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Megan's July Entries


Hi I am Megan. This is my part of this site, so I will only tell you people how much I want to. Right now I live in Tennessee, believe me it isn’t that interesting. As the intro said, I am 14, going into my first year in high school. We have a new dress code, but it might have to be broken a few times. Eventually you will be able to tell that I am not all there in the head, and that I can be a major rebel sometimes.

I love *NSync and most of the other boy bands.....BSB,No Authority, 5ive, 98 degrees, ect. I have been to one concert in my life. It was a *NSync concert and it was great! I have a thing against Britney Spears. Her music is OK and I think she is pretty but, she can be a goodie-goodie sometimes.

I have 1 dog, 4 cats, 3 hermit crabs, like 20 fish, and 1 little brother. It is a zoo around here. I love to make cracks about songs and movies, so I guess you could call me some kind of critic.I love to cheer, play soccer and basketball, and dance. The Internet is on of my best friends. I love to chat. I went to Disney World the second week of June and had a blast. I love to write letters and if you give a good idea for a story, I can be really creative.

I was born in Pittsburgh, PA and lived there till I was four. Then we(my mom, brother and me) moved down to Tennessee. I still go to visit my dad and cousins in PA on Thanksgiving. I love going up there, I love the city period. Down here in the “Land of Hicks” the closest city is Knoxville, and it is nowhere near Pittsburgh. I miss it, if you couldn’t tell, but I guess growing up down here has helped me to steer clear of the gangs and everything.

My best friend and I made this site for other teenagers or just somebody that wants to know something about somebody else. We are just starting this site so don’t criticize too much. If you want some advice or just want to be nosey then this is the right place for you.

My life isn’t to interesting most of the time, but it can be busy. I’m sure that Kavitha's part of the page is better than this one, but thanks for at least looking at mine to make me feel better. Now, if you haven’t already gone, look at her part of the page.



Ok, so I haven't updated this part of the site in a while, so shoot me. Nothing interesting happens to me. Today I had the first practice for color-guard. It was like 95 degrees out there too! It was hot! I think I learned too much, I won't remember anything by our next practice which is in two days. I don't even remember what I had for breakfast! Our school starts in three weeks and I can't wait! I am way more bored than any one person should be. I have to go for now, but hopefully I will be around in a few days to update again.



Hey! I'm back, You probably haven't been here since I last updated, but oh well. I was bored, as I usually am, so I decided to come enlighten your lives with mine. Wait, there isn't anything enlightening about my life. I am a 14 year old girl that has an obsession with *NSync. That's IT. Band Camp starts next Monday, that ought to be interesting. The heat index will be around, say, 115 degrees, and I will be out there from 8:30am 'till 5:00pm. I have three words to say about that! For-get about it! I will die, but that will give me something halfway interesting to write. I gotta go for now! Pray I don't die!!


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