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Megan's January Entries


Geez! Wow, the world made it! The end has been postponed for a little while. I hope that no one made to big of a deal out of this little Y2K bug thing. I didn't really think that anything would happen and I guess I was right, for once anyway. Oh, I have to rave on a few CDs here. I just got the Pokemon soundtrack, The First Movie, it is really good. Also, I have to give some kudos to Christina Aguilera, her album is awesome. Let's see, Brian McKnight's new one is pretty good. I guess that is all I have to brag on right at the moment. I am going to see "The Green Mile" in a little while so I will tell ya'll if that is any good. OK, well I hope you all have a good new year, minute, hour, second, decade, century, week, and anything that I forgot. I need to go for now, but I will update you on the movie.



OK, well, I just have to say that "The Green Mile" is a really good movie. I can't say what happens, but it is pretty good. I don't have too much to say, that's a first. If any of you want to know, you know how I say that I hate my Bio class. Well my average in there is and 88/B. That ain't too good becuz that makes my semester average in there a 92/B, folks a 93 is and A. That is really stinky. Oh well, there goes my 4.0 in that class. OK, well I think that I really need to stop saying well. I better go now!! Write to ya'll later!!



You guys know what? We haven't had snow here since my birthday last year! Folks, that was in February. I know that because we got out of school the day of my party and I didn't think anyone would come. I really don't know why I thought that because we only got a light dusting. OK, I am sure that you don't want to hear about how unfair my life is because I don't get snow days very often. I want to say hi to all of my "Bandie" friends!! Hey, go back to the homepage and sign my guestbook! The poor thing is empty. OK, well I guess I should go for now. Write to ya'll later!



Wow, geez, ya'll know what? My birthday is in 26 days! For you people out there that can't do the math that is one February 9th. Yep the day that everyone sings and dances and all that other stuff. I am so tired right now. I don't even think you guys know! We are out of school on Monday, so I will get another day of rest and relaxation (a much needed day)! OK, I really don't have that much to say, Love ya'll bunches!!



OK, I saw the new Matt Damon movie last night with a few of my friends. You know The Talented Mr. Ripley. It was a pretty twisted movie. I guess if you want to see Matt Damon and another cutie, Jude Law, from the waist up then that would be a good movie to see. I have had a pretty rough day so far. My friend woke me up at 10:00 am to ask for the number of the ticket master in Knoxville, to get tickets to the Britney Spears concert. Then, I have to do some baby-sitting of two 11 yr. old boys when i have a 12 yr. old brother. OK, I need to go for now.



Hello, I am happy now, I changed the background, as I am sure you noticed. I like this a lot better. It is easier to read. I am sure that you also noticed that we made a new addition to the site. It is our good friend Haley. She is pretty funny. Ithink she will bring much joy to the site. This is going to sound kinda bad, but she was our only avid reader and she got a part on the site. I find that kinda funny, but that is just me. Ahh, I have to go back to school tomorrow. Actually, that could be a good thing for me. I will get to see Kermit. That is the guy I am googling over right now. OK, so googling isn't a very good word for it, but that's OK. Hey, have you people noticed that the movie Dirty Dancing has constantly been on TV. It has been on TV 3 times a day for the last 3 weeks straight. I'm not complaining, but I think they are over-doing it just a little. It all started when I borrowed the movie from Kavitha, since I hadn't seen it, and decided to watch it the night the Dirty Dancing marathon came on USA. I have, since then, watched it every time it has been on. I think that is kinda pitiful, but that's just me. Well, I have written more than I hoped to, do I should go.



OK, hey, know what!!! For one thing, Alex wore THE pants again and Dirty Dancing came on again last night. And, I watched it again. Hey, but when it came on on Monday, I didn't watch all of it, because of the AMAs. Did any of you people see what Britney Spears was wearing? Hello? Earth aka Human Decency to Britney!! She is only 17 freaking years old and is already a little bit more revealing than Mariah Carey. OK, so maybe she isn't THAT bad, yet. Well, Mariah was pretty bad, too. She pretty much had squares covering her up. OK, I guess that is all I have to say about that dumb awards show. Oh, I have one more thing to say that *NSYNC ROCKED!!!! They are great anyway, but they did really good this time! Hey, I have something to say about Dirty Dancing, I have memorized a line from it, and I just thought that I would share it with the rest of the world.
(Jennifer Grey aka Baby): Scared? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of walking out that door and never feeling the rest of my whole life, the way I feel when I'm with you.
Gotsta go for now!

Meg aka Painful


Hey yo! I hate the weather around here. Everybody is saying that it is going to snow, but I know that it is just going to be cold. There is no sign of snow coming any time soon. I know that I sound really pesimistic, I am normally an optimist, but sometimes you just have to be realistic. OK, know what, I have new feelings for my keyboarding teacher. She has always just been nice to me, though she has her moments, she isn't that bad. I guess anyone that can deal with me for as long as she has deserves respect. So now I like my teacher, she's not too bad. I don't have much more to talk about. Well, there is, but we won't go there today.



Well, I guess I was wrong. It snowed and we got out for today. I have to miss school tomorrow too, because I found out that I have some kind of respiratory infection and that the doctor doesn't want me in school tomorrow. I didn't fight him, but I really don't want to get behind in any of my classes. Know what? I think that I am going to become a meteorologist, because I predicted that it wouldn't snow, and hey, it did. I don't have anything else that is major to talk about. Oh, yea, does anyone know where I can get a big poster of The Rock's 'got milk?' ad? If so, please e-mail me and tell me. I want one of those real bad. Okie dokie, that is all I have for today.


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