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Megan's May Entries


Hey, I need to tell you about the smoothie guy. OMG! He was almost up there with Scott (remember the one from Disney?). Anyway, on Friday our Honors Geometry class went to Six Flags. Kavitha and I were walking in a group with a few other friends around the park. We were walking through a part of the park called Lickskillet, and we just kinda stopped in front of this smoothie stand. There wasn't a line, so the guy was just kinda standing there being bored. Kabi shouted something along the lines of ...hey, that smoothie guy's pretty cute, I think I want a smoothie now. He heard her, I was laughing pretty hard. So we migrated to the side of the stand, and stood there for a little while. After that, we just kinda mosied around the park, then after the rest of our group left us, we went back to talk to him. He gave us free smoothies! I thought it was really nice. We went back to talk a little later in the day, and he gave us a phone number and said to let him know when we were coming back. I was like koolness!! OK, so anyway, that was pretty much my trip to Six Flags over Georgia. By the way, the dude's name was Jake. OK, need to go for now, talk at ya later!!

Stella Ella AKA Meg


Hey everybody!! Yea, I know it has been forever and a year since I last updated, but nothing has really been happening. I found out over the weekend that one of my friends likes me. I like him, too, but I also like someone else. I would really rather not mention names right now, but Kavitha knows who I am talking about. This is really confusing because the other guy I like is said to be a really bad person, but he is always really sweet with me. But, the one who likes me is a doll too!! AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Man, this is one messed up story. I am so glad that we get out of school on Wednesday, that just rules. But, Jenny got out of school on Friday. She sucks. (not really but oh well) I really don't have anything else to say. Oh, yea. I think that I finally got my diary all organized and stuff, but if anyone finds a link that doesn't work, or you just want to say your opinion of the site, then put it on the guestbook, or Email Me and I will fix it. Well, I better go for now. Write at ya sometime. (probably next month)!

Egz R. Scrambled, Attorney at Law


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