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Meg's February 2002 Entries


Geez... I really thought that me and my mom were going good. Well, up until last night. I have had this english assignment that I have known about for a while, but I have only been working on it in moderation. Really, I was sort of procrastinating but not really bad, as a matter of fact, I had started on this project more ahead of time than I had any other assignment in that(or any other) class. I did, however, take until the last possible night (last night) to completely finish it. Part of the project was for a parent to look over the finished product and write a letter in response to everything. So at about ten o'clock I took my Portfolio (the project) to my mom for her to look over and write a short note about. Well, she completely refused. She said that I had waited until the last minute (only half true) and that she didn't have the time. The whole thing would have taken 15 minutes!! I was furious and just went to my room and didn't say anything else to her. And my silence proceded into this morning, and then tonight. OK, well, I've had my soapbox moment and I'll leave you all be. Be good and don't do anything stupid.

Love Always!!---Meg


Wow! I'm 17! It feels sooo much different--not really. OMG- I didn't tell you all... you know that last relationship I was talking about in the last entry, well, the next day he called me. It was so weird, but we talked and figured out that we both still feel the same way, but I think he understands that I can't handle the distance between us. I don't miss or love him any less, but I don't want to betray him when I am put into a situation where I'm not thinking straight. This all really sucks, but I'm dealing the best way I know how... OK, well, I just wanted to say that I survived through my birthday yesterday, and am here to stay for now.

Love Always!!


Hey everybody. You know, snow days are great! I love them. The only bad part is that they give you a lot of time to sit back and think about stuff you probably shouldn't have done in the past. Have you ever had a great relationship with someone that lived far enough away that you never got to see them? Well, I did, and it was great except for that whole not seeing somebody for a long time part. That's the whole reason I ended the relationship, which I now miss more than just about anything. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with my relationship now, and I don't want to hurt him. I was just like estatic in my last one, but didn't know it until it was over. Don't you hate it when that happens? I guess the old cliche is right-you don't know what you have until it's gone. Anyway, that is my little tidbit for the day.---Oh yea! I almost forgot to tell ya'll, my birthday is Saturday! I can't wait. I'll be 17!!


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