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Megan's February Entries


Geez oh man! I haven't updated this part of the site in like forever! I don't really have to much happening. My birthday is in like 8 days. I think that is like just totally awesome. I am sitting in keyboarding right now, I think that I am supposed to be doing something important, but oh well, I am doing this for all you people. I really want to encourage you guys who are the avid readers, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!!! I really want to know what you guys think about the site, and I want to know any suggestions you have. OK, we ARE about to do something important now, so I need to go. Write about my life later!!



I don't think that I have mentioned before how much I totally do NOT like English. Man, I didn't think that the English language could be so terribly difficult! I think it might have something to do with my liar of a teacher, Ms. D. OK, well you can decide wether she is a liar or not, for yourselves. She gave us this worksheet on phrases, and you had to tell wether the prepositional phrase was an adverb or an adjective phrase. The whole class did really bad on this worksheet, so she said that she wouldn't put that on our test. Our test was today, and guess what was on there. Adverb and Adjective phrases. I about fell out of my seat. I think the rest of the class feels the same way. If I fail because of that part of the test, I think that I might just give her a piece of my mind. OK, now that I am done venting about that, I have a saying that I am sure some of you could use from time to time.
If *name('s)* brain was filled with gas, a piss ant in a go-cart wouldn't be able to get around a BB twice!
I hope you all enjoy that and get some use out of it. Hey, I think that I will be needing to start a second page, as Kavitha did, and the set-up will be a little different. I think that I will put the new entries at the top of the page, so you don't have to scroll down to see what I have written. OK, well I think that you are probably sick of me for one day. Write ya'll again!



Know what, I don't know what is wrong with me. I have recently been writing "99" instead of "00" for the date. The thing is that I didn't ever do that. I didn't write "99" after it was over like a lot of people. I don't really know why I have started to do that. I think that it is pretty weird. Man, you people don't have a clue as to how nervous I am. I have to go to a math competition tomorrow. Haley and Kavitha are going too, but I am still really nervous. Then on Wednesday I have to do chair auditions for band. Mine is really gonna suck, I can already tell. Please wish me luck in both of those things, because I know that I am going to need it. I think that I am going to start a website all to myself. It will definately be a boy band site, but I think that I am probably going to do a humor site. I really think those are just like the best. Well, we will see how that goes. I don't really have much more to say, talk to you later!!

Eggan Cheese


Hey, I am just way too excited! We are starting to get popular!! I really have to thank all of you for that. Without you our publicity would be zilch, nahta, zip-o. Oh, I have a new 2nd fave CD! Eminem is just the best. '97 Bonnie & Clyde is the best song. But I think that his little daughter is gonna be pretty messed up. I don't really have too much to talk about. I have yet to try out for chairs in band. Oh! I am sure that Kavitha has already written about it, but she got this HUGE gorilla from J. I about died when I saw her face. And today he gave her a yellow rose (her fave flower!!). I think it is really sweet, but that's just me, don't tell her I said it though. Oh, I saw Scream 3 on Monday night with Kavitha, and I think that I laughed more than I was scared. In one part, Dewey falls down the stairs and I swear that I almost fell out of my chair. OK, well I don't have much more to talk about.



Hello, all. I am really tired. I went to a WWF wrestling match last night in Knoxville, it was pretty neat, but it wasn't a televised one, so you can't see it anywhere. The Rock was there, and he is just the bomb (yea, I know 'the bomb' is out of style but i don't care!). He is really pretty too. I don't really have too much to talk about. I am sure that you have seen on the Home Page that I and Kavitha have websites of our own. Mine is a lot younger than hers, and I am sure hers is better, but you should go visit both of them. OK, I think that I should go now. Write ya'll laterz!!


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