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Meg's January 2001 Entries


Well, I don't really know what to say about this week, mostly things went better than I ever expected. My friend Natalie tried to get me hooked up with this guy. He is a hottie!! I was all for it. She and her boyfriend talked to him for me (yea, I know that is so 7th grade, but get over it). He said that I, Meg, was hott. That totally made my day, but then he went on to say that since soccer season was starting that he didn't want a girlfriend during soccer. Actually, that is my week in a nutshell. Oh, I forgot one thing...I HATE MY ENGLISH SUBSTITUTE!!! I am sure that I have mentioned this before, but I thought that I would say it again... Oh well, that is all for now, tune in next Sunday for that week in a nutshell. So-long!!



My week pretty much sucked. But yesterday made up for some of it. Kavitha and I have been feuding pretty much all week, but we resolved stuff yesterday. I am sure that almost everyone in our school knew about Kavitha's plan to screw Buur-dah over for his buur-day(inside joke). (Kavitha's note: The actual idea to do something to Bat, was haley's and mine. The actual situation that happened.. was Jobe's!!!! Just so you know.. it wasn't all me!) Anyway, plans came through with amazing accurracy yesterday. I have pictures, so I might possibly put them up, who knows? Anyway, we don't have school tomorrow which is a REALLY good thing. I better be going, I have things to see and people to do.



Hey there everybody. I am not really in the best mood of a lifetime right now, so I won't go into any detail about what I am talking about. If you ask me, chances are that you won't want to hear what I really have to say, so just don't ask and it will save everyone the trouble of this. All I am going to say is that I refuse to be anyone's toy anymore and I am not going to make myself vulnerable to being anyone's puppet. I am my own person, and I am going to keep it that way. Also, I am going to stop doing what I have caught myself doing a few times which is sticking myself in things that people clearly don't want me in. I am sure that if you are the right people reading this right now, you will know what I am talking about, I am sorry, and it won't happen anymore.



I would like to respond to the comments left on the guestbook. I do not find them insulting or offensive, if that was what you are going for. And, if they happen to be a joke, I find it quite amusing. To clear a few things up, Everyone looks for attractiveness in a person. If one didn't, then we would just have to go up to every person and carry on a conversation to see if one likes that other person. I know that no one person on this Earth is perfect, so I look for things that I find interesting. For instance, I look to see if a person seems funny, or how they treat other people. I have and will continue to find the good in people. I usually don't go by what others tell me about a person. It stays in the back of my head, but I get to know them, then form my own opinions. As for going to Dollywood to search for guys, I am guilty of looking for people that appeal to me in a place where nobody knows me as a person that follows rules, but as the person that I want to be. I know everyone has a wild side, but very few people-that I know anyway-will want that to be someone's first impression. I love to flirt, but I also want something serious. So please don't label Kavitha and I as shallow if you really don't know us. Thank you and please come back.
*Opinions are like @$$holes; everybody has one!*



Happy New Year!! Did everybody have a good one? I did. Kabi and I went to our friend Jobe's party. I wish we could have stayed longer than we did. Kabi took some incriminating pictures...with my I have to get to that film before my mom. We played suck and blow, truth or dare, and then just hung out. I had fun. you people know of that new lip gloss called Lip Shake? Anyway, I got some for Christmas-the strawberry kind-and wore it to the party. On one of the dares I had to kiss this guy, he totally hated it. He complained for like 15 minutes about my lip gloss that I happen to love. Then he had to do something else that involved my lips, and so that struck up his complainer again. Other than that, the night was kool. I think I have a new crush, but still not sure. I will get back to you when I see how things go. OK, so, I better go for now! Happay Neeew Yee-ear, and have fun keeping your resolutions...I didn't make any...haha! Love Ya'll!
*Will have pics up as soon as possible!*


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