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Megan's December Entries


Wow! I haven't been on here in a while! I have to say this... it is my dog, Pebbles, birthday! I don't think she is getting a party or anything, but I thought I would acknowledge her. I had a good Thanksgiving, I hope you all did, too. Guess what else! Next Friday (10th) is Kavitha's birthday! If you haven't already, please sign the guestbook and wish Kabi a Happy B-day! I don't have much to talk about, but I have a few comments on the BSB concert that I went to with Kabi. It was pretty good, I'm not complaining, but I think the *NSync concert was better. I give both of the bands credit for putting on a good show and all, but I think I am just biased because I am head over heels for *NSync. If ya'll have anything to say about that, then leave me a message by email, voicemail (previous message), or put something on the guestbook. I have to go now, write ya'll later!



Hey, guess what! Today is Kavitha's birthday. We just got done singing to her, and now she is eating her cake in keyboarding. The cake is really good, one of our classmates had to make the cake for Spanish class and had some left over and brought it to her for her b-day. I thought that was really sweet. I don't have much more to say. Today has been kinda boring so I will go for now. Make sure you peoples wish our friend Kabi a Happy Birthday on the guestbook!



Alrighty, how are all you peeps? I am good. School is out, has been since last Wednesday. I am kinda bored, I don't have anybody to bug, at school anyway. Can you people believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve? I can remember last Christmas like it was a year ago. Haha, bet you are just rolling out of your seats on that one. There really isn't anything going on over this break, so I guess I can stop typing. Bubye.



Wow! Dudes! It is almost like the new year. Hear, at the moment, it is 8:14pm. I am going to a block party in a little bit, but I thought I could come say hi to you peeps for the last time this year. This is so kool! Can you believe that we are going to be alive, for the most part, during the turn of the century. I have tryed my hardest to tell everyone that the new millenium doesn't start until 2001, but they won't listen. Oh, well, I hope all of your dreams come true in this new year!! Have fun, but not too much, and may you all be blessed!

Millennium Meg

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