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Meg's February 2001 Entries


Hey, hey, hey, what's going down wit ya'll?? Not too much here...just the usual with a twist. lips(or should I say fingers) are sealed! I have two tests tomorrow that I really should be studing for. We have a HUMONGO test over Julius Caesar that I will probably fail with flying colors, but there is always hope! Ooh, ooh, I watched Gladiator the other day, good movie!! It was pretty gory, but I go for that kind of thing. Anyway, it was nice telling you random people of the world about my pathetically boring life, but I must leave you now. *All together now...(sigh)*



It's a beautiful day....Don't let it slip away... Sorry I have had that stuck in my head for a while now. Did anybody watch the Grammy's lasy night?? My whole night consisted of the Grammy's and Temptation Island. I loved Eminem and Elton John, but poor ole Elton really sucked. Dido so deserved to be on there, but I wasn't in charge of things, so why complain? To things more interesting, Temptation Island is the best reality show!! Kaya is so HOTT!! Ahhhhhh! Anyway, he needs to break up with his stupid, ugly, overreacting girlfriend. That's just my opinion. I really don't have much to talk about. We did a VERY DANGEROUS lab today in Chemistry. Water is like the most dangerous stuff!! We had to do some water displacement thing, it was kinda kool. We got to catch stuff on fire, that always helps. OK, well, I will be on my way...



Today is the day for love, phooey! What is the good in a day for love if you have nobody to love? Anyway, I thought I had something to say, but I guess not. I hope everybody had a nice V-Day with your shweetie! If you don't have a shweetie, don't sweat it, V-Day is pretty much put out there to make you feel lonely. Since I am kinda short on words...I will be going. See you people on the flip side.



Well, today is the day of my miraculous birth. Not really, but we can say that. If you are wondering why I am sitting on the internet on my birthday, don't. We are going to do stuff on Sunday to celebrate. I got my license today, I was a hotel for nerves, but I survived and came out of it with a driver's license, so all is good with the world. If you are wondering if anything is happenin with Lee, once again, don't. He is such a jerk! Oh well, at least he is still a pretty face, with a nice car..., but he has a twisted outlook on life. Oh well, I better be going now. TTYL!!



Hey well, last night was definately interesting. My birthday party was last night and things went as well, or even better for me, than could be expected. I haven't been on in a while, so you guys don't really know about Lee. He is such a hottie! Ahhhhh! And he came to my party. My friend Natalie wanted to get us together, and I have absolutely no problem with that. I got pics so I will put them up soon. I won't go into too much detail, but we can say that my birthday wish came true one way or another. Cryptic, huh? Anyway, I shall be going now! Have a nice February!!


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