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Megan's March Entries


Wow, it sure has been a long time since I last updated, and I am sorry, but I have been really busy lately. You will never believe what assignment our geometry teacher gave us. She wanted us to make a kite...from scratch! So, that is what Kavitha and I did yesterday. It took us about 4 to 5 hours to acctually get both of them done. If they fly we will get extra credit. I know this has been a short entry, but I have things to do and people to harass...Talk to ya'll later.



Hello all! Wow, Friday night was the Luau dance at our school. It was a pretty good night for me. I just got done reading Kabi's diary, she wouldn't describe it the same way I would. I had a lot of fun at the dance. I also got to slow dance with Jackson (real identity will be hidden for my sake). He really isn't that conceited, although that is how most people precieve him. Kabi, Skipper, and I had a little bet going on. Well, I don't really think that you can call it a bet, more like a dare without really saying it. They said that Jackson wouldn't even speak to me, but I proved them wrong, and made him laugh at the same time. If you want to know the real reason I asked him to dance is I felt sorry for him. He had been standing on "the wall" all night, and I wanted to get him to dance. I am such a sweet person. OK, welp, I really should be going. Hey, if you haven't already, go visit my humor site. The link is on the main page, have a blast!



Wow, you have no idea how excited I am. Tomorrow the new *NSync album comes out, and then on Wednesday we are leaving for Florida for Spring Break. I think it will be a lot of fun, I am going with the band, Haley will be going too. That means we won't be updating until about, probably Monday. Haley might update on Sunday when we get back, but I will be sleeping. I think this trip will be tons of fun. I can't wait. I wish we were going to Universal instead of Disney, but that's just the way it is. Hey wish us luck at the competition!! (We're gonna need it!) OK, well I have a few other things to do. Feel free to email us. We all really enjoy the feedback! I will tell you all about the trip when I get back!


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