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Meg's March 2001 Entries


Good day everyone! I am kinda worried about my mom...she has let me drive to school for the past three days, and she is letting me drive tomorrow, too! This isn't really like my all. Anyway, we have a band competition tomorrow during school, I am kinda nervous though. We are having trouble with one piece, but I think we will do at least OK. I don't really have much to talk about. Next week is our Spring Break. Me and the fam are going to Florida, that should be fun. I invited Kavitha to come with us, but her 'rents said nope. I think I might survive...I always seem to have to go on vacation with no friends. All my mom's friends have daughters!! *boo hoo* Maybe I will meet a hottie and have something to do...but I doubt that will happen. I will talk to ya'll lata!!



Hey guys, sorry for not updating in so long, I have been sooo busy lately! I have a lot to tell you about, so stay with me. I got to drive to school on Monday and Tuesday! It was pretty kool. But wait, before that, on Sunday Kavitha and I went to the mall, the guy that worked at Gadzooks....OMG!! He was HOTT! OK, on Monday I had to take my dog to get her hair cut (yes, people do do this, and I am one of them). On Tuesday I went to a Mu Alpha Theta math competition, I did pretty bad. The top score was 116 and I made a 72...:( Then, yesterday I had a band sectional, that was interesting. Ohh, I guess that brings me to my wonderful day today. We had a pretty weird 6th period. They called a lock-down (where all the teachers lock their doors and nobody can come or go) in the last 10 minutes of school. Then, they rang the bell and made us evacuate the school immediately. I was really not happy because I really needed to go to my locker. I just found it to be dumb. Oh, well, there is abosolutely nothing I can do about it, so why complain? I guess that is it for the week, I'll chat at you later when something of interest happens.


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