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Megan's July 2001 Entries


Wow, today was definately eventful. It was the first day of Band Camp, which in theory sucks, but wasn't that bad today. It is actually very complicated. We only have a colorguard instructor for one week. The reason we only have her for a week is that she is from Chicago. It's really a long story of how we found her and all, and I'm too tired to type it all right now, but she's really a kool person. We've learned a good bit today. The new people are having some problems, but they are overall doing really well. I hope the days to come are even better. I think that after a while they will get more comfy with what they are doing and just continue to improve. That's all for now, because I'm going to bed! Goodnight!



Hey...How ya'll been? I'm alright. As some of you may know, I have been in St Louis, and while I was there, I met a few guys, and they were in this group called *NSync. It was an experience, for a few minutes, I was one of those fans that I hate. But it was fun. Everything and nothing has happened since I last wrote. I know that sounds weird, but when have you ever known me to be normal? Nothing life altering or anything like that, just little stuff, that I know of. Who knows what I've gotten into that I don't remember. Well, I had better get going so I don't say anything I regret. TTYL!!


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