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Megan's July 2000 Entries


Whoa, it's been a whole week since I last updated. I don't really have anything to say. I rented 'The Haunting' last night, after I failed my drivers permit test for the second time (yeah, yeah, throw me a pity party). It wasn't that bad of a movie. I know that I didn't want to go outside at night to walk my dog... I have to say that I am very sad that our good friend Jenny left us. I am deeply hurt Jenny!! Nah, just kidding, I'm sure that you had a good reason. Oh, and another thing, I am over my obsession with peaches for the moment, but that could come back at any time, so be on the lookout. Know what, Band Camp starts on Monday, that sucks. I have been looking forward to it for some strange reason, but I'm not so sure anymore. OK, welp, I better go for now. Talk to you people later!



Is it just me or does it seem like I am the only one updating lately?? Just kidding. I don't really have anything to talk about, so I'll probably just babble. Oh, I have a new obession with peaches, you know the fruit. They are so good!! OK, just thought you should know. Anyway, I went and saw 'Scary Movie' yesterday. It was sooo hilarious. I like didn't stop laughing. If anyone out there has seen it, I REALLY was laughing hard at the picture part in the locker room. It killed me. I don't really know why, it just did. Oh, the most important thing of all that I almost forgot. I GOT THE NEW NO AUTHORITY ALBUM!! It finally came out. I and Kabi have been waiting for about a year for this. I was so happy. Alrighty then, I guess I should go for now, I'll write at you later!! Ta ta!

Scrambled Egz


I am soooooo bored right now, I mean it. My family is in from PA, happy happy joy joy! Can you sense my sarcasm?? haha!! Just kidding they really aren't that terrible, just annoying. Sorry if you are reading this, but, I might as well be honest with you. I feel like there is something I am forgetting, but I can't think of what it is. Oh well, what you don't know, you will ask yourself about. Can you people tell how bored I am?? OK, well I better get on to more exciting things, like checking my email. OH JOY!! OK, ta ta for now!!

Bored Scrambled Egz


Hello world, I can actually say that now. We've gone global people!! YAY! OK, now that that is out of my system, I will tell everyone what I did today. I woke up at like 11 or something, then I ate an apple for a late breakfast, or brunch as some call them, anyway, then I watched a little TV. At around 2 I went out to wash the car, but it started to rain, so I couldn't finish it and my car is now only 1/2 clean, don't you just hate that?? OK, well, that was my day. I have to baby-sit for 3 days next week. I don't really want to, but I have nothing better to do, and I need the money, so I took it. I am really mad at my ICQ right now, it like refuses to come up on my screen and it won't even let me get connected. It really sucks bad. Oh, I have to mention that Six Flags wasn't all that great, I went last Friday. I saw Haley and her family there, a few times. Don't get me wrong or anything, I had a great time with my mom and bro, but my old friend Jake wasn't there, which is kinda bummed out. But I'll survive. OK, well I had better go, talk to ya'll lata!!



Hey everybody. I hope you all don't hate me for doing this to you, but I was bored and had nothing better to write about. I got out of the house today, we went to Walmart and Dairy Queen. Other than that, I was working on my tan...I burnt my booty. It doesn't hurt, but it sure is red...haha!! Oh well, I have to go. Write at ya'll later!!



Well, you people would not believe my day, for one reason in particular, but we can get to that later... OK, back to my story. I met the most awesome guy today. He was sooooo terribly kute! I have NEVER seen someone this...I don't know, steamy is a good word. His name was, well I'll call him Sabby. He came up to me while I was in Proffit's and said that he had been watching me for the last ten minutes. I said oh, am I that distracting?? He just laughed. We talked for a few more minutes, then I had to leave. He said that he would call sometime...OK, I can't stop laughing long enough to make up anything else. How many of you people really believed that? Yea, right! I have been either on the couch or out by the pool all day long, it is where I am every day. OK, well, I better be going... Toot-a-loo!!



OK, in case you haven't noticed, I am gonna try something different for a while. It will make things a whole heck of a bunch easier for you. I am gonna put all my new entries at the beginning of the page so you will know when I update. I don't know, this might make things confusing for some people, but I think most of you will be able to handle it. OK, now that that is out of the way, I have nothing to talk about. I bought the new Britney Spears album about 2 weeks ago. I think it is pretty good, I know that goes against everything I have ever said before, but oh well. OH!! I can't believe that I am just putting this in here, but I just (well not just) read the book Intensity by Dean Koontz. It was awesome! I really don't have anything else to say, so I'm gonna go. Write at you people later!!



Hey Everyone, how's it hangin'? I am like so totally bored out of my mind. I have nothing to do. I gave my dog a bath earlier, she really didn't like that. I know that doesn't really sound right, you know, a dog not liking water, but mine doesn't. She's weird. I am eating an apple right now, know what, it's juicy. And, well this has nothing to do with anything, but my Aunt Anita is getting married in August. I have noticed that on the poll you people want to read more about our love-lives, but guess what! I don't have one. I know that I am just sooo charming and all, but nobody else seems to. Oh well, that's just luck. Anywho, did you people have a good 4th of July? I did. Me and Kavitha sat around all day at my house and watched the Disney Channel all day. Then, we went and watched the fireworks from the Bilo parking lot, while talking to our great buddy Jobe. Oh, I have a few questions for all of you while I am thinking of it... Have you ever eaten blue jello? Has blue jello ever eaten you? Have you ever eaten blue jello while blue jello was eating you? (Sorry Kabi, I'm bored) MVEMJSUNP, I learned that off of an old episode of Saved By The Bell. It is the first letters of all the planets in this solar system in order. In the episode, it is a word. Can you tell that I have absolutely nothing to do? I am just sitting here rambling on, talking about nothing, but if you have made it to here, you must not have anything to do either. Wow, we have something in common. I am very sorry if I have wasted your time, but oh well. It's your bad for reading this long. Even though I have nothing else to do, I am gonna stop writing, so bubye!!

A Very Bored Eg(z)


Hey everybody, I am so happy that the site has made it all the way to one year. Kavitha and I made this site last July. This is so great. I don't really have anything to say 'cept for HAPPY 4th!!

Bunches of Love!!

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