off of school last Friday (today's Thursday), all I have done is sat on my but, getting up for the occasional food and bathroom break, and I went shopping twice. Other than that, my day is the picture of laziness. If it would have snowed today like it was supposed to, I would have went out and played in the snow, but it didn't so I didn't. OK, I am sure that I have bored you enough for a few days, I will talk to you people later!!



I think that three days is a new record for me. I am just online because everyone wanted the pics from Kabi's birthday party and I am the only one with them. If you are wondering why she doesn't have them, I was scanning them, and so, they are at my house on my computer. I HAVE THE POWER!! I think I gave them to everyone I was supposed to. Remember I said that I would have two days of peace without my brother, well, they called off school tomorrow for snow that hasn't even fallen yet. How dumb is that?? All that means to me is that I have to deal with my moronic brother all day while Mom is at work. That sucks. Oh well, in other news, I went Christmas shopping for Kavitha. Wal-Mart is a nightmare the week before Christmas!! I got her some pretty kool STUFF!! She loves stuff and I don't know why. Stuff just seems to interest her. Of well, I guess I better be on my way, I have other people to please.



Hey guys!! How's it going. I have had the best day! I think there is only one way things could get better but I won't go into that. Today was the last day of school this semester for me. My brother still has to go for two more days. Life will be peaceful for two days!! Things are going way up. And think, only three days ago I was on the verge of a panic attack. Oh well. I guess I should be going. I will update on my vacation, but I don't know when, I am sure it will be before Christmas, but I wish everyone a happy holiday!!
Love Always!!


Once again, I AM ALIVE!! I know that I don't get to update as often as would like, but I guess we all have to deal with it. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I did. I went to visit family, we had a blast. I will put up pix when they are developed. I have to go. I will come back sometime. Talk to you people lata!!


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